Torrian Gray (Gators DB Coach) to Redskins

It's a double whammy for tranny Henderson because not only did he get played in typical gaytor lying fashion; he also just had his future development severely screwed unless jortville can find a dB coach anywhere near as technical as gray

Lulz. ******* faqqots deserve it
[MENTION=2]DMoney[/MENTION] CIS needs to interview Edwards and Henderson to get their thoughts about being blatantly deceived and lied to. Beyond the lulz, it would be great "publicity" for UF's efforts in South Florida.
Yet y'all blame the coaches. These kids looked for a reason to go and all this **** abou UM llying and here's this. See if the coaches and parents are real they'lluse this a and say how that ppiece of **** school moves but most likely they won't
True but it doesn't change the fact that Rumph screwed up with Henderson and that tough love bull****. His job is to get them in the door first, then mentor. Not the other way around.