Taylor Stubblefield

I gotta assume he’s gonna be better than Dugans, Dugan played extreme favorites and didn’t let some talented kids see the field as much as they should. I would think someone like Stubblefield who is a technician would play the guys who are doing the right things, and I would hope he can coach as a technician too.
Who has he developed? He bounces around a lot, only at one place for 2 years max. Doesn't recruit either. I don't see how people can spin this, the worst hire made.
That’s fine but it’s still not in the same stratosphere as Jon.. and it’s not like he’d been at any places that you can recruit well at. I have no idea on the QBs, WRs and offensive systems he’s had at every place so I can’t speak on the stats. If he indeed ends up being the weakest link on the staff, it’s still light years better than where we were before
I gotta assume he’s gonna be better than Dugans, Dugan played extreme favorites and didn’t let some talented kids see the field as much as they should. I would think someone like Stubblefield who is a technician would play the guys who are doing the right things, and I would hope he can coach as a technician too.

Don't forget that Dugans was a **** good recruiter
I understand people not liking the hire. But you can’t compare one of the best receivers to ever play college football and a decade of coaching experience to Jon’s resume
A decade of coaching and hasn’t stayed in 1 spot more than 2 yrs! Something smells like 💩...
For somebody that’s so great I never heard of this Kat before 11 mins ago
That’s fine but it’s still not in the same stratosphere as Jon.. and it’s not like he’d been at any places that you can recruit well at. I have no idea on the QBs, WRs and offensive systems he’s had at every place so I can’t speak on the stats

People would complain if Randy Moss was named our WR coach. It's just the CIS way. Just gotta see how it plays out.
Who has he developed? He bounces around a lot, only at one place for 2 years max. Doesn't recruit either. I don't see how people can spin this, the worst hire made. And someone said his best receiver only had 800 yrs, 6 tds his whole coaching career.
Yep!! He better make public his Twitter profile and start riding around with the new TE coach and Cooney. He better be a great coach because these guys will revolt on his a** real quick.
That’s fine but it’s still not in the same stratosphere as Jon.. and it’s not like he’d been at any places that you can recruit well at. I have no idea on the QBs, WRs and offensive systems he’s had at every place so I can’t speak on the stats
ok well Jon is a low bar to clear. Manny couldn't have looked this guy and said this was the best possible hire. 800yds, 6tds from his best receiver his whole coaching career is concerning.
Dude I’m sorry what has cooney done to justify a position coach in our program... give him a raise sure. Sure position coaches are known for recruiting but you can’t overlook the aspect of actually coaching wrs. God south Florida really is cancerous man, only our fans negative tweet to our program.
Lmaoooo ppl were just *****in at Cooney for not getting Stevenson or making more in roads down there, now ppl are beating their chest for him?