The Calm After The Storm

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Yep, that game was there for the taking. Stings.

Hurts more because I saw the O and D lines shove around an SEC team
Fam, imagine saying preseason that the Miami hurricanes OL and DL would dominate both of Texas A&Ms lines. That would’ve been a porst of the year candidate pre season. And look how that came to fruition. Stings even more.
How about holding our highly compensated UM coach accountable for a deplorable day game coaching.
Completely agree. They deserve to be held accountable for their mistakes.

However, saying stupid **** like Gattis sucks and Lane would have won that game isn’t the same thing.
Been a mope for a minute.

Still there until I can't be.

Green shoots BC coaching and trenches matter. have receipts.

Mario is a gameday middler. We all knew that.

Good staff. Great staff. Still on that train.

Bro style under Mario and Gattis is what it is....not sure it's what's gonna get us what we wanted in year 1 or maybe ever.

Some portal help, but this IS still a patchwork roster.

TVD is not the messiah. He's mid in my mind. Garcia? Dunno.

Marve-Wright in this system.

WRs - young? kinda. not that good? Prolly.

Recruiting drop off for WR if this IS the system and we struggle this year on offense through the air? - prolly

Defense? Looks great, but I gotta be that guy to mention that SEC vaunted aTmouf's offense isn't stellar, so there's even still a BIT of TBD on that.

Every game minus MTSU is a potential dogfight, yes, even Duke and GT, maybe not GT, but even Duke RN.

We've been warned by Ducks, Waloverines and those on here who actually follow CFB about the history, tendencies and pitfalls of each coaching element.

I see us losing to UNC and the Board going wild. We don't have the offense to score enough. That's my take.

I Still see us going 5-7/6-6 floor or 8-4/9-3 ceiling.

Not full mope RN, but I expect a lot of pain still.
Just show improvement every week. I saw that in game 3. Aggies are trash, considering that I'm not exactly sure how to gauge what I saw but I do know the effort was better. LT has to play as many snaps as possible. I see him taking the next steps.
If it was that easy, no team would have any problems. In reality, though, you can't just "fix it".
Simple and easy are 2 different things. I’m not saying it’s easy to do, but you just can’t keep trying something that doesn’t work and expect a different result.
Simple and easy are 2 different things. I’m not saying it’s easy to do, but you just can’t keep trying something that doesn’t work and expect a different result.

I get that, but you can't really draw up new plays and formations at halftime.
OK, my friends. Breaking News:

We lost.

Who would’ve known that a team who barely went 7-5 last yr, w/ a QB who really had only one real target that’s no longer here, would lose a game on the road in a hostile environment to a SEC team? I get the anger; there’s plenty of blame to go around this game:

-From The Coaching Staff: clock mgmt was atrocious, and play calls in the green zone (commonly referred to as red zone) was head scratching

-From The Players: The Special Teams unit was god awful, & it literally cost us the game. Poor tackling on a couple of drives led to A&M close to putting a final nail in the coffin. Those pesky drops that was reported in camp? Yeah, they came out at night, like The Freaks; and while the OL did well throughout the game, costly penalties took steam out the boat on several occasions.

Those are the facts; but, there appears to be another fact some refuse to accept. It’s a fact I stated on @LeedsCane podcast, it’s a fact that I created a thread on. The fact is, this team is good, but it’s not great. This team, this culture that has been riddled with bad evals, fit pieces, and an overall lack of winning is still here. Yet, some convinced themselves that just b/c a new staff w/ some hot names came on board, that would change this culture in one year; how?

I tried to tell u guys numerous of times stop comparing us to SC, why? B/c SC is the only game in town; they are So Cal’s team. SC have won a Nat’l title in the past 18 yrs, we haven’t. SC have won their conference several times in the past 18 yrs, we haven’t. SC have won multiple NY6 bowls in the past 18 yrs, we haven’t. Friends, let me be clear, & I need u all to truly understand this: The chit that’s talked about other schools, they’ve all faired better than us in the last 18 yrs.

Here’s the silver lining; a change have been seen:

-The OL is playing way better than we’ve seen in some time.

-Our RB room, while not 2001 worthy, has 3 guys who can get theirs w/ 2 of those RBs who are small in stature, but big in heart & effort

-Our defense, while filled w/ some holes, have been holding us down while the offense have been trying to find its sea legs.

We were in this game until the clock struck zero. There are no moral victories; the fact is, we did lose to a bad 8&4 team, and we can blame ourselves on several things, but that’s the point. As long as I can remember, this Miami Hurricanes team have shot themselves in the foot, & it’s from little things that snowball in to bigger issues. That’s culture, folks. That’s what u can’t account for on paper. Mario has been transparent this entire time, yet the reason you feel this vitriol is b/c despite what u saw from The Spring Game, despite what Mario continue to say, u saw us beat up on BCU & come out & smoke So. Miss in the 2nd Half. That stubborn 15-0 mentality crept in & now u’re disappointed faced w/ reality. That’s shame on u, not on them.

