SIAP - Jobe to Prep School in Connecticut


How can you say that you didn't see it posted anywhere while also saying Seen In Another Post in the title?

LMAO, I always that that **** meant you saw it somewhere else. LMAO, My bad and yes it's been posted already.



How can you say that you didn't see it posted anywhere while also saying Seen In Another Post in the title?

LMAO, I always that that **** meant you saw it somewhere else. LMAO, My bad and yes it's been posted already.

As an old man (according to this site) I've had to Google a lot of **** said on here including that one. I feel your pain. Crank confused the **** out of me for months.

How can you say that you didn't see it posted anywhere while also saying Seen In Another Post in the title?

LMAO, I always that that **** meant you saw it somewhere else. LMAO, My bad and yes it's been posted already.

As an old man (according to this site) I've had to Google a lot of **** said on here including that one. I feel your pain. Crank confused the **** out of me for months.

How was your Googling experience with that one?

It's been posted within threads but I'm not sure that there's already been a thread on it. I recall someone saying that it would be good for us because the Connecticut winters would make Jobe miss South Florida.

I guess it takes him away from more potential street agent influence but I'm not sure if it hurts or helps our chances of him staying committed. What do you think, OP?
that's far away from home for him, hopefully he misses it so much he doesn't waver his commitment but this also won't allow him to visit as often to keep him solid.
I believe Vinny Testaverde did the same thing, as far as going to a prep school. We've had a few others too, just can't remember them right now
I went to a well known prep school in CT, many years ago, and we always had 5th year Seniors who came to play football or hockey. These PGs (Post Graduates) were the BMOC and ruled the fields they played on which allowed them to get college visibility. It was common practice.

It was also common for them to get in trouble. Numerous distractions, especially after season was over. Lot of rich kids around with money to burn led to trouble.

Hope not for his sake but with watching closely. I hope for the best for the kid but CT is a long way from FL.