Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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I believe he is a very good coach, but I also look at his past track record as evidence for the types of hires he’s made.

His OC hires from FIU to Oregon have never really been that great, Satterfield might be the best one & the App St/Louisville offense isn’t exactly what I would call championship level.

I can’t say he’s “the ONE” until we actually win on the field & it’s proven, we all hope he is & he certainly will be the best recruiter we’ve had in a very long time, but blind faith isn’t necessarily the wisest route to take.

There are a lot of parallels between us & Michigan with the Harbaugh hire, the hope is that we can get over the hump faster than they did & that we won’t fold up in big games like they normally do. But even if we do, it would be a significant improvement from where we’ve been the last 20 years & most fans would take that over being 7-5 every year.

It’s better to be a team in contention & on the precipice of the playoffs than never have a shot at all.

I’ll take that all day.
Mario wasn't my first choice of HC candidates but he was high on my short list. The way I see it is we have to assume, as a normal progression in any career especially in coaching that he learned from his experiences. He was a better coach at Oregon than he was at FIU. I have to give him the presumption that he will be even a better HC in Miami than he was at Oregon. One reason is I believe he is smart and extremely dedicated, hard working professional. Great coaches don't start their career as great coaches but evolve as ones. It is not a blind faith for me rather giving the guy a chance.
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Mario wasn't my first choice of HC candidates but he was high on my short list. The way I see it is we have to assume, as a normal progression in any career especially in coaching that he learned from his experiences. He was a better coach at Oregon than he was at FIU. I have to give him the presumption that he will be even a better HC in Miami than he was at Oregon. One reason is the fact I believe he is very smart and extremely dedicated, hard working professional. Great coaches don't start their career as great coaches and the examples are plenty. It is not a blind faith for me rather giving the guy a chance.

Mario Cristobal on paper has the best resume of any coach we have hired since Schnelly?
Dorsey makes the most sense out of anyone being mentioned but I’m trolling? 😒
I was thinking... a lot of people are reading the tea leaves and pointing to NFL timelines to justify Dorsey announcement at OC after the regular season is over. I had a separate thought/theory today... we could probably argue that timelines are what they are as Mario/UM were waiting for DanRad to be on the job before announcing hires/finalizing contracts. With that in mind, we can probably assume the three major OC candidates (Brady, Briles, Dorsey) are still in play.
I was thinking... a lot of people are reading the tea leaves and pointing to NFL timelines to justify Dorsey announcement at OC after the regular season is over. I had a separate thought/theory today... we could probably argue that timelines are what they are as Mario/UM were waiting for DanRad to be on the job before announcing hires/finalizing contracts. With that in mind, we can probably assume the three major OC candidates (Brady, Briles, Dorsey) are still in play.
I suppose Mario could be rolling them out 1 at a time to keep the buzz around the program going until NSD.

No recruits are signing now anyways. Aside from me getting nothing done for a month, it isn’t hurting us at all.
I suppose Mario could be rolling them out 1 at a time to keep the buzz around the program going until NSD.

No recruits are signing now anyways. Aside from me getting nothing done for a month, it isn’t hurting us at all.
I think you are correct. One by one, two a day, Mario revealing his staff.
Dorsey makes the most sense out of anyone being mentioned but I’m trolling? 😒
Let me clear up any misunderstanding:

Not saying you are trolling at all. I was joking around with LCE because before today, he was against Dorsey and at one point just started trolling folks and just agreeing with the. “Sure, Dorsey is the best” type of quotes. And he was trolling. He would admit to that.

Allegedly, he has done a 180 based on his post today (not gonna lie, I am a bit suspicious bud leaning towards believing him, despite the beautiful troll hairs flowing through the wind on the train meme).

Therefore, I was not alleging you were trolling. Whether I or anyone feels Dorsey would be best or not, if I had to make a prediction, I would say he will the other OC/QB coach (play caller) and McClendon as either Co-OC/WRs or Co-OC/RB.

If Mcledon is OC/RB, then I would predict Coley as WR coach.
Dorsey would be an extremely underwhelming hire. I'm sure that he can game plan and call plays on the college level but can or does he even want to recruit? Can he coach young kids? Can he evaluate 17-year-olds? This is Mario's most important hire and cannot be botched - for that reason give me a guy who has a proven track record of doing the above. If money isn't an issue then Dorsey shouldn't even be considered.
Not every coach has to be a recruiting superstar. We have plenty of those on staff with Bmac, Mario, Alex, field and Trob. We need a good coach period. Dorsey is an elite QB coach, any man that can make Cam look Like an NFL MVP is good. Josh Allen made a lot of money because of Dorsey. We really need to stop will Ken be good at recruiting doesn’t matter if he is or is not. His job will be develop TVD and the other QB’s and score points. I could give 2 $hits if he can recruit.
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