Statement from Angela Means-Kaaya

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"Brad is committed to The University of Miami. It is a great staff and a great opportunity for him to become a man away from home. It's his decision, but he'd like to get through his senior season. UCLA had very valid reasons why they didn’t invite Brad to the dance, we get it. But now Brad is in the middle of a very important season that needs his attention. In essence, he's a ‘Cane that just got another offer. He's not running out of a door to run into another one. He has some HS football to play."

What was UCLA's valid reason not to offer sooner?
Franchise, my man, your emotions getting the best of you. Calm down and give the chips some time to fall where they may fall. Trying to read the tea leaves is tricky thing my friend.
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i'm not in the doomsday crowd, but, for some reason, i'm not reassured by her comments or his.

Yup, that statement, if anything....makes it look even worse.

No point in worrying about it now. Hope we have a good season and the rest should take care of itself.
For Heavens sake! "UCLA had some very valid reasons why they didn't invite Brad to the dance. It's okay we get it".

If some of you can't read between the lines ...then I dunno what to say. What I'm reading is the fact that UCLA tried floating some bullspit about why they didn't offer and she politely told them that they (she and her son) understood what they (UCLA) were saying. It's called being polite. What did you think she'd say.... "We told UCLA to cram it !" ?
This is what happens when you play cupcakes. Nobody has anything better to do but freak out over dumb ****.
"Brad is committed to The University of Miami. It is a great staff and a great opportunity for him to become a man away from home. It's his decision, but he'd like to get through his senior season. UCLA had very valid reasons why they didn’t invite Brad to the dance, we get it. But now Brad is in the middle of a very important season that needs his attention. In essence, he's a ‘Cane that just got another offer. He's not running out of a door to run into another one. He has some HS football to play."

What was UCLA's valid reason not to offer sooner?
another kid was #1 on their board. He picked another school. Next man up.
The only thing anybody would be happy with is if they say he's all Cane but he like every other recruit has the right to weight his options. She's being a parent and making sure he makes the best decision for himself and we still haven't seen anything that Brad himself talking about this so why is everybody jumping to conclusions?

He wasn't "weighing any options" when he didn't have any options. Fck all that fake bullshyt talk about weighing options. UM was there for the dude when no one wanted him. That **** sounds like an ugly old nasty stinky dude who couldn't get any chicks but had one who stuck with him despite all his flaws. Then, he wound up getting an inheritance and all of a sudden a bunch of blood-sucking leeches came out of the woodwork and he started "weighing his options".

At the end of the day, you're either a loyal person who understands what commitment means, or you're a fcking weasel. There's no in-between when it comes to loyalty and commitment. It's black and white. I'm hoping Brad is the guy we all thought he was and not a typical four-flushing option-weighing weasel.

So you're mad because his mom said he'll weight his options even though he hasn't said it? Are you 100% positive that he isn't 100% solid and it's not his mom whos thinking of having her son close to home? Even if he is weighting options wouldn't that be the same for Cook, Lane, Powell, Yearby, Valentine, CJ Hampton, Artie Burns, and Gus just to name a few guys who were or currently is committed who we either flipped or wants to flip, wouldn't that make them all "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasels?

Who's mad? Reading comprehension would serve well, young chap. Notice all the "ifs" in my sentences and the other qualifiers that I used.

I just assume that when you call kids "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasel" or talk about "Fck all that fake bullshyt talk about weighing options" I will assume like many others that you're emotional but I guess you're not

If you comprehend what I wrote, I never called him any of those names. That goes to my point on reading comprehension.
What would it have hurt if she had told them to cram it? I mean if he's 100% to UM what difference does it make if they tell UCLA to kick rocks? She says, "It's his decision, but..." and then implies that he needs to get through his senior season before he decides what he's going to do. In the past I would have expected to read, "It's his decision, AND we're Canes all the way!" Or something to that effect. Again, he's still committed to us, and right now I don't think he bails, but clearly their message about BK's commitment has become a little muddled.

For Heavens sake! "UCLA had some very valid reasons why they didn't invite Brad to the dance. It's okay we get it".

If some of you can't read between the lines ...then I dunno what to say. What I'm reading is the fact that UCLA tried floating some bullspit about why they didn't offer and she politely told them that they (she and her son) understood what they (UCLA) were saying. It's called being polite. What did you think she'd say.... "We told UCLA to cram it !" ?
He wasn't "weighing any options" when he didn't have any options. Fck all that fake bullshyt talk about weighing options. UM was there for the dude when no one wanted him. That **** sounds like an ugly old nasty stinky dude who couldn't get any chicks but had one who stuck with him despite all his flaws. Then, he wound up getting an inheritance and all of a sudden a bunch of blood-sucking leeches came out of the woodwork and he started "weighing his options".

At the end of the day, you're either a loyal person who understands what commitment means, or you're a fcking weasel. There's no in-between when it comes to loyalty and commitment. It's black and white. I'm hoping Brad is the guy we all thought he was and not a typical four-flushing option-weighing weasel.

So you're mad because his mom said he'll weight his options even though he hasn't said it? Are you 100% positive that he isn't 100% solid and it's not his mom whos thinking of having her son close to home? Even if he is weighting options wouldn't that be the same for Cook, Lane, Powell, Yearby, Valentine, CJ Hampton, Artie Burns, and Gus just to name a few guys who were or currently is committed who we either flipped or wants to flip, wouldn't that make them all "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasels?