Listen, I’m not always right, but my post history shows I’m more right than wrong. I don’t get emotionally caught as most fanatics, I try to base things on facts (hence, y I provide current & historical stats/records, etc.) The fact is, TVD is missing his #1 target, Rambo. Our WR room is filled w/ 3rd down, chain movers, not play/difference makers that can stretch the field or game plan around. The defense has “some guys”, but that too is lacking play makers throughout.

We’ll win next week, against another poor G5 team, and I promise, we’ll see the 14-1 crowd rear it’s head, but when I said I see this team as an 8 win regular season team, I didn’t look at names on the roster, I looked at a change in culture. I looked at an offense that want to be ran v. personnel to run it.

If u’re calling for Gattis’ or Mario’s head after one defeat, that’s b/c u drank the Kool Aid as opposed to being reasonable in realizing that 80% of a roster that scraped by to go 7-5 is still here, while a big part of that production on O is gone. R-E-L-A-X; this is not a 1yr turn around; it’s a 2-3 yr joint. Our portal hits were not difference makers; it was depth guys. Also, remember this roster is still fairly young, where our best players are Sophomores, which means they too are still learning.

There’s a lot to look forward to, but at the same time, realize that calling every team on our schedule weak hasn’t meant chit in 18 yrs. Sit back, enjoy the process, criticize certain things, but don’t blow it up after one game. Lol. Stop sipping Kool-Aid; it’s bad for ur teeth & mental health.

Great stuff @Rellyrell !
We are entering Game 4 of the Cristobal era. Game 4. With that said, based on logical and even tempered analysis, the coaching staff should:

1. Fire Josh Gattis.
2. Start Jacurri Brown
3. Send TVD on a plane to Martha's Vineyard

I see this is a reasonable list, because there is no way that our WRs are to blame for their drops, and our CB for the fumble. That is on Gattis.
I disagree that we lost to a bad team. AtM is a good team. They overlooked App St and got beat. If they win that game, everyone is saying how close Miami was to beating a top 5 team. It's all about narratives. Unfortunately, when you lose the narrative changes for the worse. The worst of it comes from the fanbase.

I think as a whole, our team is night and day better than last year. We are strong in the trenches and the defense played really well. Last year, TVD and the offense covered up a lot of holes and ugliness. We were not a good team last year.

The offense needs improvement in the passing game and I believe we can compete for an ACC title.

Despite the mistakes, the way we competed in a hostile environment gives me confidence that we can go to Clemson and compete with them. I don't think Clemson is superior to AtM. Maybe a better defensive line, but not as good as AtM in the secondary. Clemson's secondary is really good, but AtM's is better.

Fans just need to stay the course. ACC play hasn't even started for us. All of our goals are still in front of us and obtainable.
I disagree that we lost to a bad team. AtM is a good team. They overlooked App St and got beat. If they win that game, everyone is saying how close Miami was to beating a top 5 team. It's all about narratives. Unfortunately, when you lose the narrative changes for the worse. The worst of it comes from the fanbase.

I think as a whole, our team is night and day better than last year. We are strong in the trenches and the defense played really well. Last year, TVD and the offense covered up a lot of holes and ugliness. We were not a good team last year.

The offense needs improvement in the passing game and I believe we can compete for an ACC title.

Despite the mistakes, the way we competed in a hostile environment gives me confidence that we can go to Clemson and compete with them. I don't think Clemson is superior to AtM. Maybe a better defensive line, but not as good as AtM in the secondary. Clemson's secondary is really good, but AtM's is better.

Fans just need to stay the course. ACC play hasn't even started for us. All of our goals are still in front of us and obtainable.
I agree w ur last sentiment, but what makes u think A&M is a good team?

-Was it their 8-4 record last yr?
-Their 8-5 record in 2019?
-Their 9-4 record in 2018?

Or is it based upon the fluke Covid year, along w/ the hype they received for cashing out to get the #1 recruiting class of 2022, all who are babies?(CFB, wise)

It wasn’t that they just overlooked App St, it’s that they also struggled to put up 31 on Sam Houston State, and the weather delay helped them tremendously. We could’ve & should’ve won that game b/c we were the better team. The ONLY reason I had this as a L on my schedule was b/c I knew:

1. The make up of this team still have residual FIU Losses, UNC records, & slip & slide DNA in it

2. The O we want to run is not conducive against a team who’s O is poor, but their def is top notch

3. Young team on the road playing against the biggest home crowd they’ve ever seen

4. Not having a clear cut difference maker at WR, my concern that I’ve echo’d since Day 1 has been playmakers or lack thereof.

5. New playbook/language against an established playbook/language

That’s the growing pain side of things that I tried to sincerely admonish for all to take in consideration, but I knew after just ONE loss, well, we see the threads.
"Warned by Duck fans" lol as Mario and crew went to three conference titles and won two lol Yeah, I will take it since we can't even win 8 games consistently yet alone reach Charlotte.
I see an upward trajectory. This team is headed in the right direction.
No doubt. Personnel at receiver will hold us back but we can win every game we play. Clemson is probably a loss on the road. But with the line we can stay on schedule and no doubt our defense will be able to do some work against their offense especially if DJu is still back there.