Stephen Field hired as TE Coach

I absolutely answered your question you’re just dancing around the obvious answer. TCU is not going to get a major bump in recruiting. Their classes are going to remain where they are simply because TCU is not a major program. It’s a good muddled tier program. That only gets you so much. Maybe your use of TCU was a poor example

So winning only allows you to improve recruiting to some degree at a few schools? The rest of schools, winning doesn't help? That's an amazing argument, because it can't really be disproved. One can always say, "they don't count, they aren't a school that can ever improve recruiting. Next example."
Cool bro, you know you’re liberty city history. We get it. Luke CURRENTLY is a UM hater and acts just like all the other self-serving dudes down there towards UM. Y’all condone his ignorance and chit talking towards the program and make excuses for him. But kiss the ground that the Sabans, Kirby’s and Jimbo’s walk on. Field will be just fine down here regardless of your opinion

Not exactly sure what you mean by the saban, kirby and jimbo comments, one things for certain, those 3 are smart enuff to deal and respect the Miami culture which is why 2 out of the 3 have won national championships headlined by Liberty City players, you might want to wake up. Its not a coincidence that freeman, dalvin cook, joyner and cooper went where they went. To call luke a UM hater, if you mean, he hates the nose in the air mentality that UM administration has continuosly displayed, who doesnt, the UM administration has always been the dumbest around, that's why damyum near all the headcoaches rolled out, the history is clear, the administration thinks like this: "ok we want a Great football program but we wish we could it with players from somewhere else, somebody needs to control them n-words" they want the glory but continue to try and reject the ones who brought it and can consistently bring it. Who in the **** would respect troll shalala who blatantly said in the UM promo video's sending a signal out "we're recruiting a different type of athlete to the University of Miami" like ****'s didnt know what that mean, than once UM started get called out on it, they took the video down and wouldnt play it during games/halftime no more but the tapes are still clear, if you recorded any games back than go and listen to that promo video.

Like tad foote, the troll castrated the UM football program, she didnt want the AL BLADES & nate webster's of the world on UM campus. In short, the players that went to UM had the "us against the world mentality" cause it started at UM, the administration didnt have the back of the players, the coaches mostly did. Than the media started complaining about UM, and the UM administration tried their best to oblige them, which is why people will keep asking the question, "is Miami back yet". Some of us knows what that really means. Coach fields had to be taking to school, we'll see if he's learned his lessons!
Wins matter, as well as having good recruiters who can close. You have to convince these kids that you will develop them and that they will win a lot of games in their careers.

Just look at Miami, Florida, and Florida State this year.

Miami: Terrible year, terrible recruiting class
Florida: Great year, top 10 recruiting class
FSU: Terrible year, terrible recruiting class for FSU's standards

Terrible class for FSU standards. But their class didn't collapse like ours did. Why? Because of the recruiters. Our class completely bottomed out because we didn't have any recruiters to prop up the results on the field like FSU did.
Terrible class for FSU standards. But their class didn't collapse like ours did. Why? Because of the recruiters. Our class completely bottomed out because we didn't have any recruiters to prop up the results on the field like FSU did.

I agree that having good recruiters matter. But FSU hasn't closed strong yet. A lot of their top guys elected not to sign in December, and They are about to lose their best safety commit and a few other 4* guys are on the fence.
Not exactly sure what you mean by the saban, kirby and jimbo comments, one things for certain, those 3 are smart enuff to deal and respect the Miami culture which is why 2 out of the 3 have won national championships headlined by Liberty City players, you might want to wake up. Its not a coincidence that freeman, dalvin cook, joyner and cooper went where they went. To call luke a UM hater, if you mean, he hates the nose in the air mentality that UM administration has continuosly displayed, who doesnt, the UM administration has always been the dumbest around, that's why damyum near all the headcoaches rolled out, the history is clear, the administration thinks like this: "ok we want a Great football program but we wish we could it with players from somewhere else, somebody needs to control them n-words" they want the glory but continue to try and reject the ones who brought it and can consistently bring it. Who in the **** would respect troll shalala who blatantly said in the UM promo video's sending a signal out "we're recruiting a different type of athlete to the University of Miami" like ****'s didnt know what that mean, than once UM started get called out on it, they took the video down and wouldnt play it during games/halftime no more but the tapes are still clear, if you recorded any games back than go and listen to that promo video.

