Thoughts from seeing the game live

I'm going to chop some this up and respond to a few parts.

I’ll take 5-1. Most teams would. Am I saying Manny’s the guy? Of course not. Last year was one of the worst seasons in Canes history. There’s a lot of ground to make up. But we asked for a modern offense and consistent wins against inferior ACC teams. So far, we’ve gotten what we’ve asked for.

The real test is November. That's where Miami seasons go to die. The first step is beating the bye week. That's been one of Manny's toughest opponents.

I've been saying this for weeks...but 5-1 is nice, but you can't tell much of anything from this team. We basically had the best of our 2019 season all front loaded in 2020 (same wins in 2020 v. 2019) and the results, even with a better offense, seem awfully similar.

I think there is one positive to take here...that Miami, despite this being some gimmes, didn't blow it. Previous incarnations of Miami football lose at least one of these previous two games...some of them would have lost both and the season would have unraveled. But, I am on high alert for the rest of the season. It could go south quickly...Manny Diaz needs to have the best two weeks of coaching in his life. Bye Week v. an NC State team we should beat with an emerging QB? I've seen this story before. All on Manny to give it a different ending. You're a corch until you are not.

- Happy to see Harley step up. This is what I expected out of camp. He's nowhere near a #1 but he is the best receiver on this team. Pope is still not there but is moving in the right direction. Wiggins has no confidence and is a liability right now.

I feel we are about to see Mike Harley officially breakout. He was our second best receiver last year and was all set to breakout before that miserable start. It seems he is back on track and is one score away from being an official breakout candidate.

Currently has a 23% marketshare of catches, 24% marketshare of yards (dingdingding), and 17% marketshare of receiving touchdowns.

Starting to think Dee Wiggins just won't get it and he should be ceding most of his snaps to Redding and Smith once they return.

After so much ballyhoo, I think I'm slotting Payton in the Mark Pope bin of overrated and not as good as everyone thought.

- Jaelen Phillips lacks a plan as a rusher. He is all effort and explosive power, like a young Olivier Vernon. The pass rush has been an overall disappointment and needs to get going down the stretch. We miss those Rousseau-at-DT alignments that everyone complained about. The team's sack percentage has dropped from 11.03% (2nd in nation) to 6.10%.

Great comparison.

I made the same point last week. We are missing Rousseau far more than anyone wants to admit. We're still getting in the backfield, but we aren't finishing with sacks. Disruption is production, and we're disrupting, but we're not finishing.


Overall, I am not sure what to make of this team. Offense and special teams are clearly exponentially better than a year before...and the defense has taken a step back, but not dramatically so...we're still a Top 25 defense...but the results on the field aren't reflective of those improvements and this season so far feels a lot like some of the same 'ol. NC State game should be very telling about this team.
I'm going to chop some this up and respond to a few parts.

I've been saying this for weeks...but 5-1 is nice, but you can't tell much of anything from this team. We basically had the best of our 2019 season all front loaded in 2020 (same wins in 2020 v. 2019) and the results, even with a better offense, seem awfully similar.

I think there is one positive to take here...that Miami, despite this being some gimmes, didn't blow it. Previous incarnations of Miami football lose at least one of these previous two games...some of them would have lost both and the season would have unraveled. But, I am on high alert for the rest of the season. It could go south quickly...Manny Diaz needs to have the best two weeks of coaching in his life. Bye Week v. an NC State team we should beat with an emerging QB? I've seen this story before. All on Manny to give it a different ending. You're a corch until you are not.

I feel we are about to see Mike Harley officially breakout. He was our second best receiver last year and was all set to breakout before that miserable start. It seems he is back on track and is one score away from being an official breakout candidate.

Currently has a 23% marketshare of catches, 24% marketshare of yards (dingdingding), and 17% marketshare of receiving touchdowns.

Starting to think Dee Wiggins just won't get it and he should be ceding most of his snaps to Redding and Smith once they return.

After so much ballyhoo, I think I'm slotting Payton in the Mark Pope bin of overrated and not as good as everyone thought.

Great comparison.

I made the same point last week. We are missing Rousseau far more than anyone wants to admit. We're still getting in the backfield, but we aren't finishing with sacks. Disruption is production, and we're disrupting, but we're not finishing.


