Tim Reynolds loves canesinsight

Funniest part is that Reynolds tried to pretend like he just stumbled on the thread, like he doesn't lurk here all day crying over a bowl of chocolate swirl with fudge brownies.

Like I told him, he was being unprofessional and making it worse shouting it in twitter over and over. He made it much worse than it needed to be. We got it taken care of. The *** hat probably did more to help the site than hurt it by getting folks that didn't know about it here through his 53k followers, but it is beside the point causes the hurt cause many unseen issues.
Public records aren't hard to find. I guess I shouldn't post Timothy's property record. Is that your mom on the deed with you?
He's crying like a ***** right now. Has cited people making fun of his appearence. Anyone who gets blocked wins a prize.

Maybe he should spend less time on twitter while shoveling donuts into his fat ***, and hit the gym, and people wouldn't make fun of his pansy ***.
Reynolds looks petty, but posting Golden's address is straight-up pathetic.

Obviously, this site doesn't "permit" that and it was taken down as soon as it was seen by a Moderator. Reynolds' message is simply inaccurate and curiously inflammatory. It's expressly against the rules of the forum to post personal information.

Since Mr. Reynolds or whomever relayed him this info obviously visit the forum, he'd know that this is fast-paced and it's not practical to have every message approved before it's posted. That's not how message boards work.

Mr. Reynolds is welcome on here to discuss anything he'd like to address. We're not very hard to find. It's a free website. As for his tweets, I encourage him, as a self-proclaimed "real" journalist, to offer the entire story (meaning immediate actions taken) with the same tone and ferocity he offered the inflammatory portion.

I hope you banned whoever did it.

I would actually like to ask if you did.

If you didn't, but ban guys like bomb, I am done with this site.

Feel free to private message me with the answer if you don't want to answer it publicly. I'm no righteous moralist, but at some point I draw the line.
Reynolds looks petty, but posting Golden's address is straight-up pathetic.

Obviously, this site doesn't "permit" that and it was taken down as soon as it was seen by a Moderator. Reynolds' message is simply inaccurate and curiously inflammatory. It's expressly against the rules of the forum to post personal information.

Since Mr. Reynolds or whomever relayed him this info obviously visit the forum, he'd know that this is fast-paced and it's not practical to have every message approved before it's posted. That's not how message boards work.

Mr. Reynolds is welcome on here to discuss anything he'd like to address. We're not very hard to find. It's a free website. As for his tweets, I encourage him, as a self-proclaimed "real" journalist, to offer the entire story (meaning immediate actions taken) with the same tone and ferocity he offered the inflammatory portion.

I hope you banned whoever did it.

I would actually like to ask if you did.

If you didn't, but ban guys like bomb, I am done with this site.

Feel free to private message me with the answer if you don't want to answer it publicly. I'm no righteous moralist, but at some point I draw the line.

Bomb deserved to be banned , if for no other reason than he's a back-tracking, condescending *****.
Reynolds looks petty, but posting Golden's address is straight-up pathetic.

Obviously, this site doesn't "permit" that and it was taken down as soon as it was seen by a Moderator. Reynolds' message is simply inaccurate and curiously inflammatory. It's expressly against the rules of the forum to post personal information.

Since Mr. Reynolds or whomever relayed him this info obviously visit the forum, he'd know that this is fast-paced and it's not practical to have every message approved before it's posted. That's not how message boards work.

Mr. Reynolds is welcome on here to discuss anything he'd like to address. We're not very hard to find. It's a free website. As for his tweets, I encourage him, as a self-proclaimed "real" journalist, to offer the entire story (meaning immediate actions taken) with the same tone and ferocity he offered the inflammatory portion.

I hope you banned whoever did it.

I would actually like to ask if you did.

If you didn't, but ban guys like bomb, I am done with this site.

Feel free to private message me with the answer if you don't want to answer it publicly. I'm no righteous moralist, but at some point I draw the line.

I really don't give a **** about whoever posted Golden's address. Pretty sure people find out where coaches live regurarly.

Also **** Golden, whatever it takes imo.

Release ******* gophers in his back yard
we need to stick together

Just stay on topic and on the message. When the facts are in your favor, the other side has an incentive to divert and make it about emotions. It is a textbook move to cause a stir.

No big deal.
tweeted "maybe while you're browsing the site, you can read another scoop they beat you to. "

..anddddd blocked.
If this site is not banning people who post personal information like that, then maybe it does need to be shut down.

meant to neg your dumb ***... Its public records anyone with half a brain can look up (yes not you). The comments that followed were wrong.
ScrotumCane will be missed.


That's fine bud. I come to sites like this for intelligent football discussion, not to impact a guy's personal life.

Calling me "ScrotumCane" really says a lot about you, and about the direction this site is headed. I left grassy with D$ and Lu the day they started this site. It is sad to see what it has become.
Reynolds looks petty, but posting Golden's address is straight-up pathetic.

Obviously, this site doesn't "permit" that and it was taken down as soon as it was seen by a Moderator. Reynolds' message is simply inaccurate and curiously inflammatory. It's expressly against the rules of the forum to post personal information.

Since Mr. Reynolds or whomever relayed him this info obviously visit the forum, he'd know that this is fast-paced and it's not practical to have every message approved before it's posted. That's not how message boards work.

