So Nunn just decommitted

THE KIDS THAT DECOMMIT AFTER 2 BAD LOSSES JUST 19 DAYS AFTER COMMITITNG ARE THE KIDS THAT QUIT ON THEIR TEAM WHEN HE GETS ON CAMPUS AND FACES ADVERSITY!!!! Trust me you dont want that just ask FSU. If he cant handle adversity as a recruit whats gonna happen when **** hits the fan and hes a player in a locker room??

I don't give a **** about Nunn.

We gotta fire Corch man the longer he stays the worse our recruiting gets

This. Nunn, Neal, Joe, Bob, Bryan...whoever tf else it don't matter. We gotta dude leading this program in to purgatory. The real problem is Richt. The domino effect is this recruiting class and future ones. Until Richt goes, this will continue to happen. He don't have the boosters behind him anymore. It's prove it on the field or deuces here.
This. Nunn, Neal, Joe, Bob, Bryan...whoever tf else it don't matter. We gotta dude leading this program in to purgatory. The real problem is Richt. The domino effect is this recruiting class and future ones. Until Richt goes, this will continue to happen. He don't have the boosters behind him anymore. It's prove it on the field or deuces here.
Yeah, I've been coming around to this viewpoint. I think his offense, his moves with players and just his decisions wreak of corch and the cats out the big. I don't think these kids buy into him being a winner. I also think they've heard shît from kids they know on the team and recruits just don't believe him and don't trust him to get them to the next level. Unless he fires and hires a new offensive staff and shows immediate results next year, I think he's finished....and since i dont believe that he will do what is needed, I'd guess he's finished and the quicker we move him out, the better.
He didn't want to play for a corch. Richt might not even make a bowl game in year 3. Who the **** would want to be part of this abomination right now?
Some of you guys are just rookies to recruiting, you're very very naive, that's why you get so shocked & confused with this stuff because you simply can't read between the lines.

That's why some of us try to inform you on how to figure it out, but yall don't listen & will even get mad when told otherwise. You can't lose like we lose & expect to land a top 10 class, unless you drop bags & we don't.

So UiF is dropping bags? Cause they got smoked by UGA came out and laid an egg this weekend and got 2 top 100 players? Ohio Taint almost lost to a team who is trash this year and stole one of ours, will he decomit when they get housed by Michigan? These kids are the most wishy wash people ever. Miami got on me late, they aren’t winning blah blah yet it’s okay for every other school to come in late, lose games. Excuses are getting old.
I'm sorry but this is getting ridiculous. I understand it's 3 losses in a row but we are 11 months removed from being Top 4 team in America, not to mention our D is ELITE right now. I can totally completely comprehend the Crowley defection but Nunn kid just committed two weeks ago. Time to start recruiting nationally across the board because the f8ckery that is South Florida recruiting is compounding what is already a dire situation internally.
What was Mark Richts first contract before the extension? Was it until 2019? We need to get Blake James out of the AD position. It all starts with him, we need an AD that likes to win and prides himself doing his job and that is by being successful in hiring the right personnel.
Wow. That's pathetic. I don't like to call kids out about decisions but why commit 2 weeks ago? That's soft **** there.
Because 2 weeks ago we weren't on a 3 game skid with no apparent direction whatsoever....
Yeah, I've been coming around to this viewpoint. I think his offense, his moves with players and just his decisions wreak of corch and the cats out the big. I don't think these kids buy into him being a winner. I also think they've heard shît from kids they know on the team and recruits just don't believe him and don't trust him to get them to the next level. Unless he fires and hires a new offensive staff and shows immediate results next year, I think he's finished....and since i dont believe that he will do what is needed, I'd guess he's finished and the quicker we move him out, the better.

My man, I just posted this. The same thing happened w/ Golden.

Here's the thing: As I've always said, I'm good w/ L's, as long as we're fighting. This team is flat bro. They are very boring to watch. Nothing about the sidelines scream this team is upset they are losing. Nothing on that sideline screams these guys are being coached up.

What parent would send their kid here if they have NFL dreams? Like I know what our past is; I'm talking about the present. We have wasted so much money in the last 12 yrs on bum coaches.