Smh AB!!!

So basically AB is Trump, except not morbidly obese. Glad you cleared that up buddy
Never known an illiterate, stupid person to become a billionaire presiding over an empire of 500+ businesses, and then get elected POTUS. But ok, if that makes sense to you so be it.
The way Rosenhaus has gone all out to defend AB and put his reputation on the line tells me they must have something concrete to prove his innocence.
Dude is confusing the f*ck out of me. How is continuing to say a man born in Hawaii is from Kenya not racist?
How IS it racist? I refer you back to the ACTUAL definition of racism. If someone were to say "Look at him, you can clearly tell he's from Kenya." That would be idiotic and arguably MOTIVATED by racism yet not inherently racist, but to say that someone is from somewhere other than where they claim to be from.... not racist. Sorry.
lmao I'm not even in this argument but c'mon.....
I'm not saying he is or isn't racist, I'm saying the idea of saying that Obama is from Kenya, not Hawaii is not racist based solely on the actual definition of racism. I'm open to hearing logical reasons as to why people think it is though.
I'm not saying he is or isn't racist, I'm saying the idea of saying that Obama is from Kenya, not Hawaii is not racist based solely on the actual definition of racism. I'm open to hearing logical reasons as to why people think it is though.
I'm not one of those people that got caught up in this incident, but its a messed up thing to suggest and fan the flames on like there's no way a black person can actually be from the united states. It's like someone that automatically assumes you grew up poor or from the hood because you're a minority. It may just be ignorant and not an indicator of racism, but it does play into real racism with the notion that the guy is not a true American nor will he ever be. That's where people get upset.
I'm not one of those people that got caught up in this incident, but its a messed up thing to suggest and fan the flames on like there's no way a black person can actually be from the united states. It's like someone that automatically assumes you grew up poor or from the hood because you're a minority. It may just be ignorant and not an indicator of racism, but it does play into real racism with the notion that the guy is not a true American nor will he ever be. That's where people get upset.
I get where you're coming from and a lot of people's argument with this idea is based on their belief that he is racist. But when looking at the facts without bias, it's not a racist statement. It COULD be a statement that was made from a racist. I don't truthfully know if he is or isn't racist. But the statement in itself is not.