TerrEnce not TerrAnce Lewis 1.0 - 5.0 (merged) - Picks Maryland

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I think most on here agree with you and have said as much. We have also heard from people closer to the situation not to believe all the rumors circulating about him. There was an incident, but we don't know the details. We do know that the school where it apparently happened invited him back. I don't see that happening if the rumors we heard initially are true. I don't trust Manny & Co. with everything, but I do trust they wouldn't let someone be on the team that had serious issues. He's not that kind of coach. At this point we just have to see what happens.

This was an intelligent and well-reasoned response.
So you post under 2 screen names?

Again, what a kid may or may not have done when he is 16 is different from what he may or may not do as an adult, from the standpoint of criminal prosecution and potential jail time. That is not my opinion, that is just the law.

If, as an adult, he makes a mistake comparable to any that he may or may not have made as a juvenile, I have no problems with dismissing him.

I made a reply to a specific post from a specific user... that is not you. are YOU posting under 2 different names?
1) a scholarship is a privilege. You're violent? you lose out on some privileges.

2) Giving him a scholarship to a top program isn't "getting a second chance". It's sweeping it under the rug and sending the message that there are no consequences for that.

3) still getting a scholarship to a program that is not your favorite isn't exactly "throwing away the key"

4) lol c'mon man. You only give a **** cuz he's a 5* LB. don't pretend like you care about the kids future

5) I've been scratching my head, why in the Nate Dortch and Larry Hope are we not offering a 5* kid in our own backyard. Tons of guys walk through here and never do anything. Why not take a chance on this one? If in fact he beat someone up , you gotta move on. we like to talk about "culture" on here.
There are differences in opinion on whether a 16 yo should get a 2nd chance or not. I have made points I feel are reasonable. Others can differ as well. It’s not something I’m going to go crazy over.
There are differences in opinion on whether a 16 yo should get a 2nd chance or not. I have made points I feel are reasonable. Others can differ as well. It’s not something I’m going to go crazy over.
Being reasonable generally results in one of two things: being ignored or attacked lol

Scorching hot takes and speaking in absolutes about situations you have no direct knowledge of is where it's at
And you won't find it, b/c everything about this kid is being covered up as much as possible to try and get him signed somewhere...

Here are facts:

Kid had offers from every top program in the country as the #1 LB in the nation

Something happens where rumors start flying of him hitting a girl, then it was a female teacher etc...

Then he has to change high schools 2-3 times in the same year...

Then every single program outside of Tennessee, Maryland and Manny's desperate *** drop all communication with him...

Only Maryland sends him an LOI...

You honestly think that those rumors were just made up, and that these schools with teams of people digging up everything they can on recruits just backed off b/c of rumors and speculation?

It is called using your brain, try

Going to go out on a limb and say you’ve never been selected for jury duty Colombo.
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