Serious Question For Yall Applauding Manny's House Cleaning? ...

Other than Searels and little Jon, why are yall so happy to see the other assistants go when it was Mork who was responsible for the crappy offense? And who do you replace them with from a recruiting standpoint? After all, all we were asking for was a proven OC right? My point is that some of yall already falling into the trap of blindly supporting the new coach! Don't get me wrong, I like Manny and honestly believe he CAN succeed at UM, but I'm in wait and see mode til he hires a quality staff, and I suggest some of you take the same approach to avoid getting burnt again.

People are applauding the fact Miami now has a no-nonsense coach with a realistic vision of what he believe the other side of the ball should look like—and the fact he's coming in, acting swiftly and has a plan in mind.

The chicken-**** move here is to handpick a few guys from that past regime that we're "good enough" and then trying to get them to mesh with a new staff. Business doesn't work that way. You clean house over there, bring in the right guy at offensive coordinator and work with him to build a staff you both agree on.

As "good" as any of those other guys were—there are better options; and ones that didn't come out of a three-year offensive disaster.
Other than Searels and little Jon, why are yall so happy to see the other assistants go when it was Mork who was responsible for the crappy offense? And who do you replace them with from a recruiting standpoint? After all, all we were asking for was a proven OC right? My point is that some of yall already falling into the trap of blindly supporting the new coach! Don't get me wrong, I like Manny and honestly believe he CAN succeed at UM, but I'm in wait and see mode til he hires a quality staff, and I suggest some of you take the same approach to avoid getting burnt again.

I get what your saying but I think Manny probably feels like any offensive coordinator he hires is going to want to bring in his own staff. This is jist a way to expedite what was going to happen anyway. Plus if a new OC wants to bring back Hartley or Dugans he will but there are other great coaches out there that would do just as well.

Manny is trying to make this whole team his team and so far I don't disagree with any of the moves he's made.

We all wanted change and now that it's happened the few select of our fan base is still looking for any reason to curb the ethusiasm. I understand that, I get that, but I choose to believe in Manny (especially after today's ESPN interview) and if he annouces Fedora we are going to be fun to watch on both sides of the ball. We need a QB bad but I believe Fedora will get us one if he is the guy.

Honestly they were all trash. Lil Jon and Searles obviously had to go. Brown is a ***boy who blamed everyone else for not getting results. Soft guy who talks tough. Typical Georgia Bulldog. I would have kept Hartley and Dugans for recruiting purposes; however, they both would have been demoted from their second titles of co-OC and ST coordinator respectively with added pay cuts.
No one knows for sure what the reasons are for each individual coach but I think a big part of this is that as Manny stated in his interview their needs to be a culture change. Everyone had to go! By doing this Manny is creating a sense of urgency that has been severely lacking. He is putting all of the players on notice. Get on board, work hard, and execute or you won’t have a spot here on Miami.

I won’t be surprise to see a bunch of players get pushed on in the near future as well!
Other than Searels and little Jon, why are yall so happy to see the other assistants go when it was Mork who was responsible for the crappy offense? And who do you replace them with from a recruiting standpoint? After all, all we were asking for was a proven OC right? My point is that some of yall already falling into the trap of blindly supporting the new coach! Don't get me wrong, I like Manny and honestly believe he CAN succeed at UM, but I'm in wait and see mode til he hires a quality staff, and I suggest some of you take the same approach to avoid getting burnt again.
Needed to reboot and start fresh. If you have holdovers, the cancer could reemerge. Or you can call it collateral damage. Phrase however you like, but get rid of every vestige of the problem and move forward.
The problem with some of our fans is they love to live in past. Move forward!
Our offensive fundamentals were terrible in all departments, im glad he's cleaning house. Never reward mediocrity. I never get all hysterical about losing coaches. There are many coaches out there who can perform up to whats required here. Cleaning house get the offense out of their comfort zone with people they know. Next season, its all business. Every player starts with a fresh slate and gets a chance to prove themselves. Like when u go to a job interview or start a new job after one u been at for years
Other than Searels and little Jon, why are yall so happy to see the other assistants go when it was Mork who was responsible for the crappy offense? And who do you replace them with from a recruiting standpoint? After all, all we were asking for was a proven OC right? My point is that some of yall already falling into the trap of blindly supporting the new coach! Don't get me wrong, I like Manny and honestly believe he CAN succeed at UM, but I'm in wait and see mode til he hires a quality staff, and I suggest some of you take the same approach to avoid getting burnt again.

They were all Bible Thumpers just like Mark. The day of the Bible Thumper is over. Assassins only.

I hope that answers your question
Other than Searels and little Jon, why are yall so happy to see the other assistants go when it was Mork who was responsible for the crappy offense? And who do you replace them with from a recruiting standpoint? After all, all we were asking for was a proven OC right? My point is that some of yall already falling into the trap of blindly supporting the new coach! Don't get me wrong, I like Manny and honestly believe he CAN succeed at UM, but I'm in wait and see mode til he hires a quality staff, and I suggest some of you take the same approach to avoid getting burnt again.
OP you’re so weak man lol. Go clean your own house before you talk about manny.
Hartley has been here during a time of great development by Njoku, Herendon and now Jordan. Mallory has also shown flashes of what he can be.

That's an awful lot of good players becoming great or showing potential for greatness during his time here.

So he's either really lucky or can coach TEs.

Can't say I agree with this firing.
And also the worst ST coach in the free world. Coverage units were terrible. Punt return setup/blocking was atrocious. Punter was a better kicker before our ST coach met him than he is today.

Herndon and Njoku were good before he got here. And the others were top recruits, who by seeing how we used Herndon and njoku came to an offense that looks to use the TE a lot. And they were studs coming out of hs. So show me this elite development you talk about.

I liked him. He’s a good recruiter. But I’m not heart broken he’s gone.
When you’re removing a tumor, you need to be sure you’ve removed the entire thing. Any remaining bits can result in the tumor growing back.
You have to let the new OC have input so he can bring in his own guys. I never understood hiring a new OC and then telling him “These are your position coaches you have to work with and BTW you must start this kid under center”.

Any good OC will want to have input into who the position coaches will be. Diaz just made it easy for him to fill in the blanks. Brown and Dugans weren’t Co-OCs just like Patke and Banda aren’t Co-DCs.
So true.

Everybody remember our 1984 fiasco when Jimmy Johnson had to rely on Schnellenberger's DC and staff. It was a philosophy with which he didn't agree.
I here ALL YALL talking **** NOW, so I'm gonna keep this thread. Let's see who we get to replace these fuys, which was all I was asking...