Overall, I am not sure what to make of this team. Offense and special teams are clearly exponentially better than a year before...and the defense has taken a step back, but not dramatically so...we're still a Top 25 defense...but the results on the field aren't reflective of those improvements and this season so far feels a lot like some of the same 'ol. NC State game should be very telling about this team.
I think it comes down to mental toughness. We seem to make the most inexplicable lapses at the most inopportune times. And it's not just one individuals, it's scattered amongst the roster and staff. We don't know how to behave as winners. Witness Manny's slip'n'slide.
Agree with you guys who think something is off with King. I could swear, first 3 games, he was more instinctual, processing quicker, getting the ball out quicker. Last 3, he looks slower and almost like he's thinking too much. I get Clemson and Pitt are near the top of the defensive rankings this year, that has something to do with it, but that doesn't explain UVA.
Both parts. We don't have lots of highly drafted or productive players, lately.
They don’t get drafted highly but I’m pretty sure that it’s been discussed on here that NFL scouts like our players in the sense that they get better than their draft spot value for them because of poor development from our coaching.
This team needs a lot of work. Tonight felt like the last two UVA slogs. We were lucky to win. UVA blew a pick-6 on a screen and committed several bailout penalties. Another performance like that is likely a loss.

But we aren't the 2002 Canes sleepwalking against Rutgers. This team isn’t good enough for fans to take wins for granted. There are four teams that should expect a blow out every game. We aren’t one of them.

I’ll take 5-1. Most teams would. Am I saying Manny’s the guy? Of course not. Last year was one of the worst seasons in Canes history. There’s a lot of ground to make up. But we asked for a modern offense and consistent wins against inferior ACC teams. So far, we’ve gotten what we’ve asked for.

The real test is November. That's where Miami seasons go to die. The first step is beating the bye week. That's been one of Manny's toughest opponents.

On to the specifics of the game.

- One of our problems on the OL is that we have three centers on the interior. Scaife lacks the anchor strength of a guard. He is someone who can play a solid T in college and is best long-term as a C. That was his evaluation out of high school and remains true today. Donaldson should be motivated to get his body right because he has a huge role waiting for him. Jalen Rivers also shuffled in on a 4th down play (it was aborted because of a bad sub) and may be more of a factor going forward.

- With that said, our OL was not that bad pass blocking. King had some nice pockets, even when Virginia brought pressure. Some of the busted plays were due to coverage or King not making quick enough decisions.

- The run game is a different story, as there is both a lack of push and a lack of imagination. This bye week is a good time to add some wrinkles there.

- Something is definitely up with King's running. He is either hurt or protecting himself. It's not only the read-option. From the stadium view, there was a ton of green grass on those scrambles if King takes off earlier. He's still an excellent college QB (322 yards, 70% in the air) but he's not going to win out without the running element of his game.

- Happy to see Harley step up. This is what I expected out of camp. He's nowhere near a #1 but he is the best receiver on this team. Pope is still not there but is moving in the right direction. Wiggins has no confidence and is a liability right now.

- This offense lacks a run-after-the-catch WR. Lashlee's offense works much better when he has a playmaker on those quick screens. Hopefully that is solved with the '21 class. When Brevin comes back, I would have him and Mallory running those plays on the same side. They are our two best RAC guys and our two best perimeter blockers.

- Jaelen Phillips lacks a plan as a rusher. He is all effort and explosive power, like a young Olivier Vernon. The pass rush has been an overall disappointment and needs to get going down the stretch. We miss those Rousseau-at-DT alignments that everyone complained about. The team's sack percentage has dropped from 11.03% (2nd in nation) to 6.10%.

- Virginia is not good, but they are better than 1-4 with Armstrong at QB. This reminded me of the Clemson/UVA game with UVA's veteran OL slowing down a more athletic front. Clemson won by 13 more points, which reflects the current gap between the two programs.

- Gilbert Frierson is one of the smartest players we've had in a while. He made a key third-down stop early in the 3rd when UVA brought #99 across the formation and Frierson sniffed it out the whole way. He also played safety in the second half with zero college experience just to help the team. I would give him a gold star if not for his poor tackling on #13's long catch-and-run. He grabbed at the waist like a sixth-grade slow dance. Overall, we need to clean up our tackling technique when runs reach the third level. It hurt us against Clemson and UVA.

- Don Chaney's TD was an example of a superior talent imposing his will. People have been forecasting a Chaney growth spurt for years (his dad is 6'6, 350) and now we've seen it. He looks like Todd Gurley. This is the biggest reason for optimism: Miami is starting to land elite-tier physical talents like Chaney, James Williams and Leonard Taylor instead of letting them leave home.

- Charles Snowden was the best defensive player on the field. A lot of his plays were superior individual efforts. Glad he's gone.

- The defense made two inexcusable mental errors on the drive to make it 19-14. Steed was barely lined up for Armstrong's long 4th down run and got stuck in no-man's land. Blades fell asleep on the long TD, and from the stands you could see he lacked urgency before the snap. Virginia, on the other hand, was very aware in taking away plays (like the 2-point conversion) and generally had better energy.

- I didn't love Manny's demeanor after the game. Relief is fine because it is hard to win. But there was an effort issue in the first half and a focus issue on UVA's last TD drive. Those habits need to be called out and corrected. Is he just building up a 6-7’s team’s confidence, or is he too nice?

