It doesn't matter to me as long as the person running it has a good track time.
Do you prefer the Flute or the Trumpet?
I know we've been over this RPO stuff ad nausem, but why would'nt coaches make every single RPO be a RB-QB-WR triple option?
Why intentionally limit yourself to only RB-WR when you don't have to? Seems very dogmatic/bullheaded or short sighted.
My feelings are that Rick had to use the 2-option RPO last year because Kaayak runs like an old woman.
My feelings are that Rick had to use the 2-option RPO last year because[B said:Kaayak runs like an old woman[/B].
It doesn't matter to me as long as the person running it has a good track time.
seems to me after all of the discussion on it that there is still this misguided notion that the run option has to revolve around a running qb.