Saturdays without Canes Football

That’s none of your business sir.

You’re lucky you found a gerbil 2 weeks later, man my gerbil is taking forever to climb the ramp I show him every weekend. Maybe I’ll try a different technique. I don’t know... he’s probably not into the kinky stuff. Ima have to get another one, then.. thanks Cribby. I call my gerbil Tyson, but he’s more like Mayweather.
I’m glad you enjoy my threads, friend!

What did you think of my Saturday itinerary?

Oh, don’t get it twisted; ur day is filled w thee most organic grade of cow manure. However, to ur credit at least ur not robbing a bank.
I don’t know if erotic is the right word.

Kenneth and I are both heterosexual.
Hey my friend, you have been getting a pass here on CIS. You are very well aware that your posts are to put it lightly... super strange.
You are toying with us. Your reactions to most posts would lead us to believe that you are a flamer. I was ready to accept that you are a flamer... no problem. But now you just threw us a ******* curve ball.... you say you're straight. Ok...
So then... would you and Kenneth like to incorporate gerbils into your massage routines and then get back to us with all the juicy details.
Just saying...
And they deleted an "active" Senator Flake thread for this, uhhh, flaky masterpiece...

That being said, there's still baseball season to view on TV, and per usual, any teams ranked higher than the Canes that is on TV, I watch to root for them to lose (upsets ofc are best.)
Lets see. Go for a quick 10 mile bike ride first thing in the AM. Then hit up crawlers and coffee. After that, watch my girls cheer for their team (football), maybe catch a game or 2...the alternative would be to hit up a trail with the JKU.
What do you guys do when our beloved Canes aren’t playing?

For me, I will likely start my day around 10 AM.

After waking up I will immediately give thanks to Christ for allowing me to breathe air for another day. Then I will roll out of bed and head to the kitchen where I will make a cup of coffee. I enjoy blonde roast coffee with some Splenda and skim milk. I’ll let it cool before drinking as I don’t like it to be too hot. I could burn my tongue otherwise.

After enjoying my coffee I will take out a frying pan and start to melt some butter for my breakfast pancakes. I use a homemade recipe passed down several generations. I wish I could share it with you gentlemen but it’s top secret. Following my scrumptious meal I will remove my pajamas and take a hot shower. I’m very excited to try my new Old Spice Bearglove body wash.

After I have cleansed myself, I will get dressed and head to the couch. I like to catch up on any Days of Our Lives episodes I missed from the week. Around noon, my attention will turn to college football. I will peruse through several different games, enjoying all the hard hitting action.

After the first slate of games end, I will hop into my Toyota Prius and head over to the local spa to get my eyebrows threaded. It’s been three weeks since my last, so it’s badly needed. Then I will stop by my best friend Kenneth’s house. Kenneth is a strong man with soft hands. He will give me an hour long full body massage, which will be quite delightful.

Following the massage, it’s time to head home and prepare supper. I have a truly magnificent meal prepared. Poached salmon with mustard sauce and a kale salad. After eating and cleaning the dishes with my Method Lavander dish soap, I will once again return to my couch to enjoy some more great action. The night slate of games looks very promising.

Around 11, I will turn off my TV and head to bed. I have to be up early for Church on Sunday and like to get a good nights sleep.

That’s going to be my Saturday.

Thanks for reading.
What do you guys do when our beloved Canes aren’t playing?

For me, I will likely start my day around 10 AM.

After waking up I will immediately give thanks to Christ for allowing me to breathe air for another day. Then I will roll out of bed and head to the kitchen where I will make a cup of coffee. I enjoy blonde roast coffee with some Splenda and skim milk. I’ll let it cool before drinking as I don’t like it to be too hot. I could burn my tongue otherwise.

After enjoying my coffee I will take out a frying pan and start to melt some butter for my breakfast pancakes. I use a homemade recipe passed down several generations. I wish I could share it with you gentlemen but it’s top secret. Following my scrumptious meal I will remove my pajamas and take a hot shower. I’m very excited to try my new Old Spice Bearglove body wash.

After I have cleansed myself, I will get dressed and head to the couch. I like to catch up on any Days of Our Lives episodes I missed from the week. Around noon, my attention will turn to college football. I will peruse through several different games, enjoying all the hard hitting action.

After the first slate of games end, I will hop into my Toyota Prius and head over to the local spa to get my eyebrows threaded. It’s been three weeks since my last, so it’s badly needed. Then I will stop by my best friend Kenneth’s house. Kenneth is a strong man with soft hands. He will give me an hour long full body massage, which will be quite delightful.

Following the massage, it’s time to head home and prepare supper. I have a truly magnificent meal prepared. Poached salmon with mustard sauce and a kale salad. After eating and cleaning the dishes with my Method Lavander dish soap, I will once again return to my couch to enjoy some more great action. The night slate of games looks very promising.

Around 11, I will turn off my TV and head to bed. I have to be up early for Church on Sunday and like to get a good nights sleep.

That’s going to be my Saturday.

Thanks for reading.

Splenda? **** kinda Canes fan are you? Pour some cocaine in that coffee like a REAL East Coaster.