Skai Moore

Yeah, that's surprising. Blaming Skai Moore is ridiculous. He should have had an offer for a year to contemplate, not a few days.

Thanks for double checking who was actually on roster at the time. I was thinking off the top of my head. Still emotional about this? You must be local to him / similar age / watched him live or something? Yes, it would be nice if Grace, Figs, and Moore were next year's LBs. But what's done is done.

I am not arguing that we shouldn't have offered, but more of how big of a miss he was. All misses suck but missing on our DT targets were bigger misses.

If Figs wasn't in the program, then how could we chose him over Moore? That's not possible. We must have chosen Figs after Moore signed with USC. Even still, Figs sizes up pretty closely with Moore? A solid replacement (minus getting kick out of school lol).
Terry and Blue were off the team before we could really determine their contributions. Yes, not close to what Skai would have contributed here.
EJ was a consistent problem here, but so were some of our all-time greats. Problem childs and Miami? That's 1980s Miami style. A little edge in the locker room ain't that bad? What are you part of the U3 generation?
As I recollect, Miami didn't know that 6 wasn't coming until right around signing day? When BTW told Miami is the important part of this argument.

By the way, who had his scholarship offer that didn't end up coming the U (serious question)? Someone must have dropped us last minute for us to call Skai last minute?

We were all in the Matthew Thomas basket who ended up going to FSU. After the Denver Kirkland situation that happened during the Booker T state title parade, you would've thought that they (the staff) would've realized that they burnt their bridge with Thomas as well and should've went all in on Skai Moore. Offering a kid on signing day is a flat out joke.
I agree he let pride get in the way.

But, offering a kid that had been begging for an offer for over a year on the morning of signing day, is a like a girl you were hung up on in highschool offering you to hit it on the morning of your wedding day.

I don't see it that way.

These kids have hundreds of offers. Most of them don't make their minds up until the last minute...they love to play mind games, pit one school against the other, play the hat game, get their minutes on ESPN specials, and keep the intrigue going.

But they sure as **** don't like it when a coaching staff decides at the last minute to give an offer. Then it's offensive, it's a big ******* deal that they made him wait, etc.

**** that.

If Al Golden didn't want to have to grovel to teenagers for their services, maybe he should have considered having an ounce of coaching ability coveted by an NFL team. Otherwise, that's the job. Want to be stubborn and behave as if you're working in a perfect world? Go ahead. Just don't be stunned when you fail miserably in the real one.

You act like all this happens in a vacuum. A kid who feels like he's a coaches plan D knows he'll be the first one out the door when he gets "encouraged" to transfer to make room for some new HS hotshot a couple years down the road. A year's worth of "we don't think you're good enough" followed a feeble last gasp of "well we can't do any better" doesn't go far in endearing yourself to someone.

And the irony of all ironies is you calling Moore a ******* because he....wait for it....honored the commitment he made to the school earlier. Instead of switching at the last second for a school that showed 1% of the interest USC did. Behavior that if it happened to Golden you'd be pointing to as a textbook example of So. Florida diva players.

The only thing worse than being a shameless apologist is not even being a very good one at that.

You're so wrong on so many levels. Let's start from the bottom.

Not an apologist. Perhaps reading my previous posts, where I said things like "We all know it was dumb {that is, the staff not offering till signing day]. We all know Golden should have been on this kid from day one." would have clued you in to this fact.

I hold the staff accountable; it was a ****up on their part waiting.

But ultimately, Skai had an offer. He plays a role in the decision he made. That decision was his alone. He had options on the table, one of which was a UM scholly, and he turned it down. This isn't debatable.

That's why it rings hollow to me when Skai (or any recuit) tries to play it off as though he didn't get enough "love" from one school or another. The fact that he honored his commitment to SC is great--but he shouldn't be ****ing on UM. He made his decision, now ******* live with it.

In terms of the many, many ****ups on the part of this staff, "missing" on Skai is way down the list of things to grumble about. You guys can get your panties in a twist over the musings of some 18 yr old Prima donna...I'll abstain.

What person with any backbone would go to a school that didn't think he was good enough for 2 years, didnt want him, and then because they struck out on kids they liked more, offered him at the 11th hour, over a school thy valued his talents and expressed a desire for him the entire way? Absolutely ridiculous to blame Moore for not accepting that ridiculous last minute offer.

**** that.

I got a lot of (non-sports) scholly offers out of HS. I had a dream school in mind...they wait-listed me. Ultimately, they came through with an offer at the last minute. I went. End of story.

I didn't take it as a personal insult that they wait-listed me. I took them up on their offer, however last-minute it may have been, and I made good on it.

