The onside kick

Funny thing is if we recover the kick score a TD and go on to win, everyone is praising Richt for his gutsy calls the last two games and the narrative is totally different.

The thing is you can't fluke into some good **** if you're garbage at it... The Defense is elite and bc of how elite they are, they get awarded w/ sacks, interceptions, fumbles and the #1 Defense in the country to show for it.

The offense is bad so even w/ all the elite talent on offense, the result's are still bad.

Special Team's is a nuclear waste disaster clusterfck... so the results were definitely not EVER going to be us recovering the onside kick and taking it to the house. The fact that the opposite almost happened for the 2nd year in a row is hard to even comprehend but just proves my point that if you're trash the results are going to be trash.
A lot of people are poopoo-ing the 15 yards like it's no big deal. 15 yards in this game with this offense was A BIG DEAL. No matter how you slice it our offense was going to have to move the ball into field goal range or better yet score a td. That was the biggest obstacle between us and victory. If I'm coach, I'm doing everything possible to help my offense in that situation. Imagine starting at our 40 instead of our 25 on the last drive. I think that's a big deal. I wouldn't give up that field position for a very low odds onsides kick.

The percentages probably look like this:

Onsides kick:
10% chance recover
15% chance UVA runs out clock
75% chance our ball at average field position of our own 25 yard line.

Kick deep:
15% chance UVA runs out clock
85% chance our ball at average field position of our own 40 yard line.

Given these odds, I'm kicking deep every time.
Our Special Team's is the worst in the history of D1 cfb and I'm not exaggerating... so any idea's to do something cute w/ that unit is automatically a bad call.
How is that cute? There were three min left, we’re losing and the opportunity cost was very high because of the penalty, yes the worst possible outcome happened but the outcome has no bearing on whether or not it was the right decision, always double down on ten