The incompetence continues / practice fields

lmoa. 17 year olds will not sit there and do a dive into google to find the story. if it isnt on their feed, on a home page of their favorite sports sites, then wont care. i think you care more than 16-18 year old does right now. im glad it fell off the map once 7-8 pm hit last night.

Yeah, that's the only way that anyone will ever be able to read or hear about this story, if it's on a home page.

Rival coaches know how to save things.

Oh, but that "boomer" thing was a sick burn. You are so hip.
That's feedback I've gotten from others over the past year as well. Some people around the program don't like the practice field.

You’re a numbers guy. I’m pretty sure, statistically speaking, UM suffers no more injuries than any other football programs averaged out over the last few years. But if someone is willing to show me some data that says otherwise, I would look at it with an open mind.

Not liking the field is one thing. A field causing disproportionate injuries, people better have data on that, before they go making those types of claims. It seems that there are some cognitive biases at play.
You’re a numbers guy. I’m pretty sure, statistically speaking, UM suffers no more injuries than any other football programs averaged out over the last few years. But if someone is willing to show me some data that says otherwise, I would look at it with an open mind.

Not liking the field is one thing. A field causing disproportionate injuries, people better have data on that, before they go making those types of claims. It seems that there are some cognitive biases at play.

"People better have data"?

I realize our football players aren't super-skilled in regression analysis, but I trust their impressions over any charts and graphs.
Another one of the Hecht apologists. 88 posts in 9 years, and you blew one of them defending Blake.

The issue is NOT the re-sod. If the negotiations had been handled quietly and Blake had acted like "how can I be of assistance today", then we could justifiably brag about having soaked the NFL for $100K.


Instead, Beta Blake had to act like he was so attached to his precious grass that he could not possibly do anything. And it is THIS behavior that will be used against us in the future.

Assuming that the Hecht apologists are correct, and that the NFL routinely re-sods fields prior to Super Bowls, then HOW IS IT that we are the ONE FACILITY that fights the NFL and makes ourselves look like buffoons?

Show me all the other articles about all the other Super Bowl practice facilities over the past decade that REFUSED to re-sod for safety purposes.

Google all those articles. I'll wait.

Why do you comment on my post count every single time I post something like it means ****. Apparently you dropped a year this time because the last time you tried to call me out I was on here 10 years.

The only people that look like buffoons are the asshats that call for people to be fired every ten seconds, which includes you.

We just got free **** from the NFL. That is not being a ******* Beta. We didn't owe the NFL ****, and in the end we are the ones benefitting from it. But if you call getting the NFL to do **** for us being a buffoon then go back to spending your life using the term "beta" like all the buffoons that think we need an "alpha" football GM like all of those other teams that win championships. Oh wait, no teams that win have a GM of their college football team.
You’re a numbers guy. I’m pretty sure, statistically speaking, UM suffers no more injuries than any other football programs averaged out over the last few years. But if someone is willing to show me some data that says otherwise, I would look at it with an open mind.

Not liking the field is one thing. A field causing disproportionate injuries, people better have data on that, before they go making those types of claims. It seems that there are some cognitive biases at play.
This is the appropriate response. Are players statistically having more injuries on Greentree than other schools have on their practice fields? If so, that’s a legit issue.
Another one of the Hecht apologists. 88 posts in 9 years, and you blew one of them defending Blake.

I just want to say that knowledge and insight on this program has been spot on. If I only had your post count I would be cool enough to project facts.

Yeah, Enos has such a terrible reputation THAT SABAN HIRED HIM.

Fvck Finebum.

Looks like Finebum was right.

You are bereft of logic and intelligence.

Hurts has a year to play. If he joins up with a coach with whom he already has a relationship, trust, common language, and who will be calling the plays, he has (potentially) a greater comfort level than going to a place which, while previously successful, represents a brand new interaction for him.

If he had 2 more years to play, then Oklahoma could be a superior situation.

But there is a logical "selling point" for Hurts to decide to come to Miami over Oklahoma.

I realize that PlayStation All-Americans like you just see a few words and make huge conclusions based upon that. 2 playoff appearances. 2 Heismans. But both of those quarterbacks were at Oklahoma for longer than Jalen Hurts will be at Oklahoma. They had a longer period of time to become acclimated to the Oklahoma system. Which is why Miami represents a chance to pick up the offense more quickly, since he has familiarity with the coach. Which is the same reason he visited Maryland. Not because Maryland is any good, but because his former OC was there.

Looks like you are the buffoon and Hurts made the right decision.
Why do you comment on my post count every single time I post something like it means ****. Apparently you dropped a year this time because the last time you tried to call me out I was on here 10 years.

The only people that look like buffoons are the asshats that call for people to be fired every ten seconds, which includes you.

We just got free **** from the NFL. That is not being a ******* Beta. We didn't owe the NFL ****, and in the end we are the ones benefitting from it. But if you call getting the NFL to do **** for us being a buffoon then go back to spending your life using the term "beta" like all the buffoons that think we need an "alpha" football GM like all of those other teams that win championships. Oh wait, no teams that win have a GM of their college football team.