It was my decision, either way. I could have *****ed and moaned about how they insulted me by not making me a priority and by waiting till the last minute to offer. But that's not what men do.
I don't see it that way.

These kids have hundreds of offers. Most of them don't make their minds up until the last minute...they love to play mind games, pit one school against the other, play the hat game, get their minutes on ESPN specials, and keep the intrigue going.

But they sure as **** don't like it when a coaching staff decides at the last minute to give an offer. Then it's offensive, it's a big ******* deal that they made him wait, etc.

**** that.

If Al Golden didn't want to have to grovel to teenagers for their services, maybe he should have considered having an ounce of coaching ability coveted by an NFL team. Otherwise, that's the job. Want to be stubborn and behave as if you're working in a perfect world? Go ahead. Just don't be stunned when you fail miserably in the real one.

You act like all this happens in a vacuum. A kid who feels like he's a coaches plan D knows he'll be the first one out the door when he gets "encouraged" to transfer to make room for some new HS hotshot a couple years down the road. A year's worth of "we don't think you're good enough" followed a feeble last gasp of "well we can't do any better" doesn't go far in endearing yourself to someone.

And the irony of all ironies is you calling Moore a ******* because he....wait for it....honored the commitment he made to the school earlier. Instead of switching at the last second for a school that showed 1% of the interest USC did. Behavior that if it happened to Golden you'd be pointing to as a textbook example of So. Florida diva players.

The only thing worse than being a shameless apologist is not even being a very good one at that.

You're so wrong on so many levels. Let's start from the bottom.

Not an apologist. Perhaps reading my previous posts, where I said things like "We all know it was dumb {that is, the staff not offering till signing day]. We all know Golden should have been on this kid from day one." would have clued you in to this fact.

I hold the staff accountable; it was a ****up on their part waiting.

But ultimately, Skai had an offer. He plays a role in the decision he made. That decision was his alone. He had options on the table, one of which was a UM scholly, and he turned it down. This isn't debatable.

That's why it rings hollow to me when Skai (or any recuit) tries to play it off as though he didn't get enough "love" from one school or another. The fact that he honored his commitment to SC is great--but he shouldn't be ****ing on UM. He made his decision, now ******* live with it.

In terms of the many, many ****ups on the part of this staff, "missing" on Skai is way down the list of things to grumble about. You guys can get your panties in a twist over the musings of some 18 yr old Prima donna...I'll abstain.

What person with any backbone would go to a school that didn't think he was good enough for 2 years, didnt want him, and then because they struck out on kids they liked more, offered him at the 11th hour, over a school thy valued his talents and expressed a desire for him the entire way? Absolutely ridiculous to blame Moore for not accepting that ridiculous last minute offer.

**** that.

I got a lot of (non-sports) scholly offers out of HS. I had a dream school in mind...they wait-listed me. Ultimately, they came through with an offer at the last minute. I went. End of story.

I didn't take it as a personal insult that they wait-listed me. I took them up on their offer, however last-minute it may have been, and I made good on it.

It was my decision, either way. I could have *****ed and moaned about how they insulted me by not making me a priority and by waiting till the last minute to offer. But that's not what men do.

Give me a break, do you really think a guy who was offered as a last resort is going to feel like he has any kind of fair shot at playing? Let me guess, a real man is going to go in and take that playing time. FOH
I don't see it that way.

These kids have hundreds of offers. Most of them don't make their minds up until the last minute...they love to play mind games, pit one school against the other, play the hat game, get their minutes on ESPN specials, and keep the intrigue going.

But they sure as **** don't like it when a coaching staff decides at the last minute to give an offer. Then it's offensive, it's a big ****ing deal that they made him wait, etc.

**** that.

If Al Golden didn't want to have to grovel to teenagers for their services, maybe he should have considered having an ounce of coaching ability coveted by an NFL team. Otherwise, that's the job. Want to be stubborn and behave as if you're working in a perfect world? Go ahead. Just don't be stunned when you fail miserably in the real one.

You act like all this happens in a vacuum. A kid who feels like he's a coaches plan D knows he'll be the first one out the door when he gets "encouraged" to transfer to make room for some new HS hotshot a couple years down the road. A year's worth of "we don't think you're good enough" followed a feeble last gasp of "well we can't do any better" doesn't go far in endearing yourself to someone.

And the irony of all ironies is you calling Moore a ******* because he....wait for it....honored the commitment he made to the school earlier. Instead of switching at the last second for a school that showed 1% of the interest USC did. Behavior that if it happened to Golden you'd be pointing to as a textbook example of So. Florida diva players.