Like tad foote, the troll castrated the UM football program, she didnt want the AL BLADES & nate webster's of the world on UM campus. In short, the players that went to UM had the "us against the world mentality" cause it started at UM, the administration didnt have the back of the players, the coaches mostly did. Than the media started complaining about UM, and the UM administration tried their best to oblige them, which is why people will keep asking the question, "is Miami back yet". Some of us knows what that really means. Coach fields had to be taking to school, we'll see if he's learned his lessons!

Luke still has defenders? That is absolutely stunning. I mean he only blackmailed the program in the 90’s, trashed us in the media since, had a love affair with Tim Brewster, and threatened to send kids to FSU this year. I’m sure I’m missing a ton but in summary, if you’re a Cane fan defending Luke you’re a moron
ROFL, so how old was luke when schnelly arrived, yo ignorant *** only heard about luke once 2 live crew hit the scene, the fact that you ignorantly said 2 live crew was "based in Cali" where was luke based out of and raised. What highschool did luke go to, do you think luke woke up one day and just got involved in music in 84-86 with 2 live crew, lol,. That's the problem with the ignorant, you may have heard of melvin bratton, brett perriman, tolbert bain and the likes, go talk to them. To say "luke was a nobody" displays how much ignorance you have, alot of yall who beat your chest about the Greatness of UM thinks it started at UM with schnelly, but to stupid to realize why schnelly made it a point to recruit what he termed "The state of Miami", schnelly was just smart enuff to come into Liberty City and humble himself down and learn, which is why guys like him and jimmy johnson are respected, most of the ignorant ones on this board would get ran out of town! So to you sir, do yourself a favor and just STFU and learn.

You sure like the word ignorance. Uncle Puke was a nobody in ‘83 you little jit.
Luke still has defenders? That is absolutely stunning. I mean he only blackmailed the program in the 90’s, trashed us in the media since, had a love affair with Tim Brewster, and threatened to send kids to FSU this year. I’m sure I’m missing a ton but in summary, if you’re a Cane fan defending Luke you’re a moron

Sadly, he will always have his parade of fluffers following him around.
Not exactly sure what you mean by the saban, kirby and jimbo comments, one things for certain, those 3 are smart enuff to deal and respect the Miami culture which is why 2 out of the 3 have won national championships headlined by Liberty City players, you might want to wake up. Its not a coincidence that freeman, dalvin cook, joyner and cooper went where they went. To call luke a UM hater, if you mean, he hates the nose in the air mentality that UM administration has continuosly displayed, who doesnt, the UM administration has always been the dumbest around, that's why damyum near all the headcoaches rolled out, the history is clear, the administration thinks like this: "ok we want a Great football program but we wish we could it with players from somewhere else, somebody needs to control them n-words" they want the glory but continue to try and reject the ones who brought it and can consistently bring it. Who in the **** would respect troll shalala who blatantly said in the UM promo video's sending a signal out "we're recruiting a different type of athlete to the University of Miami" like ****'s didnt know what that mean, than once UM started get called out on it, they took the video down and wouldnt play it during games/halftime no more but the tapes are still clear, if you recorded any games back than go and listen to that promo video.

Like tad foote, the troll castrated the UM football program, she didnt want the AL BLADES & nate webster's of the world on UM campus. In short, the players that went to UM had the "us against the world mentality" cause it started at UM, the administration didnt have the back of the players, the coaches mostly did. Than the media started complaining about UM, and the UM administration tried their best to oblige them, which is why people will keep asking the question, "is Miami back yet". Some of us knows what that really means. Coach fields had to be taking to school, we'll see if he's learned his lessons!

LMAO RESPECT THE MIAMI CULTURE???? You think those dudes respect the miami culture? Bruh you just said that Saban, Kirby, etc respect the Miami culture. Man I'm done
Not exactly sure what you mean by the saban, kirby and jimbo comments, one things for certain, those 3 are smart enuff to deal and respect the Miami culture which is why 2 out of the 3 have won national championships headlined by Liberty City players, you might want to wake up. Its not a coincidence that freeman, dalvin cook, joyner and cooper went where they went. To call luke a UM hater, if you mean, he hates the nose in the air mentality that UM administration has continuosly displayed, who doesnt, the UM administration has always been the dumbest around, that's why damyum near all the headcoaches rolled out, the history is clear, the administration thinks like this: "ok we want a Great football program but we wish we could it with players from somewhere else, somebody needs to control them n-words" they want the glory but continue to try and reject the ones who brought it and can consistently bring it. Who in the **** would respect troll shalala who blatantly said in the UM promo video's sending a signal out "we're recruiting a different type of athlete to the University of Miami" like ****'s didnt know what that mean, than once UM started get called out on it, they took the video down and wouldnt play it during games/halftime no more but the tapes are still clear, if you recorded any games back than go and listen to that promo video.

