The OC Candidates Thread

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Have to take multiple factors into account. Candle bet on himself last offseason and it didn’t really pay off. The AD who is there now is not the AD who hired him. Lower buyout, lower salary… kinda makes sense.

Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Toledo won the MAC championship and then finished the season with a big bowl win over Liberty. How does that not pay off?
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Toledo won the MAC championship and then finished the season with a big bowl win over Liberty. How does that not pay off?
Think about it. Most incoming ADs want the glory of hiring "their" guy to show his/her ability of hiring successful coaches. Not that I agree with that method, but we're talking ppl with huge it definitely makes sense.

Sounding like we're down to Frost-Ludwig-Candle. I think the Buzz Lightyear post by DSmith was to throw everyone off the scent because if continuity is desired, sounds like Candle as OC/QBC and Beard as WRC would make all the sense in the world.
What Are You Doing Wtf GIF by Justin

deandre jordan wtf GIF

You don't like candles lol
There are Bama fans that aren't "happy" with Saban being the coach. Every fanbase has unsatisfied ppl. But I think alot of ppl confuse pointing out facts with being negative.
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