The only thing worse than being a shameless apologist is not even being a very good one at that.

You're so wrong on so many levels. Let's start from the bottom.

Not an apologist. Perhaps reading my previous posts, where I said things like "We all know it was dumb {that is, the staff not offering till signing day]. We all know Golden should have been on this kid from day one." would have clued you in to this fact.

I hold the staff accountable; it was a ****up on their part waiting.

But ultimately, Skai had an offer. He plays a role in the decision he made. That decision was his alone. He had options on the table, one of which was a UM scholly, and he turned it down. This isn't debatable.

That's why it rings hollow to me when Skai (or any recuit) tries to play it off as though he didn't get enough "love" from one school or another. The fact that he honored his commitment to SC is great--but he shouldn't be ****ing on UM. He made his decision, now ****ing live with it.

In terms of the many, many ****ups on the part of this staff, "missing" on Skai is way down the list of things to grumble about. You guys can get your panties in a twist over the musings of some 18 yr old Prima donna...I'll abstain.

What person with any backbone would go to a school that didn't think he was good enough for 2 years, didnt want him, and then because they struck out on kids they liked more, offered him at the 11th hour, over a school thy valued his talents and expressed a desire for him the entire way? Absolutely ridiculous to blame Moore for not accepting that ridiculous last minute offer.

**** that.

I got a lot of (non-sports) scholly offers out of HS. I had a dream school in mind...they wait-listed me. Ultimately, they came through with an offer at the last minute. I went. End of story.

I didn't take it as a personal insult that they wait-listed me. I took them up on their offer, however last-minute it may have been, and I made good on it.

It was my decision, either way. I could have ****ed and moaned about how they insulted me by not making me a priority and by waiting till the last minute to offer. But that's not what men do.

Totally different scenario.
Yeah, that's surprising. Blaming Skai Moore is ridiculous. He should have had an offer for a year to contemplate, not a few days.

Thanks for double checking who was actually on roster at the time. I was thinking off the top of my head. Still emotional about this? You must be local to him / similar age / watched him live or something? Yes, it would be nice if Grace, Figs, and Moore were next year's LBs. But what's done is done.

I am not arguing that we shouldn't have offered, but more of how big of a miss he was. All misses suck but missing on our DT targets were bigger misses.

If Figs wasn't in the program, then how could we chose him over Moore? That's not possible. We must have chosen Figs after Moore signed with USC. Even still, Figs sizes up pretty closely with Moore? A solid replacement (minus getting kick out of school lol).
Terry and Blue were off the team before we could really determine their contributions. Yes, not close to what Skai would have contributed here.
EJ was a consistent problem here, but so were some of our all-time greats. Problem childs and Miami? That's 1980s Miami style. A little edge in the locker room ain't that bad? What are you part of the U3 generation?
As I recollect, Miami didn't know that 6 wasn't coming until right around signing day? When BTW told Miami is the important part of this argument.

By the way, who had his scholarship offer that didn't end up coming the U (serious question)? Someone must have dropped us last minute for us to call Skai last minute?

We were all in the Matthew Thomas basket who ended up going to FSU. After the Denver Kirkland situation that happened during the Booker T state title parade, you would've thought that they (the staff) would've realized that they burnt their bridge with Thomas as well and should've went all in on Skai Moore. Offering a kid on signing day is a flat out joke.

He wasnt comin waaaaay before that
South Carolina has one of the worst defenses in the country. Why is there a thread about one of their LBs on a Canes board? Guy was a 3* talent out of high school and has played at the same level in college.

What a joke.
So if I read this correctly:

We were all in on MT for that LB scholarship. The coaches thought we would get him (a local feeder school's top player coached by Ice Harris). Eventually, they came to the realization that he wasn't coming. Then they offered Skai Moore last minute, but Moore was already set on USCe. Moore signs with USCe and then we go and get Figs at Prep/Jr. College for that scholarship.

This was also during the cloud and we were cutting back scholarships. Is this correct?
*******-A right it's Skai's fault he's not here. He had an offer; he passed the offer up. End of story.
I agree he let pride get in the way.

But, offering a kid that had been begging for an offer for over a year on the morning of signing day, is a like a girl you were hung up on in highschool offering you to hit it on the morning of your wedding day.

I don't see it that way.

These kids have hundreds of offers. Most of them don't make their minds up until the last minute...they love to play mind games, pit one school against the other, play the hat game, get their minutes on ESPN specials, and keep the intrigue going.

But they sure as **** don't like it when a coaching staff decides at the last minute to give an offer. Then it's offensive, it's a big ******* deal that they made him wait, etc.

