Off-Topic Sound of Freedom

Before being released in 2023, Sound of Freedom struggled to be made ready for a theatrical release for many years. The script was written in 2015, and the filming finished in 2018.

They started writing it in 2015. The qanon **** is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Disney owned the rights to it at one point when they bought Fox studios. They shelved it of course.

It was poetic justice when Sound Of Freedom out sold Indiana Jones when both were released.
Probably in her early teens when she was betrothed to Joseph as was the custom in the ancient near east. Of course the marriage wasn’t consummated until later.

So what is your point exactly? That the customs of ancient middle eastern people were different than ours? Shocking.
Bible historians believe she was 15 to 16 at his birth. Women were typically married at 13 to 14 in those days.

these guys have apparently never heard that life spans were shorter then.

There is no point to a post like that.
Let kids identify as adults so they can have *** with them. Its coming.
sorry but if you are unable to celebrate this movie and the dude it portrays as a genuine hero you have a sick motive. We should all celebrate people who risk their lives (especially with a wife and kids) to save kids from a life of *** slavery. This would not be controversial a few years ago..
sorry but if you are unable to celebrate this movie and the dude it portrays as a genuine hero you have a sick motive. We should all celebrate people who risk their lives (especially with a wife and kids) to save kids from a life of *** slavery. This would not be controversial a few years ago..

Let me ask you a question - are you a big Ashton Kutcher fan?
I’ve heard multiple psychologists discuss this very subject and the data is not shocking to anyone. Of course it’s hard to discuss this on college campuses or places of higher learning because the loons attack you.
Not at all. Trans activists use this very data to help state their case. They simply use the same data to reach a different conclusion.
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sorry but if you are unable to celebrate this movie and the dude it portrays as a genuine hero you have a sick motive. We should all celebrate people who risk their lives (especially with a wife and kids) to save kids from a life of *** slavery. This would not be controversial a few years ago..
@Tony4Miami @AUcane heres the problem: posters like @svenben equate not seeing the movie to attacking it. And because they view not seeing the movie as attacking it, they lump anyone who hasn’t seen the movie in with the CNNs and MSNBCs of the world that actually attack the movie for divisive reasons. Therefore if you are not fanatical about the movie, you must think it is BECAUSE of qanon or some other bull****.
Not at all. Trans activists use this very data to help state their case.
Yeah but that data says they’re mentally ill which at one time in history was common sense. Now it’s normalized in society rather than helping them we all must live in their delusion. Throwing other peoples rights out the window to allow them in women‘s locker rooms , showers and sports. Pushing it on children like it’s the new cool fad , fighting to get laws passed where kids can’t chop their body parts off and taking puberty blockers. We’re literally treating children like Guinea pigs to push an agenda. As politicians sell it as “ inclusion “. All for votes which makes it even more demonic and sickening.

In the future people will look back at this time the same as other atrocities in our history.
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Bible historians believe she was 15 to 16 at his birth. Women were typically married at 13 to 14 in those days.

these guys have apparently never heard that life spans were shorter then.

There is no point to a post like that.

Your point on lifespan is well taken. It was about 35 years old for women according to some estimates. Children by necessity had to “grow up” much faster in those times.

In the meantime our society coddles 20 year olds playing play station eating buggers in their mommas basement.
Yeah but that data says they’re mentally ill which at one time in history was common sense. Now it’s normalized in society rather than helping them we all must live in their delusion. Throwing other peoples rights out the window to allow them in women locker rooms , showers and sports. Pushing it on children like it’s the new cool fad , fighting to get laws passed kids can’t chop their body parts off and taking puberty blockers. We’re literally treating children like Guinea pigs to push an agenda. As politicians sell it as “ inclusion “. All for votes which makes it even more demonic and sickening.
Trans activists use data that they have higher rates of mental illness to justify that any restrictions on the care they want (including hormone therapy and reassignment surgery) to receive is amplifying that illness. Likewise they use the heightened rates of mental illness to bring attention to the fact that violence against trans people is statistically more likely to involve violence against someone with mental health issues.

The sad thing is that these are talking points by orgs like HRC for their canvassers, who willingly go along with it. Those canvassers need to meet fundraising quotas in order to not owe the HRC money, all while HRC execs line their pockets. It’s one of my least favorite organizations on the planet.0
@Tony4Miami @AUcane heres the problem: posters like @svenben equate not seeing the movie to attacking it. And because they view not seeing the movie as attacking it, they lump anyone who hasn’t seen the movie in with the CNNs and MSNBCs of the world that actually attack the movie for divisive reasons. Therefore if you are not fanatical about the movie, you must think it is BECAUSE of qanon or some other bull****.

Correct. Full disclosure - I have no interest in seeing the movie. I have 4 kids and I've been reading about child trafficking for eons (since my kids were little) and watching movies like that is hard for me and generally speaking I pass on movies that are viscerally upsetting especially at this stage in my life. I've read about and watched too many movies about this subject and no thanks.

Conversely, I found what Ashton Kutcher has been doing the last decade+ pretty ******* cool and I'm honestly surprised many here that are such anti-child *** traffickers haven't mentioned his name once. But I guess he's a lib (?) so he doesn't count? I dunno.
Whew. Don’t search Astroturfing Sound of Freedom on Twitter. Claims that someone buying out showings but no one in the theater.
I originally dropped into this thread to explain, quite politely, that I wouldn't be seeing this movie because I refuse to share my hard earned money with people who think I am evil.

For that pretty reasonable position, a bunch of you concluded I was evil. Very nicely proving my point.

So you can all **** all the way off.

BTW, people aren't angry with the Catholic Church for occasionally finding a pedophile in their midst. They are angry because they sheltered those pedophiles and moved them from from parish to parish so that they could abuse new children over and over and over again. They continually delivered those animals right into fresh hunting grounds with the full faith of the church to lull all new congregations into a false sense of trust. And it isn't just the Catholics since Baptists got busted of doing the same thing last year as well. So you tell us why you are defending the church when they are outright sheltering child rapists and helping them line up their next victims.

You guys can go back to your circle jerk of congratulating each other for the heroic acts of seeing a ******* movie and being nasty to people in a sports forum.

I am done wasting my time on you.