TerrEnce not TerrAnce Lewis 1.0 - 5.0 (merged) - Picks Maryland

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I have no idea whether or not the coaches have sat him and his dad down and had an "honest conversation," but they absolutely should, if they haven't already. Just say, "Look, we would love for Terrence to be on our team and killing the opposition, but we are serious institution and we care about the young men who come into our care. If he will commit right now, to accepting mentoring and help from our staff and the school, then we open our arms and hope to win a national championship with him." I can't imagine that the kid and his dad would say no to that if the rumors are true and he really is interested in coming to the U. Then, if he screws up repeatedly, you shrug your shoulders and tell the other area kids and their families that they tried their best and are trustworthy to do the maximum amount for their son(s).
We need this kid. We desperately need elite athletes on this defense

But our other LBs Troutman and Johnson are already known for having temper issues. If we add T2, even if he it turns out that he’s got a good head on his shoulders, Do we really trust Manny to handle those personalities?
Especially Johnson
Especially Johnson
I wouldn't worry about Johnson banda will be able to handle him. He respects them for everything with Jaquon and how diaz and co treated him. I know the horror stories in highschool but I doubt that's a problem here . My fear is that we miss use him like we did Joyner and keep flipping him from backer to end let him learn and stick one spot
Lewis isn’t good enough. He isn’t Um caliber. He’s too fast, too violent. He isn’t mature enough. He also isn’t a diamond in the ruff
😂😂😂😂😂 At 1st I was like WTF he talm bout?!? What’s wrong with him?!!!!! Then I kept reading. This is funny as a MF!😂😂😂😂😂
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