**** that.

If Al Golden didn't want to have to grovel to teenagers for their services, maybe he should have considered having an ounce of coaching ability coveted by an NFL team. Otherwise, that's the job. Want to be stubborn and behave as if you're working in a perfect world? Go ahead. Just don't be stunned when you fail miserably in the real one.

You act like all this happens in a vacuum. A kid who feels like he's a coaches plan D knows he'll be the first one out the door when he gets "encouraged" to transfer to make room for some new HS hotshot a couple years down the road. A year's worth of "we don't think you're good enough" followed a feeble last gasp of "well we can't do any better" doesn't go far in endearing yourself to someone.

And the irony of all ironies is you calling Moore a ******* because he....wait for it....honored the commitment he made to the school earlier
. Instead of switching at the last second for a school that showed 1% of the interest USC did. Behavior that if it happened to Golden you'd be pointing to as a textbook example of So. Florida diva players.

The only thing worse than being a shameless apologist is not even being a very good one at that.

Well said. I don't know how old Cane in Heel country is, but he got just got his *** whipped!

****InHeels got turnt the **** out.
Bottom line -- he should have been offered earlier. He wasn't. He had a UM offer. He didn't take it. If he truly wanted to be at Miami he would be wearing a Canes' uniform in today's game. The rest of it is just *****ing and moaning and cutting and pasting the same **** over and over again.

We will either win or lose today. And we will all still be ****ed off for way more reasons than Skai ******* Moore.
So if I read this correctly:

We were all in on MT for that LB scholarship. The coaches thought we would get him (a local feeder school's top player coached by Ice Harris). Eventually, they came to the realization that he wasn't coming. Then they offered Skai Moore last minute, but Moore was already set on USCe. Moore signs with USCe and then we go and get Figs at Prep/Jr. College for that scholarship.

This was also during the cloud and we were cutting back scholarships. Is this correct?


The whole recruiting season our staff is pretty much set on Grace and 6 at linebacker. Come December or November we offer Figs and he commits. This is at the same time skai Moore is dominating and leading his team to a state title. Allegedly, the btw staff had told the miami staff in January that 6 was not coming and miami ignored them and kept pushing because they believed they could still get him. Gabe terry & EJ continuously got in trouble both were suspended and on their last straws. Paul had just transferred out in January. So it is possible to say the staff took Figs because they knew Paul was gone and needed a replacement at LB for spring since Figs was an EE. Coach coley comes on the miami staff in January and soon after we pull Denver Kirklands scholarship. There is rumors of correlation there but I digress....We were not as high on Kirkland as our current oline commits (which is poor evals looking back since Kirkland is the only one that has done anything) and we pulled his scholarship. Anyone with a brain at the point, even the biggest homers, knew 6 wasn't coming to miami. Still we let this thing drag out and offer skai Moore the morning of NSD.

We should've offered Skai Moore as soon he won MVP at the al golden camp. ****, even if we offered him when Paul left we would've had him. People make it out to be a "space" issue but we took Corn elder & Walter Tucker post NSD and would've taken Collins if his mom persuaded him to choose Miami.

If the decision had been michael barrows alone I'm sure Moore would've had an offer.

EDIT: 6 not coming here not figs
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I agree he let pride get in the way.

But, offering a kid that had been begging for an offer for over a year on the morning of signing day, is a like a girl you were hung up on in highschool offering you to hit it on the morning of your wedding day.

I don't see it that way.

These kids have hundreds of offers. Most of them don't make their minds up until the last minute...they love to play mind games, pit one school against the other, play the hat game, get their minutes on ESPN specials, and keep the intrigue going.

But they sure as **** don't like it when a coaching staff decides at the last minute to give an offer. Then it's offensive, it's a big ******* deal that they made him wait, etc.

**** that.

If Al Golden didn't want to have to grovel to teenagers for their services, maybe he should have considered having an ounce of coaching ability coveted by an NFL team. Otherwise, that's the job. Want to be stubborn and behave as if you're working in a perfect world? Go ahead. Just don't be stunned when you fail miserably in the real one.

You act like all this happens in a vacuum. A kid who feels like he's a coaches plan D knows he'll be the first one out the door when he gets "encouraged" to transfer to make room for some new HS hotshot a couple years down the road. A year's worth of "we don't think you're good enough" followed a feeble last gasp of "well we can't do any better" doesn't go far in endearing yourself to someone.

And the irony of all ironies is you calling Moore a ******* because he....wait for it....honored the commitment he made to the school earlier. Instead of switching at the last second for a school that showed 1% of the interest USC did. Behavior that if it happened to Golden you'd be pointing to as a textbook example of So. Florida diva players.

