Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

payment apps like Venmo and cashapp as enablers of the *** trade. They obfuscate payment trails and stymy official forensic efforts.
How are Venmo or Cashapp any more enablers than actual cash? If anything these apps make it much easier to trace.
No, I'm saying it allows the casual observer to think that by the association. Remember that most people aren't well informed.

Perhaps but is this what's happening here? I am not under that impression. In fact, what I keep hearing is folks on the right insisting this is an incredible movement and it SHOULD be watched moreso than the left deriding its veracity.
How are Venmo or Cashapp any more enablers than actual cash? If anything these apps make it much easier to trace.
Traffickers open and close accounts using different emails with aliases, and transfer between them in an unending, offshore and nearly impossible to track process. A trafficker can literally go through thousands of logins in a single year. They don’t use payment apps like normal people do, and because the amount of money that goes through the accounts is not suspect (since they close them so quickly), even the payment app companies themselves would have a really challenging task investigating and determining which accounts were guilty, and how to actually track down who opened the account.
He said “if you are unable to celebrate this movie” — so you’re saying he wants me to celebrate it but I don’t have to see it?

Im gonna bring up Schindler list again. Let's say ive never seen it. Even though I've never seen it i can say "wow what a hero. What a great man."

On the other hand yall are in here bringing up qanon and him basically doing **** for photo opportunities. Why?

Why not just say hes a hero and we need 1000s of more men like him.

Whether he's saved 1 child from rape or 1000 he is a hero. Especially to the children he delivered from evil.
In what context? That the movie/plot was a qanon driven agenda? Or that the main actor in it (IRL) drives a qanon agenda?

LOL at Qanon-adjacent to describe it. Well, that's certainly a overrepresentation of the movie and sensationalism but I don't know that it represents a majority of the reviews.

I read the RS review and that writer clearly has an agenda. Maybe a prior poster was right - this doesn't happen 5-10 years ago and it's just "another movie".
LOL at Qanon-adjacent to describe it. Well, that's certainly a overrepresentation of the movie and sensationalism but I don't know that it represents a majority of the reviews.

I read the RS review and that writer clearly has an agenda. Maybe a prior poster was right - this doesn't happen 5-10 years ago and it's just "another movie".
Everything has to be political now. It must fall on one side or the other. The wrong person is in it, therefore it's bad.
Im gonna bring up Schindler list again. Let's say ive never seen it. Even though I've never seen it i can say "wow what a hero. What a great man."

On the other hand yall are in here bringing up qanon and him basically doing **** for photo opportunities. Why?

Why not just say hes a hero and we need 1000s of more men like him.

Whether he's saved 1 child from rape or 1000 he is a hero. Especially to the children he delivered from evil.
He’s got a good heart — I already stated that.
In what context? That the movie/plot was a qanon driven agenda? Or that the main actor in it (IRL) drives a qanon agenda?

The association here is meant to discredit the person. No different than bringing up Obama’s Bill Ayers or Rev. Wright’s associations.

I think the associations may indicate some sympathy to their views but also doesn’t entail they are a full fledge card carrying member.

Fair enough?
The association here is meant to discredit the person. No different than bringing up Obama’s Bill Ayers or Rev. Wright’s associations.

I think the associations may indicate some sympathy to their views but also doesn’t entail they are a full fledge card carrying member.

Fair enough?

The more JimC speaks, the more it looks like he's just a bit more than a person sympathetic to certain views.

That said, I think it's fair enough.
Speaking of children. Why is it only liberal states have banned child marriage and some red states lowering age for getting married??
Most states have a minimum marriage age for minors with parental consent, ranging from 12-17 years old. Some states have different minimum ages for males and females, with or without parental consent. For example, in Mississippi, the age of consent to marry with parental consent is 17 for males and 15 for females.

@AUcane @Salt @JD08



