The incompetence continues / practice fields

The fields being in horrible condition was something that was mentioned in the Al Golden lawsuit.

Top to bottom we are a joke

golden wasnt coaching here when the fields got replaced last year. this field was brand new
So none of the coaches or players mentioned one time all season something is wrong with the fields but they're not up to 49ers standards..... Keep in mind NFL players are frequent at U and zero mentions of field issues
sounds like the billboard guy is also in charge of the practice field. good job conning the NFL team for new turf. saved the university money.
So none of the coaches or players mentioned one time all season something is wrong with the fields but they're not up to 49ers standards..... Keep in mind NFL players are frequent at U and zero mentions of field issues

the way it sounds is that the NFL wanted brand new fields. the fields miami had were a year old but went through a season of usage. prolly to avoid even a minor injury or even a slim chance at it, they likely wanted it brand new. the fins replaced HRS fields right after the OB game for the super bowl.
so the story is the canes felt their field was safe. NFL didnt agree. in the end, it worked out
Exactly. Non issue. People need to stop whining about everything. Our fans who are supposed to defend the program take every chance to rip the school. Look at the bright side. The nfl replaced our field and now we don’t have an unsuitable field whatever that means
Another example of being run like a mom and pop organization..

Inviting someone to your house and its deemed unsafe but wanting them to pay for it is as backwards as it gets.. not surprised tho..

Par the course
Same fan base that RIGHTLY complained when Graig Cooper tore up his knee on the terrible "brand new" turf in the Citrus Bowl.
Good, we got the 49ers to put in a new field. Probably no doubt Greentree fields need to recover after being practiced on nonstop from late July to mid-December. Fields need to be ready for spring ball. NFL is not our concern unless they are paying us.
Only problem with that would be greentree wasnt ready till late august for practice cause work was being done. That's why we practiced inside all spring.

now ain't that some ****. All Twitter peeps should make this noticeable to some board of directors' accounts. This could be a blessing in disguise. Get Blake out of here...
Not just blake some of those ivy league imbreeders that make decisions above him as well.
Here's more detail in the story:

From the Herald:

“When the San Francisco 49ers and Green Bay Packers visited [UM] ahead of the NFL Championship Game for a site visit,’’ the story said, there was one problem: Both potential Super Bowl LIV participants deemed the practice surface unsuitable, sources say...

“The field was deemed unsafe in accordance with NFL standards,’’ the report said, with NFL officials agreeing “with the initial sentiments” after testing.
49ers officials, along with Miami and the NFL “and other interested parties,” including “local officials,” eventually “struck a deal to replace the field under certain agreed-upon circumstances, meaning San Francisco didn’t need to relocated its entire operation elsewhere...

“At this point, local officials got involved and the resolution was reached: The field would be replaced and if The U didn’t like it later, they could have it replaced to their liking.’’any field changes were “at the 49ers expense’’
They can shoot up heroin & throw away the needles on sidewalks outside of stadium but Bermuda grass & plastic straws is where they draw the line! Lol. Can’t make this up.
Gentlemen, this program is run on the cheap. The University are pocketing ACC checks and padding their bank accounts. The ACC should sue the school for fraud and impersonating a competent football program. They have no intention of reinvesting the money and improving the product on the field. I have moved on from this disaster of a program. No competent, top notch coach will come here and deal with people that could care less and support the staff in producing a winning team.
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