So happy it wasn't Dorsey for one reason only

B Run

Dec 31, 2018
For the reason that just in case it didn't work out, I would have to see some CIS members curse the name of one of the greatest legends in UM Football history. To this day I will never understand that mentality. I still see angry posts about Manny who actually did some good things and worked is *** off. ****, some are still blasting Golden and Shannon. I just dont get it. These guys did not come here to destroy the program. They tried their best and it did not work out. I for one hope Manny has the second best D in the country this year. If you absolutely need to be angry, direct it towards the administration who you could argue got lazy on their hires in hindsight. In the end these guys are all still human beings....spare me your "they make millions" BS. Still no reason for such hate. With that said, welcome Coach Gattis. What a terrific hire!! Side question: in any of the 3455 page insider threads, did anyone mention Coach Gattis as a possibility? I mean no disrespect to those who do have inside is appreciated but you have my vote to get rid of the thousands of pages threads....wait. Are we voting on that? :LOL:
al golden.webp
I agree with this, people don't like to acknowledge good things that have happened even if the whole tenure ended poorly. Dorsey would be ruined by this fanbase

Richt brought back a good portion of the fan base and the IPF.

Also, I don't care if it's unpopular and I get 50 down votes, Manny's defense (first stint as DC) revitalized this program. We were right neck and neck with clemson for most categories and our defense was dominant. The chain brought life to our program and that D was what got us to #2 in 2017.

Ppl with short memories forget that they were the same one bashing richts offense and praising Manny's top 5 defense while he was our DC.

He didn't make the right hires, wasn't a good enough recruiter, and really couldn't duplicate his 2016-2018 defense when he took over again this year. I respect Manny as its evident he was willing to do whatever necessary to make it work and he fixed the terrible QB situation but ultimately he wasn't qualified and that fell on Blake who shouldn't have given him the job.

It's ignorant to ignore the things that went well.

None of that compares to now though with Mario, rad, Steele, gattis, ruiz and the $. We're in a better place now and I haven't been this excited for canes football since 2003
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For the reason that just in case it didn't work out, I would have to see some CIS members curse the name of one of the greatest legends in UM Football history. To this day I will never understand that mentality. I still see angry posts about Manny who actually did some good things and worked is *** off. ****, some are still blasting Golden and Shannon. I just dont get it. These guys did not come here to destroy the program. They tried their best and it did not work out. I for one hope Manny has the second best D in the country this year. If you absolutely need to be angry, direct it towards the administration who you could argue got lazy on their hires in hindsight. In the end these guys are all still human beings....spare me your "they make millions" BS. Still no reason for such hate. With that said, welcome Coach Gattis. What a terrific hire!! Side question: in any of the 3455 page insider threads, did anyone mention Coach Gattis as a possibility? I mean no disrespect to those who do have inside is appreciated but you have my vote to get rid of the thousands of pages threads....wait. Are we voting on that? :LOL:

Absolutely agree… Just look at how our fans base has treated former players who were or are coaches for us.
For the reason that just in case it didn't work out, I would have to see some CIS members curse the name of one of the greatest legends in UM Football history. To this day I will never understand that mentality. I still see angry posts about Manny who actually did some good things and worked is *** off. ****, some are still blasting Golden and Shannon. I just dont get it. These guys did not come here to destroy the program. They tried their best and it did not work out. I for one hope Manny has the second best D in the country this year. If you absolutely need to be angry, direct it towards the administration who you could argue got lazy on their hires in hindsight. In the end these guys are all still human beings....spare me your "they make millions" BS. Still no reason for such hate. With that said, welcome Coach Gattis. What a terrific hire!! Side question: in any of the 3455 page insider threads, did anyone mention Coach Gattis as a possibility? I mean no disrespect to those who do have inside is appreciated but you have my vote to get rid of the thousands of pages threads....wait. Are we voting on that? :LOL:
They make millions
Absolutely agree… Just look at how our fans base has treated former players who were or are coaches for us.
The only reason I voted 50-50 on Dorsey was because I wouldve hated for it not to work and then us tear him apart. I did criticize Richt, Shannon and Rumph but tried to be fair with it and never enjoyed it. I just don't feel right criticizing the dudes who have actually bleed and sweated for the program. Now Golden and Manny on the other hand......
**** like this is so beta male. Jesus christ.

**** Penn State.

Manny to recruits "commit so I dont get fired."

I also contend dudes who describe others as "beta males" are trying to compensate for things in their own heads. Using "Beta males" as an insult is for people with low self esteem imo. Have a nice day...whoops...there i go being all beta again :rolleyes:
I agree with this, people don't like to acknowledge good things that have happened even if the whole tenure ended poorly. Dorsey would be ruined by this fanbase

Richt brought back a good portion of the fan base and the IPF.

Also, I don't care if it's unpopular and I get 50 down votes, Manny's defense (first stint as DC) revitalized this program. We were right neck and neck with clemson for most categories and our defense was dominant. The chain brought life to our program and that D was what got us to #2 in 2017.

Ppl with short memories forget that they were the same one bashing richts offense and praising Manny's top 5 defense while he was our DC.

He didn't make the right hires, wasn't a good enough recruiter, and really couldn't duplicate his 2016-2018 defense when he took over again this year. I respect Manny as its evident he was willing to do whatever necessary to make it work and he fixed the terrible QB situation but ultimately he wasn't qualified and that fell on Blake who shouldn't have given him the job.

It's ignorant to ignore the things that went well.

None of that compares to now though with Mario, rad, Steele, gattis, ruiz and the $. We're in a better place now and I haven't been this excited for canes football since 2003
For the reason that just in case it didn't work out, I would have to see some CIS members curse the name of one of the greatest legends in UM Football history. To this day I will never understand that mentality. I still see angry posts about Manny who actually did some good things and worked is *** off. ****, some are still blasting Golden and Shannon. I just dont get it. These guys did not come here to destroy the program. They tried their best and it did not work out. I for one hope Manny has the second best D in the country this year. If you absolutely need to be angry, direct it towards the administration who you could argue got lazy on their hires in hindsight. In the end these guys are all still human beings....spare me your "they make millions" BS. Still no reason for such hate. With that said, welcome Coach Gattis. What a terrific hire!! Side question: in any of the 3455 page insider threads, did anyone mention Coach Gattis as a possibility? I mean no disrespect to those who do have inside is appreciated but you have my vote to get rid of the thousands of pages threads....wait. Are we voting on that? :LOL:

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”​

Being a Bills fan I'm glad it isn't Dorsey either. Gonna love ❤️ seeing him a Allen work together. ...Go Bills Go Canes. A match made in heaven.