- The key drive was the 13-play drive that resulted in a FG. I think we pull away if that's a TD. Instead, it was a FG and the game was a struggle to the end. Lashlee had a tough decision: do you ride the hot hand with Chaney or use his threat to set something up? He's going to need to thoroughly evaluate his red zone offense during the bye week.

- Overall, it's a good week for a bye. Get guys back from COVID, make some adjustments offensively and heal up. It's a good thing us fans are still emotionally invested and frustrated. That means the games still matter.

D - i've said it in every game thread this of my biggest issues with Manny is his demeanor, his lack of action, emotion, anything.

It truly feels like he wants to be liked so much that he doesn't want to ever be the bad guy (always got the same feel from Banda wanting to be the fun uncle, which is why he's scored some wins on the trail). He doesn't yell at the refs like for lack of holding calls or other bad calls. He doesn't yank guys for bonehead plays or get on them for lack of effort on the field. He doesn't show any emotion on the sidelines during games. Everything he says is coach speak.

IMO, to be successful you need to be a coach who's incredibly respected/feared that guys know they will be held accountable with PT or chewed out......or loved so much by players that they would run through a wall for him in order to not disappoint. Even then, they need to know they'll be held accountable because too many will take the easy road and work less when given that option. Players need to know you're working just as hard to make them better in every way possible.....tough practices, working the refs, film work, weight room, everything.
And that's the problem.

You'd think after this game they'd be better served if they had other things on their mind than a momentary chuckle following a near loss. They'd remember the satisfaction of having a successful season following the 6-7 abortion a lot longer.

Did you ever play?

Seems you're caught up in something silly looking to **** on that one moment.

You win a close game, you're happy. You win a game in that weather, you're happy as bad weather games don't often go as planned.

This team is aware of last season. That's also another reason to be happy, we would've likely lost last year.

Guy saw that and took a slide. So what? We've got two weeks to heal up and put in the work.

5-1 to start the season, not always pretty in how we won, that's a good place to be in. As you said, 6-7 last year, we've improved. Again, work to be done, but gawd forbid someone actually have a fun moment. Tragedy I tell you.
This team needs a lot of work. Tonight felt like the last two UVA slogs. We were lucky to win. UVA blew a pick-6 on a screen and committed several bailout penalties. Another performance like that is likely a loss.

But we aren't the 2002 Canes sleepwalking against Rutgers. This team isn’t good enough for fans to take wins for granted. There are four teams that should expect a blow out every game. We aren’t one of them.

I’ll take 5-1. Most teams would. Am I saying Manny’s the guy? Of course not. Last year was one of the worst seasons in Canes history. There’s a lot of ground to make up. But we asked for a modern offense and consistent wins against inferior ACC teams. So far, we’ve gotten what we’ve asked for.

The real test is November. That's where Miami seasons go to die. The first step is beating the bye week. That's been one of Manny's toughest opponents.

On to the specifics of the game.

- One of our problems on the OL is that we have three centers on the interior. Scaife lacks the anchor strength of a guard. He is someone who can play a solid T in college and is best long-term as a C. That was his evaluation out of high school and remains true today. Donaldson should be motivated to get his body right because he has a huge role waiting for him. Jalen Rivers also shuffled in on a 4th down play (it was aborted because of a bad sub) and may be more of a factor going forward.

- With that said, our OL was not that bad pass blocking. King had some nice pockets, even when Virginia brought pressure. Some of the busted plays were due to coverage or King not making quick enough decisions.

- The run game is a different story, as there is both a lack of push and a lack of imagination. This bye week is a good time to add some wrinkles there.

- Something is definitely up with King's running. He is either hurt or protecting himself. It's not only the read-option. From the stadium view, there was a ton of green grass on those scrambles if King takes off earlier. He's still an excellent college QB (322 yards, 70% in the air) but he's not going to win out without the running element of his game.

- Happy to see Harley step up. This is what I expected out of camp. He's nowhere near a #1 but he is the best receiver on this team. Pope is still not there but is moving in the right direction. Wiggins has no confidence and is a liability right now.

- This offense lacks a run-after-the-catch WR. Lashlee's offense works much better when he has a playmaker on those quick screens. Hopefully that is solved with the '21 class. When Brevin comes back, I would have him and Mallory running those plays on the same side. They are our two best RAC guys and our two best perimeter blockers.

- Jaelen Phillips lacks a plan as a rusher. He is all effort and explosive power, like a young Olivier Vernon. The pass rush has been an overall disappointment and needs to get going down the stretch. We miss those Rousseau-at-DT alignments that everyone complained about. The team's sack percentage has dropped from 11.03% (2nd in nation) to 6.10%.

