So like I said

How can you watch this game and think Kosi can consistently place the accurately enough for YAC on these quick hitters that his boys had to jump and dive for?!? What game did you watch? Tell me what you mean by 'pure spread' btw.
I said a vertical offense. Something like the veer and shoot. A team that runs to pass instead of passing to run like we do. Smashmouth spread. Up tempo, no huddle, heavy RPO and spread concept offense. Miami should have stopped running a pro style offense a decade ago.
Enos called a horrible game. Slowing developing option on 3-1, threw a stupid screen on 2-1 and then when to the wildcat on third down. The stupid te jet sweep. But he did get better later on in the game. And he needs to stop with the play action and also running out of the bunch formations where all 11 defenders are within 5 yards o the offense line. He has a lot of room for improvement.
Enos called a garbage game. Nearly every play was beyond predictable. How many times was he going to call N’Kosi’s number to try to pick up first downs with QB draws or designs.
On the other hand, Manny called a great game on D! Hopefully they keep the same arrangement going forward and if that’s the case, we can get rid of Baker and use his salary on a Special Teams Coach.
What the **** were we thinking not kicking it through the end zone after making the FG to go up by 4. We clearly thought that we could beat them on STs but they got almost 70 yds in the return. What a shame.
Manny needs to keep it up on his end though with whatever adjustment he made. That D got worked from a yardage perspective but tightened up every time that it mattered.