Stacey Coley - NFL Draft


Dec 19, 2012
So I'm participating in a community wide mock draft elsewhere on t'internet.

I'm trying to understand why Coley is being pegged as a 5th rounder.

In my eyes he's the best WR to come through here in a while (Richards is going to surpass him, but he's better than Hurns, Waters, Dorsett, Benjamin and Hankerson in my opinion).

Is there something I'm missing? You'd think after the success Hurns and Benjamin have had, especially, he'd be rated higher?
I've always been a huge fan of Coley. I agree the combine & workouts will improve his stock. I see him as a 3rd rounder, maybe 2nd if he kills it in his workouts.

You can say Hurns & Benjamin are late round picks that did well, but you could say Hankerson & Dorsett were high picks that haven't performed. I don't think just being a Miami WR automatically gives a boost in NFL Scouts eyes.
ya he'll climb the draft boards after his combine performance. i think 3-4 round is fair, high 3rd round given his potential
Stacy Coley is only being pegged as a late round pick bc these so callled CFB "analyst" and clueless nfl scouts really don't pay attention to CFB like they claim.

By the the time teams start really digging in watching film and evaluating players he is going to end up a late 1st round prospect easy.
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After each catch Coley seems to have to leave the field because he has a hangnail problem....Just not "U" Tough...
Stacey Coley helped himself immensely by coming back his senior season! I would be shocked if he is still around by the 3rd round.
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Really curious to see his 40 time. Seemed to be slower as a senior compared to his freshman highlights. Had better balance too which tells me he didn't adjust too well to putting on more weight. But I think if he gets a good strength and conditioning guy to prep him for the combine he'll be alright
LOL @ the combine and thinking Stacy will improve his stock. He isn't event that fast, and if you touch him he goes down. I've never seen a more pathetic YAC reciever then Stacy.
Stacy Coley is only being pegged as a late round pick bc these so callled CFB "analyst" and clueless nfl scouts really don't pay attention to CFB like they claim.

By the the time teams start really digging in watching film and evaluating players he is going to end up a late 1st round prospect easy.

Love the homer-ism, but let's be realistic here. I have been as big a Coley fan as there is since watching how smooth and effortless he was in those HS camp vids, but he is not a 1st round player nor did he live up to his incredible physical potential. He still might, but he has work to do (see below). Hopefully, he will continue to grow once he's in the league like Benjamin, Hurns, etc because he has the talent to stick in the league a long time.

- Toughness/Strength. Call it what you want, he is nicked a lot. That will draw scrutiny and criticism from NFL brass bc the pro game is that of attrition and toughness. He also needs to get stronger. He gets pushed off his routes often and needs to use his hands better to control the DB. I will give him credit with blocking. He shows effort and sticks with guys.
- Balance/YAC opportunities. Coley's balance and running style needs refining. He leans too far over his toes, throwing off his balance and consistently tripping over the dreaded turf monster and going down easily on tackles. You need to maximize YAC in the NFL. The space is limited and tackling is improved.
- Route Running. Coley is great at turning CBs and creating separation when he runs proper routes, especially with DBs in off-man and zone. But at times uses false steps off the line and after he catches the ball. With the limited time NFL QBs have to throw, and DBs closing quicker, he has to clean that up. Challenge is, that tends to be instinctual....tough habits to break. It can be though with repetition and good coaching.
- Hands are good, not great. Then again, the NFL is loaded with those guys.

If he does fall, i'd love to see him in aqua and orange. But for his sake, i hope he climbs the board.
Spends half the game waving himself off the field evertime someone touches him. Spends 1/4 of the game committing penalties. Spends the last 1/4 of the game catching fades. 5th round is appropriate for his level of consistency. Guarantee this board will be disappointed in his 40 time. No way he runs under 4.45
Ehh.. I wouldn't draft him till the 6th or 7th round if at all.. always getting hurt when he catches the ball.. doesn't have the speed he once did as a freshman.