- Virginia is not good, but they are better than 1-4 with Armstrong at QB. This reminded me of the Clemson/UVA game with UVA's veteran OL slowing down a more athletic front. Clemson won by 13 more points, which reflects the current gap between the two programs.

- Gilbert Frierson is one of the smartest players we've had in a while. He made a key third-down stop early in the 3rd when UVA brought #99 across the formation and Frierson sniffed it out the whole way. He also played safety in the second half with zero college experience just to help the team. I would give him a gold star if not for his poor tackling on #13's long catch-and-run. He grabbed at the waist like a sixth-grade slow dance. Overall, we need to clean up our tackling technique when runs reach the third level. It hurt us against Clemson and UVA.

- Don Chaney's TD was an example of a superior talent imposing his will. People have been forecasting a Chaney growth spurt for years (his dad is 6'6, 350) and now we've seen it. He looks like Todd Gurley. This is the biggest reason for optimism: Miami is starting to land elite-tier physical talents like Chaney, James Williams and Leonard Taylor instead of letting them leave home.

- Charles Snowden was the best defensive player on the field. A lot of his plays were superior individual efforts. Glad he's gone.

- The defense made two inexcusable mental errors on the drive to make it 19-14. Steed was barely lined up for Armstrong's long 4th down run and got stuck in no-man's land. Blades fell asleep on the long TD, and from the stands you could see he lacked urgency before the snap. Virginia, on the other hand, was very aware in taking away plays (like the 2-point conversion) and generally had better energy.

- I didn't love Manny's demeanor after the game. Relief is fine because it is hard to win. But there was an effort issue in the first half and a focus issue on UVA's last TD drive. Those habits need to be called out and corrected. Is he just building up a 6-7’s team’s confidence, or is he too nice?

- The key drive was the 13-play drive that resulted in a FG. I think we pull away if that's a TD. Instead, it was a FG and the game was a struggle to the end. Lashlee had a tough decision: do you ride the hot hand with Chaney or use his threat to set something up? He's going to need to thoroughly evaluate his red zone offense during the bye week.

- Overall, it's a good week for a bye. Get guys back from COVID, make some adjustments offensively and heal up. It's a good thing us fans are still emotionally invested and frustrated. That means the games still matter.
Still more negatives than positives. We just aren't a good team and Manny is too nice. I agree King definitely is scared to run more or hurt. No excuses sometimes they DE crash so hard he literally could run around the corner and get 10 yards. Maybe have N'kosi come in and do just that and run. I'm glad you finally admitted what we all see. The pass rush lost its mustard and Phillips needs move. Sad that he doesn't have any go-to moves yet.
None of the dlineman seem to get taught any pass rush moves, just try to get upfield. Every dline we sent to league is evaluated as no pass rush move and seem to washout quickly
So stroud can recruit, but can't develop one pass rush move. Let's hire Let'sMeetAttheQB back and then we just keep stroud here to recruit.
King might not be healthy but he has been hesitant all year to take off and run, he also hasnt been good on his RPO reads and when to keep the zone read unless they are all handoffs
So....why was Burns in on the last drive? He's been fine this year, but he's our 4th best RB. Just weird that his only playing time came when we absolutely needed yards and first downs.
Because Manny reads the boards... come on now, CIS can’t take credit for him making adjustments at LB and WR and forget this place was demanding Burns get more carries...

could also not be because Harris got sat for acting out.. because for that to be true a coach would have to be imposing discipline, which this staff does not do, because they listed co-starters at WR and something about a slip n slide...
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Don Chaney is our best running back on the team... he is like a combination of Robert Burns in terms of power and Jaylon Knighton in terms of speed. I maybe off but he looks like he has more lateral quickness / agility than Knighton. He has the potential to be the best UM running back since McGahee.

I take Burns over Harris
Because Manny reads the boards... come on now, CIS can’t take credit for him making adjustments at LB and WR and forget this place was demanding Burns get more carries...

could also not be because Harris got sat for acting out.. because for that to be true a coach would have to be imposing discipline, which this staff does not do, because they listed co-starters at WR and something about a slip n slide...
maybe during the flow of the game, not come in cold on last series with game hanging in balance toting the rock in driving rain..
Guess you haven’t seen the slip N slide pic

That was a really bad choice. At the same time, he had just dodged a major bullet, a disastrous loss, so maybe he momentarily lost his sense of judgement, but it was definitely not a a good look from my perspective.

What’s important is what he does from here. I’ve been saying all along, it will be his full body of work this year that will be the final determinant.
maybe during the flow of the game, not come in cold on last series with game hanging in balance toting the rock in driving rain..
Maybe he had the driest hands... or fresh legs or isn’t known to fumble... he’s not the water boy, he’s a player that injuries have kept from getting more carries... and I think he played special teams so it’s not like he was a pinch hitter coming in completely cold.