Who's mad? Reading comprehension would serve well, young chap. Notice all the "ifs" in my sentences and the other qualifiers that I used.

I just assume that when you call kids "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasel" or talk about "Fck all that fake bullshyt talk about weighing options" I will assume like many others that you're emotional but I guess you're not

If you comprehend what I wrote, I never called him any of those names. That goes to my point on reading comprehension.

If you go back to what I WROTE I said "WHEN YOU CALL KIDS "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasel" and it wasn't just meant for Kaaya but also to Cook, Lane, Powell, Yearby, Valentine, CJ Hampton, Artie Burns, and Gus so you contradict yourself because you love some of the guys we actually flipped and want some of the guys who are committed but are showing interest. Come on now I know you read what I said
So you're mad because his mom said he'll weight his options even though he hasn't said it? Are you 100% positive that he isn't 100% solid and it's not his mom whos thinking of having her son close to home? Even if he is weighting options wouldn't that be the same for Cook, Lane, Powell, Yearby, Valentine, CJ Hampton, Artie Burns, and Gus just to name a few guys who were or currently is committed who we either flipped or wants to flip, wouldn't that make them all "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasels?

Who's mad? Reading comprehension would serve well, young chap. Notice all the "ifs" in my sentences and the other qualifiers that I used.

I just assume that when you call kids "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasel" or talk about "Fck all that fake bullshyt talk about weighing options" I will assume like many others that you're emotional but I guess you're not

If you comprehend what I wrote, I never called him any of those names. That goes to my point on reading comprehension.

If you go back to what I WROTE I said "WHEN YOU CALL KIDS "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasel" and it wasn't just meant for Kaaya but also to Cook, Lane, Powell, Yearby, Valentine, CJ Hampton, Artie Burns, and Gus so you contradict yourself because you love some of the guys we actually flipped and want some of the guys who are committed but are showing interest. Come on now I know you read what I said

Are you guys breaking up?
here is the statement disected and analyzed

"Brad is committed to The University of Miami. <- YES!
It is a great staff and a great opportunity for him to become a man away from home.<- YES!YES!YES!
It's his decision, but he'd like to get through his senior season.<- WTF?
UCLA had very valid reasons why they didn’t invite Brad to the dance, we get it. <- HMM
But now Brad is in the middle of a very important season that needs his attention.<- He should be studying the Miami play book instead!
In essence, he's a ‘Cane that just got another offer.<- whats up with this essence bs??!
He's not running out of a door to run into another one. <- now we are talking about doors?!
He has some HS football to play."<-PANIC!!!!

maybe i over analyzed it
You guys meltdown a lot. Its time to take a break from recruiting cause some of you are acting like *******.
It's a fun exercise and I do think you nailed it. In the end, we'll be OK either way.

here is the statement disected and analyzed

"Brad is committed to The University of Miami. <- YES!
It is a great staff and a great opportunity for him to become a man away from home.<- YES!YES!YES!
It's his decision, but he'd like to get through his senior season.<- WTF?
UCLA had very valid reasons why they didn’t invite Brad to the dance, we get it. <- HMM
But now Brad is in the middle of a very important season that needs his attention.<- He should be studying the Miami play book instead!
In essence, he's a ‘Cane that just got another offer.<- whats up with this essence bs??!
He's not running out of a door to run into another one. <- now we are talking about doors?!
He has some HS football to play."<-PANIC!!!!

maybe i over analyzed it
I think people are really overreacting, Brad Kaaya has never said that he's even considering UCLA and he's never really even seemed like he was interested in getting an offer from them.
sad when are fans tweet at our recruits.. Let these 17 and 18 year olds live their lives stop stalking them...

This and sad how this board reacts to her statement. So many mopes that think Miami is an inferior program.

The start of the season has to be killing a lot of these posters, too much positive going on.

dont agree with the miami fans are mopes thing for all of us. I don't think miami is an inferior program.

But like we wish more "miami is my favorite team" guys would then choose their favorite hometown team, some actually do, and some for other schools do as well. I do hope that's not the case but I'm also not certain either.

ive read the statements and for some reason not based on inferiority complex or negativity, I keep feeling, in Hollywood terms, all jerry maguire here, " my word is my bond".

Hope I'm wrong, not worried if I'm not.
Who's mad? Reading comprehension would serve well, young chap. Notice all the "ifs" in my sentences and the other qualifiers that I used.

I just assume that when you call kids "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasel" or talk about "Fck all that fake bullshyt talk about weighing options" I will assume like many others that you're emotional but I guess you're not

If you comprehend what I wrote, I never called him any of those names. That goes to my point on reading comprehension.

If you go back to what I WROTE I said "WHEN YOU CALL KIDS "typical four-flushing option-weighing weasel" and it wasn't just meant for Kaaya but also to Cook, Lane, Powell, Yearby, Valentine, CJ Hampton, Artie Burns, and Gus so you contradict yourself because you love some of the guys we actually flipped and want some of the guys who are committed but are showing interest. Come on now I know you read what I said

Are you guys breaking up?

Nah. I like that dude.