The high and mighty sec

Yes they can't move the ball on other elite SEC teams. They would move it easily on teams in the ACC.
Serious question but do you argue just to argue? Even if you're making an argument up to argue against ? Lol. Like it's more entertaining yourself rather than a actual argument.

Not one sane , non troll believes the acc or any other conference is better than the Sec. So that's one crazy take on your part. Find me one post where somebody says the opposite that's not a troll. Second , it is overrated , you can be both. Majority of their conference rep comes from Bama, the sec is a very top heavy conference. So just because you play in the best conference doesn't mean you're some how better than good teams in another conference. Which leads me to the auburn winning the acc lol, even Skip Bayless thinks that's ludicrous . When you make ridiculous comments like that it makes me sure you're doing this all to troll or get a reaction. Now if you really believe your arguemints it leads us to a bigger issue lol.
Serious question but do you argue just to argue? Even if you're making an argument up to argue against ? Lol. Like it's more entertaining yourself rather than a actual argument.

Not one sane , non troll believes the acc or any other conference is better than the Sec. So that's one crazy take on your part. Find me one post where somebody says the opposite that's not a troll. Second , it is overrated , you can be both. Majority of their conference rep comes from Bama, the sec is a very top heavy conference. So just because you play in the best conference doesn't mean you're some how better than good teams in another conference. Which leads me to the auburn winning the acc lol, even Skip Bayless thinks that's ludicrous . When you make ridiculous comments like that it makes me sure you're doing this all to troll or get a reaction. Now if you really believe your arguemints it leads us to a bigger issue lol.
The other guy came in arguing with me. I was arguing with guys who thought the SEC is not the best conf. Of course they are top heavy. Since they literally have the top couple teams in the country year after year. Move them into any conf and all of sudden that conf is top heavy. However, their middle of the road and bottom feeder teams are still better than the middle of the pack and bottom feeder teams of all confs besides the B1G.
Auburn has more talent than any ACC team besides Clemson. Its pretty obvious to anyone that isn't incredibly biased that they could win the conf. As I said numerous times before Clemson could stop them, but if they beat Clemson they are winning the ACC.
They had more talent than Houston , Usce and miss state.....
They had more talent than Houston , Usce and miss state.....
Ok.... The talent gap between Auburn and USCE and Miss st. is nowhere near as big as it is between Auburn and most of the ACC. And Houston, it was a bowl game. You know as well as I do, that has nothing to do with how well they would do in in conferance play.
Ok.... The talent gap between Auburn and USCE and Miss st. is nowhere near as big as it is between Auburn and most of the ACC. And Houston, it was a bowl game. You know as well as I do, that has nothing to do with how well they would do in in conferance play.
That wasn't even an argument but more to show how silly this is
I know you're new here but sec losses in bowls don't count.....unless they want to be there. On the other hand all other conferences desperately care about bowl wins and the players are 100% locked in.
Just look at the opt outs. Auburn had way more opt outs than Houston. Its not just opt outs either. When you have 2 teams in the playoffs everyone gets bumped up. You literally have the Big 12 champion going against a SEC team that didn't even make the SECCG. Knock bama and UGA out of the playoffs. Then you have Bama vs Baylor. UGA vs Iowa etc. All of a sudden the SEC does a **** of a lot better in its bowl games.

What is the ACC right now? like 1 and 15 in the last 2 years of bowl games?
...I can't stand the SEC. Its my least favorite conferance since they steal our recruits and hold the ACC down.... they cheat and spend the most money. They are a dirty corrupt scummy conf.....
OK then.
It's like you have an ex-girlfriend who's a rotten evil person who did you wrong in every way, but.... you can't stop going around trying to convince everyone how hot she is.
OK then.
It's like you have an ex-girlfriend who's a rotten evil person who did you wrong in every way, but.... you can't stop going around trying to convince everyone how hot she is.
No, I just am not a puzzy like the AAC fans who like to pretend like the power 5 conferences are no better than the ACC. It seems like a bunch of these "SEC haters" on this sight are one step away from claiming a national championship because we beat Pitt.
Just look at the opt outs. Auburn had way more opt outs than Houston. Its not just opt outs either. When you have 2 teams in the playoffs everyone gets bumped up. You literally have the Big 12 champion going against a SEC team that didn't even make the SECCG. Knock bama and UGA out of the playoffs. Then you have Bama vs Baylor. UGA vs Iowa etc. All of a sudden the SEC does a **** of a lot better in its bowl games.

What is the ACC right now? like 1 and 15 in the last 2 years of bowl games?
This m'fer talking about optouts when auburns 2nd string is better recruits/athletes than most of houston. YOU PLAY TO WIN THE GAME.

Its not. You know as well as anyone that recruiting is the most important factor and the SEC gets the best recruits year after year.
Of course they get the best recruits, which kinda hurts your argument. It doesn't matter if Ole Miss was the 3rd best team, they should have more talent than Baylor. Tennessee has more talent than Purdue. Miss State has more talent than Texas Tech. As a Miami fan, I don't why you would hold the "more talented' argument, so close to your heart. We've been the most talented team in the ****** coastal for 15 years
Of course they get the best recruits, which kinda hurts your argument. It doesn't matter if Ole Miss was the 3rd best team, they should have more talent than Baylor. Tennessee has more talent than Purdue. Miss State has more talent than Texas Tech. As a Miami fan, I don't why you would hold the "more talented' argument, so close to your heart. We've been the most talented team in the ****** coastal for 15 years
It doesn't hurt my position at all. Yes Ole miss does have way more talent than Baylor. When you compare conferences you need to compare the best to the best and the worst to the worst. When the 4th best SEC team is beating the best Big 12 team. That means a lot.
Yes they can't move the ball on other elite SEC teams. They would move it easily on teams in the ACC.
You'd be nearly alone in this opinion on Auburn boards, but I think Brian Harsin would appreciate it. He needs a friend, any friend.