The Turning Point

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Don’t see it happening & don’t get the post. Just keep battling, & keep getting better players. Start coaching smarter too.
Sure, and Coker was 100% responsible for that championship too.
No he wasn't at all. Butch was 100% responsible for that NC...Butch was responsible for EVERYTHING good from 95-2004....once his kids left in 2004, everything after, wasn't his responsibility anymore...Period.
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Everyone looks at that 98' UCLA game as a turning point. I just think it was Edge's game putting the nation on notice just how good he was.

We went 9-4 in 99 and were down big late to BC and down 2 scores to WVU but pulled them out. I think we beat 4-5 teams with losing records and even that OSU team ended up pretty average. 1999 Had some growing pains still but 2000 was "Miami is back." Fsu 2000 feels like the turning point/turning the corner game for that Dynasty that broke their win streak and turned a ton of heads. Based off early results this season would be closer to 1997 with the hopes that we figure things out and win 8ish games.

but like some have mentiond hopefully a win like that starts a rally. But even a W and I'm prepared for a rollercoaster still.
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It’s just in perspective. He’s not talking about turning the corner to being back. He’s talking about turning the corner from the bottom of the toilet bowl to the waterline.
I would reply to this...but I'd probably be thrown into CIS's Penitentiary for the umpteenth time...
We are already in the toilet. Beating UNC just gets our heads to rim level.
:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:. I somewhat agree..... but all of our goals are still in front of us (****, I sound like a coach :ROFLMAO: )... well except getting to the playoffs. If we win this game, we can get some momentum going deeper into ACC season. We're not in the shytter just yet.... even though our offense seems to be. We lose, and this thing can get ugly.
No he wasn't at all. Butch was 100% responsible for that NC...Butch was responsible for EVERYTHING good from 95-2004....once his kids left in 2004, everything after wasn't his responsibility anymore...Period.
I would reply to this...but I'd probably be thrown into CIS's Penitentiary for the umpteenth time...
Why??? You don’t have to reply with insults and things like that. We get what you mean by turning the corner as a program by beating everyone we’re supposed to and then the Clemson class. He’s simply saying if we beat UNC, after losing to MTSU, then hopefully the worst is behind us.
This win is important because this is where the win streak starts. Win 3 ACC games in a row and the mood of the board changes. Those who are committed to slamming Mario will still find flaw in his manner of victory his stoicism, etc. That will never change.

But the rest of us will feel like the ship is righted. There is still so much to play for and starting out 1-0 in the ACC is paramount. Getting this UNC monkey off our back is important too.
Everyone looks at that 98' UCLA game as a turning point. I just think it was Edge's game putting the nation on notice just how good he was.

We went 9-4 in 99 and were down big late to BC and down 2 scores to WVU but pulled them out. I think we beat 4-5 teams with losing records and even that OSU team ended up pretty average. 1999 Had some growing pains still but 2000 was "Miami is back." Fsu 2000 feels like the turning point/turning the corner game for that Dynasty that broke their win streak and turned a ton of heads. Based off early results this season would be closer to 1997 with the hopes that we figure things out and win 8ish games.
The outcome of the 99 game vs Penn St was BS...THAT'S the game (even though we lost) that should have been the so-called turning point. James Jackson EASILY had the 1st down...not even close. If we had instant replay, the call would've been overturned. We would've been 10-2 and played in a New Yrs Bowl game...but if it's any consolation, we beat Joe Hamilton and GT, who had the Nation's #1 offense.
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Sorry....I don't think like that.
Yeah I know... It's hard to think that way, when you're used to a certain way. You're an old time Cane, who remembers the days of competing for nattys, or bust. Fucc a division or conference title.... we're either playing for it all, or the season was just "meh". I'm right there with you, bruh. That's who we were. That's who our TEAM was. Its baked in our DNA to be confident, brash, some may say even ****y, arrogant, and rude, lol. We were breastfed on the success on the field. Truthfully and sadly, that's not where we're our team is at right now.
Then Foote was 100% responsible as well since he left after Butch. End of discussion.
You can't be this dumb....Foote had NOTHING to do with Butch's hiring, or success from 95-2000...He didn't ever want Butch, nor did he give af about UM sports...It was without Question BOT Chairman Leonard Miller who was the REAL reason Butch was hired in 95....Not Foote, nor AD Paul Dee....Please stop before I further embarrass you.
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Moral victories suck.

I want to see some dudes who are ****ed off and angry. I want chippyness , I'll even tolerate a couple of personal foul penalties.

Show me some fight and that you were embarrassed about last week and that you care and start playing for each other. Rep the U the right way.
Yes I want to see an entire coaching staff and team that took last game personally

UNC is a team that should inspire hate from us anyway

If we come out uninspired against them, this season is lost
I don't even know why some of you are fans. It can't be good for your health.

Getting on people for being hopeful/optimistic/excited about Saturday....What are the alternatives? To think the team sucks, will never be good, even if they win who cares, yet show up to an internet message board and talk about it day in and day out? If you genuinely don't think beating UNC matters and it won't make you feel better then stop being a fan and stop posting on this board.
You can't be this dumb....Foote had NOTHING to do with Butch's success from 95-2000...He didn't ever want Butch, nor did he give af about UM sports...It was without Question BOT Chairman Leonard Miller who was the REAL reason Butch was hired in 95....Not Foote, nor AD Paul Dee....Please stop before I further embarrass you.
I assure you I'm every bit that dumb and then some.

Are you under the impression I'm saying Foote actually had anything to do with football? All I did was say they happened under Foote's tenure with his employees and players.
You can't be this dumb....Foote had NOTHING to do with Butch's hiring, or success from 95-2000...He didn't ever want Butch, nor did he give af about UM sports...It was without Question BOT Chairman Leonard Miller who was the REAL reason Butch was hired in 95....Not Foote, nor AD Paul Dee....Please stop before I further embarrass you.
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