Like tad foote, the troll castrated the UM football program, she didnt want the AL BLADES & nate webster's of the world on UM campus. In short, the players that went to UM had the "us against the world mentality" cause it started at UM, the administration didnt have the back of the players, the coaches mostly did. Than the media started complaining about UM, and the UM administration tried their best to oblige them, which is why people will keep asking the question, "is Miami back yet". Some of us knows what that really means. Coach fields had to be taking to school, we'll see if he's learned his lessons!

This is going to be interesting, they had to run him outta of the West, he should've never taken that job outta respect alone. Going to be real interesting if he's on staff to see how it plays out though, he may not be that respected out round here, but we'll see how it goes if he gets the job, i wouldnt be surprised if he doesnt get hired!

This is exactly the toxic kind of attitude that plagues dade players, coaches, etc. Folks think that the respect factor is the way to live but what they don't realize is that this groupthink is part of the problem.
ROFL, so how old was luke when schnelly arrived, yo ignorant *** only heard about luke once 2 live crew hit the scene, the fact that you ignorantly said 2 live crew was "based in Cali" where was luke based out of and raised. What highschool did luke go to, do you think luke woke up one day and just got involved in music in 84-86 with 2 live crew, lol,. That's the problem with the ignorant, you may have heard of melvin bratton, brett perriman, tolbert bain and the likes, go talk to them. To say "luke was a nobody" displays how much ignorance you have, alot of yall who beat your chest about the Greatness of UM thinks it started at UM with schnelly, but to stupid to realize why schnelly made it a point to recruit what he termed "The state of Miami", schnelly was just smart enuff to come into Liberty City and humble himself down and learn, which is why guys like him and jimmy johnson are respected, most of the ignorant ones on this board would get ran out of town! So to you sir, do yourself a favor and just STFU and learn.

I didn’t say Luke was raised in Cali. I see you have poor reading comprehension. But go on and tell us how a 19 year old Luke paved the way for Schnelly in Liberty City. That’s truly funny.
Cool bro, you know you’re liberty city history. We get it. Luke CURRENTLY is a UM hater and acts just like all the other self-serving dudes down there towards UM. Y’all condone his ignorance and chit talking towards the program and make excuses for him. But kiss the ground that the Sabans, Kirby’s and Jimbo’s walk on. Field will be just fine down here regardless of your opinion

He actually doesn’t know his Liberty City history. Prolly just watched The U on ESPN.
All I care about is that for the first time in a long time, Miami has truly an elite recruiter who is now recruiting kids to stay home, instead of trying to get them away from the home school. Between that and the usual first-year coach bump, this upcoming class should be very, very good-especially if they can win the Coastal
Not exactly sure what you mean by the saban, kirby and jimbo comments, one things for certain, those 3 are smart enuff to deal and respect the Miami culture which is why 2 out of the 3 have won national championships headlined by Liberty City players, you might want to wake up. Its not a coincidence that freeman, dalvin cook, joyner and cooper went where they went. To call luke a UM hater, if you mean, he hates the nose in the air mentality that UM administration has continuosly displayed, who doesnt, the UM administration has always been the dumbest around, that's why damyum near all the headcoaches rolled out, the history is clear, the administration thinks like this: "ok we want a Great football program but we wish we could it with players from somewhere else, somebody needs to control them n-words" they want the glory but continue to try and reject the ones who brought it and can consistently bring it. Who in the **** would respect troll shalala who blatantly said in the UM promo video's sending a signal out "we're recruiting a different type of athlete to the University of Miami" like ****'s didnt know what that mean, than once UM started get called out on it, they took the video down and wouldnt play it during games/halftime no more but the tapes are still clear, if you recorded any games back than go and listen to that promo video.

And this, folks, is why we can't have nice things. These morans in sofla think bags and coaches at racist institutions respect and understand culture in Miami yet coaches right down the road at the hecht do not. You can't explain that. Jeezus.

To call luke a UM hater, if you mean, he hates the nose in the air mentality that UM administration has continuosly displayed, who doesnt, the UM administration has always been the dumbest around, that's why damyum near all the headcoaches rolled out, the history is clear, the administration thinks like this: "ok we want a Great football program but we wish we could it with players from somewhere else, somebody needs to control them n-words" they want the glory but continue to try and reject the ones who brought it and can consistently bring it.