The only thing worse than being a shameless apologist is not even being a very good one at that.

You're so wrong on so many levels. Let's start from the bottom.

Not an apologist. Perhaps reading my previous posts, where I said things like "We all know it was dumb {that is, the staff not offering till signing day]. We all know Golden should have been on this kid from day one." would have clued you in to this fact.

I hold the staff accountable; it was a ****up on their part waiting.

But ultimately, Skai had an offer. He plays a role in the decision he made. That decision was his alone. He had options on the table, one of which was a UM scholly, and he turned it down. This isn't debatable.

That's why it rings hollow to me when Skai (or any recuit) tries to play it off as though he didn't get enough "love" from one school or another. The fact that he honored his commitment to SC is great--but he shouldn't be ****ing on UM. He made his decision, now ******* live with it.

In terms of the many, many ****ups on the part of this staff, "missing" on Skai is way down the list of things to grumble about. You guys can get your panties in a twist over the musings of some 18 yr old Prima donna...I'll abstain.

What person with any backbone would go to a school that didn't think he was good enough for 2 years, didnt want him, and then because they struck out on kids they liked more, offered him at the 11th hour, over a school thy valued his talents and expressed a desire for him the entire way? Absolutely ridiculous to blame Moore for not accepting that ridiculous last minute offer.
He never got a legit offer. An offer being where he was actually considered a fit for the program, given time to evaluate his situation and that of the school giving the offer. You've got faqqots on here actually excusing the assholish move of offering while the guy is going to sign his LOI. Not calling up to close the deal because he was offered all along, but not showing any interest leading up to NSD and then, because another player turned them down, having the gall to call him up with an offer. What a piece of **** move to blame a player for anything. **** any ****** who does so.

Holy ****. Imagine the conversation.

Uhmm, hello, Skai? Coach Golden here. I heard you love the U and I've got some good news for you. We'd like to offer you a scholly, waddaya think pal?

Well, Coach Golden, I appreciate the call and all but this is the first I've heard from you and I've already committed to South Carolina

Yeah, about that, sorry for the delay, but better late than never, right buddy? heh...heh...right?

Sir, I'm on my way right now to sign my LOI, best of luck to you sir.

Wait, Skai, have I told you about our training table??? <click> Skai?
We can simplify this and say “Yes, he should have been offered. He balled out, is a top D1 talent, potential NFL talent”. Perhaps, he should have been rated higher than MT. Why the **** did it have to come to signing day for him to get an offer?

At the time, we designated two scholarships for LBs (MT and Grace)? And 2, perhaps 3 additional scholarships to use? One was saved for AC at RB, and two extras that ended up being used on a FB and CB (Elder and Tucker have both been big contributors this year)?

Moore could have been offered earlier. But during that season, LB depth was solid. Was it not? EJ (redshirt freshman), Terry, and Paul were not expected to be kicked off the team. I guess the plan was to bring in Grace and go all in on MT for that year's class. MT was even throwing up the U in all-star games in January. There was still buzz that he might sign with us. I would have hoped our coaches wouldn't have given up on him until the end. It ended up however being a fail because our coaches are clueless with Miami culture, got played, and were in denial. But there were decent reasons for not offering earlier and if MT was straight up with us, perhaps Skai would have had his offer earlier.

Even when Paul bounced, we pick up Figs. At the time, that was a very good replacement and potential upgrade.

That year, Denver was the biggest miss, not Skai. Taking Odogwu and Hunter Knighton in his place is ridiculous. The BTW situation was a disaster. Bringing in Ice is at least bring some good out of all the bad.

There are misses every year. Butch, the greatest recruiting known to man even offered and accepted an athletic scholarship in 2000 from Jared McClure, a RB from Pennsylvania over a handful of local studs. He lasted a year. Lose the butt hurt and move on.
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Advertisement Skai Moore team in the College Football playoffs?


how they handled his recruitment was horrible, thought he was one of those late switchers lmao

he will probably have a great game against us and be the MVP of the bowl game

That kid should be a Cane.

I hope he shows out tomorrow, dominates and gets the game mvp.

**** you Al golden

Former Uschool Sun and South Florida Express standout Skai Moore has been named Independence Bowl MVP. #SFE again

Moore should be a cane, but **** chad Wilson!

This too.
I am so sick of kids from the "state" of miami winning in other colors not named orange and green
Skai Moore was a blessing for us. We flipped him from Rutgers around NSD. I remember y'all offered late, but luckily we held on. He was a FR All SEC Last year and a FR All American. Now he was the Def MVP of this Bowl Game, and he was the Def MVP of last year's Cap One Bowl as well. He's a great player.