Mr. Reynolds is welcome on here to discuss anything he'd like to address. We're not very hard to find. It's a free website. As for his tweets, I encourage him, as a self-proclaimed "real" journalist, to offer the entire story (meaning immediate actions taken) with the same tone and ferocity he offered the inflammatory portion.

I hope you banned whoever did it.

I would actually like to ask if you did.

If you didn't, but ban guys like bomb, I am done with this site.

Feel free to private message me with the answer if you don't want to answer it publicly. I'm no righteous moralist, but at some point I draw the line.

See ya, don't let the door hit you where the good lord split ya.
ScrotumCane will be missed.


That's fine bud. I come to site's like this for intelligent football discussion, not to impact a guy's personal life.

Calling me "ScrotumCane" really says a lot about you, and about the direction this site is headed. I left grassy with D$ and Lu the day they started this site. It is sad to see what it has become.

Nutsakcane better?
Tim Reynolds is a rotund, untalented hack that has no business writing about anything. The guy knows **** about sports and is a condescending ****** to Miami fans. He's also a golden girl and defends Golden every chance he gets.

**** him and his fake *** outrage over the address incident.
Surprised I haven't been blocked by Reynolds yet. I call him out for something almost daily
ScrotumCane will be missed.


That's fine bud. I come to site's like this for intelligent football discussion, not to impact a guy's personal life.

Calling me "ScrotumCane" really says a lot about you, and about the direction this site is headed. I left grassy with D$ and Lu the day they started this site. It is sad to see what it has become.

Get off your high horse. Golden is a public figure, whether you or he like it or not. "Personal life." That fat dipschitt may have a personal life, but he's also getting paid some big bucks as a public figurehead. So what if someone finds out where his residence is? Big whoop. Placing "For Sale" signs in coaches yards is a football tradition that goes back decades longer than the day you left Grassy and came here.

You want intelligent football discussion, there's a wealth of it here.

And exactly what makes you think I was talking about you when I said, "ScrotumCane?" You feel it, or are you just guessing?

Unless you ARE ScrotumCane.
Reynolds looks petty, but posting Golden's address is straight-up pathetic.

Obviously, this site doesn't "permit" that and it was taken down as soon as it was seen by a Moderator. Reynolds' message is simply inaccurate and curiously inflammatory. It's expressly against the rules of the forum to post personal information.

Since Mr. Reynolds or whomever relayed him this info obviously visit the forum, he'd know that this is fast-paced and it's not practical to have every message approved before it's posted. That's not how message boards work.

Mr. Reynolds is welcome on here to discuss anything he'd like to address. We're not very hard to find. It's a free website. As for his tweets, I encourage him, as a self-proclaimed "real" journalist, to offer the entire story (meaning immediate actions taken) with the same tone and ferocity he offered the inflammatory portion.

I hope you banned whoever did it.

I would actually like to ask if you did.

If you didn't, but ban guys like bomb, I am done with this site.

Feel free to private message me with the answer if you don't want to answer it publicly. I'm no righteous moralist, but at some point I draw the line.

Please be done with this site.
Reynolds looks petty, but posting Golden's address is straight-up pathetic.

Obviously, this site doesn't "permit" that and it was taken down as soon as it was seen by a Moderator. Reynolds' message is simply inaccurate and curiously inflammatory. It's expressly against the rules of the forum to post personal information.

Since Mr. Reynolds or whomever relayed him this info obviously visit the forum, he'd know that this is fast-paced and it's not practical to have every message approved before it's posted. That's not how message boards work.

Mr. Reynolds is welcome on here to discuss anything he'd like to address. We're not very hard to find. It's a free website. As for his tweets, I encourage him, as a self-proclaimed "real" journalist, to offer the entire story (meaning immediate actions taken) with the same tone and ferocity he offered the inflammatory portion.

I hope you banned whoever did it.

I would actually like to ask if you did.

If you didn't, but ban guys like bomb, I am done with this site.

Feel free to private message me with the answer if you don't want to answer it publicly. I'm no righteous moralist, but at some point I draw the line.

Bomb deserved to be banned , if for no other reason than he's a back-tracking, condescending *****.

He is still here just under a different login.
Reynolds looks petty, but posting Golden's address is straight-up pathetic.

Obviously, this site doesn't "permit" that and it was taken down as soon as it was seen by a Moderator. Reynolds' message is simply inaccurate and curiously inflammatory. It's expressly against the rules of the forum to post personal information.

Since Mr. Reynolds or whomever relayed him this info obviously visit the forum, he'd know that this is fast-paced and it's not practical to have every message approved before it's posted. That's not how message boards work.

Mr. Reynolds is welcome on here to discuss anything he'd like to address. We're not very hard to find. It's a free website. As for his tweets, I encourage him, as a self-proclaimed "real" journalist, to offer the entire story (meaning immediate actions taken) with the same tone and ferocity he offered the inflammatory portion.

I hope you banned whoever did it.

I would actually like to ask if you did.

If you didn't, but ban guys like bomb, I am done with this site.

Feel free to private message me with the answer if you don't want to answer it publicly. I'm no righteous moralist, but at some point I draw the line.
LOL. This guy takes himself and the interwebz too seriously. Get a hold of yourself, you're not as important as you think you are.

The Mods on this site do a very good job moderating this site.