The incompetence continues / practice fields

So the 49ers threatened to move. Where were they going? I assume the Chiefs already had Nova Southeastern locked down considering that's the Dolphins practice facility?
So the 49ers threatened to move. Where were they going? I assume the Chiefs already had Nova Southeastern locked down considering that's the Dolphins practice facility?

they looked around. saw those facilities and said **** it, well pay for the fields lol
So none of the coaches or players mentioned one time all season something is wrong with the fields but they're not up to 49ers standards..... Keep in mind NFL players are frequent at U and zero mentions of field issues

NFL players are rarely utilizing the field to work out on. Be smarter.
You’re a numbers guy. I’m pretty sure, statistically speaking, UM suffers no more injuries than any other football programs averaged out over the last few years. But if someone is willing to show me some data that says otherwise, I would look at it with an open mind.

Not liking the field is one thing. A field causing disproportionate injuries, people better have data on that, before they go making those types of claims. It seems that there are some cognitive biases at play.

It would probably be specific injuries to an area, not number of injuries.

There are conflicting stories that no college maintains a “Super Bowl Ready” practice field. I am not sure what to believe, but it does seem like an NFL team would know that a college does not maintain that quality before deciding to practice there.
If you come to my house and you dont like what I cooked you got two options. Leave or order something else.

Sure. Because "coming to your house" and "paying to use practice facilities for a week" are identical situations that call for identical reactions.

Also, I'm not sure that you really thought about that second option carefully. The NFL actually DID order something else.
Sure. Because "coming to your house" and "paying to use practice facilities for a week" are identical situations that call for identical reactions.

Also, I'm not sure that you really thought about that second option carefully. The NFL actually DID order something else.

Congrats to the NFL if you want something extra order it.
They did. And then Blake pitched a fit because he liked his grass better.

He should. Zero complaints all year about the field from players, ex players, team media etc. NFL doesn't like the fields buy new ones. You had weeks if not months to have the field you wanted and you wait a week before the SB
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