Oh lord, now you're butt-hurt over the OTHER time I commented on one of your posts. Clearly, this bothers you.

"Free ****e". Yeah, that's what we should be celebrating.

Yes, we do owe the NFL something if we agreed to let our facility be used for Super Bowl prep and we agreed to their terms and conditions. What, do you think the 49ers were just driving around Miami looking for spots to practice?

This is the idiocy of certain porsters, they act like Miami just voluntarily offered up our practice fields, and now Blake has the vapors because his precious grass wasn't good enough. The Super Bowl is planned out far in advance, there are standards and contracts, and this isn't like offering your childhood friend your couch to sleep on for one night.

People like to overlook the inconvenient facts of the report, like the fact that government officials had to get involved in order for Blake to do the right thing.

Oh, but genius Blake soaked the NFL for a free $300K field that he wants to rip up in a month.
I just want to say that knowledge and insight on this program has been spot on. If I only had your post count I would be cool enough to project facts.

Looks like Finebum was right.

Looks like you are the buffoon and Hurts made the right decision.

Oooh, another dipsh!te who wants to research old posts, as if there is something meaningful to find.

Oh, wow, I speculated on what Miami could use as selling points in the recruitment of Jalen Hurts.

That Hurts could POTENTIALLY have a greater comfort level at Miami.

Good lord, what a hot take. I'm crrrrraaaaaazy.

Lock me up. I came up with talking points for how to recruit Jalen Hurts to Miami.
UM, bean counters strike again. Why balk at the request, handle the situation quietly behind the scene instead of looking like rank amateurs. To a larger question, why is UM practicing on a field that's not safe? For every one step forward we take two steps back.
You’re a numbers guy. I’m pretty sure, statistically speaking, UM suffers no more injuries than any other football programs averaged out over the last few years. But if someone is willing to show me some data that says otherwise, I would look at it with an open mind.

Not liking the field is one thing. A field causing disproportionate injuries, people better have data on that, before they go making those types of claims. It seems that there are some cognitive biases at play.

No data whatsoever. Just that people I’ve talked to around the program have called the field a “years-long issue.”

Most likely preference over substance.
The field at HRS is also usually in poor shape. We would maximize our speed advantage with an artificial surface. Everyone's doin' it.
Think about how bad this is.

It took us A YEAR to grow a field that was in such bad condition, the NFL immediately deemed it unsafe.

Then, we refuse to change the field unless the Niners pay for it.

I mean how are we so incompetent at every single facet of athletics?

Please refer these questions to my avatar photo.

Thank you.
Have you ever stepped foot on a practice field in so south Florida? In full gear? Paying football? Putting it all on the line? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say ... Nope... so STFU already with your homo ****

Go Canes!!!!

What do I personally have to do with this situation?
Oooh, another dipsh!te who wants to research old posts, as if there is something meaningful to find.

Oh, wow, I speculated on what Miami could use as selling points in the recruitment of Jalen Hurts.

That Hurts could POTENTIALLY have a greater comfort level at Miami.

Good lord, what a hot take. I'm crrrrraaaaaazy.

Lock me up. I came up with talking points for how to recruit Jalen Hurts to Miami.

don’t get butthurt about it. Obviously Enos was the master for Hurts and Oklahoma was a bad decision. But you post a lot so that makes you knowledgeable.
Oh lord, now you're butt-hurt over the OTHER time I commented on one of your posts. Clearly, this bothers you.

"Free ****e". Yeah, that's what we should be celebrating.

Yes, we do owe the NFL something if we agreed to let our facility be used for Super Bowl prep and we agreed to their terms and conditions. What, do you think the 49ers were just driving around Miami looking for spots to practice?

This is the idiocy of certain porsters, they act like Miami just voluntarily offered up our practice fields, and now Blake has the vapors because his precious grass wasn't good enough. The Super Bowl is planned out far in advance, there are standards and contracts, and this isn't like offering your childhood friend your couch to sleep on for one night.

People like to overlook the inconvenient facts of the report, like the fact that government officials had to get involved in order for Blake to do the right thing.

Oh, but genius Blake soaked the NFL for a free $300K field that he wants to rip up in a month.

You’re so ******* knowledgeable. It must be the reason you post so much.

What do I personally have to do with this situation?
You started the thread Einstein. That's a ***** *** question.
Just in case you don't know. We ain't friends. And if you don't know. Now you know... Stay in your lane *****. I know you love this U. But your need to chill with all the ***hot **** and stay in yo lane. Be cool.

Go Canes!!!
You started the thread Einstein. That's a ***** *** question.
Just in case you don't know. We ain't friends. And if you don't know. Now you know... Stay in your lane *****. I know you love this U. But your need to chill with all the ***hot **** and stay in yo lane. Be cool.

Go Canes!!!
Why don’t we discuss this further in the PM’s?
