Tell me we’re gonna roll..

Y'all act like we didn't go thru this once already this year. Mario moves at his own speed.

Moving all fake *** deliberately just to make a trash hire
We just have to believe that our coaches have been told that they don’t have jobs, they are on the road recruiting, a replacement has been identified, and the players and potential recruits and transfers all know. And none of it leaked. That’s it. Have faith
Bwah ha ha ha ha
This fanbase is exhausting to deal with. What happens will happen. None of us have a say in the **** decision, shut up and let the man work. If he screws up, it's on him. If it doesn't work, he's the one that will get fired. See what he does and then evaluate from there. If you want out, get out. If you want to jock Deion, go over to Fanatics, buy your CU merch and split. ****.
I would imagine that firing a coach that won assistant of the year the year before, with the cloud (as golden would call it) of a year with injuries and having to play 3 QBs, might not make it an ideal environment to hire other quality coaches. Meaning they may not want to come here if it feels like all you’ll get is one year. So Mario gives him time to gtfoh.

not saying I agree cause Gattis has sucked, but that could be the thinking.
This fanbase is exhausting to deal with. What happens will happen. None of us have a say in the **** decision, shut up and let the man work. If he screws up, it's on him. If it doesn't work, he's the one that will get fired. See what he does and then evaluate from there. If you want out, get out. If you want to jock Deion, go over to Fanatics, buy your CU merch and split. ****.

Well known and widely reported Miami's Administration and Coaching Staff consult CIS porsts daily.

They don't make a move without us weighing in first.
Cribby said absolutely. He probably already knows who the OC is going to be. He just cant say on the board. The Source that gave up the Gattis getting canned, wouldn't hold out on who we are hiring.

No OC has been hired. Nobody knows.