Salute to Travis Homer

Ive been saying Homer is a better back than Walton. All my buddies thought i was crazy. I do like Walton more as a recieving threat
Homer is #12 in FBS in YPC at 6.66 yards

He is far and away a better RB than Walton. It's not even close.

Interesting conundrum if Walton comes back for his senior year.

I've always believed Brown was partial to Walton and wasn't really as high on Homer as the rest of us. Brown seems to like those alpha male personalities, which just isn't Homer's style. Walton would get his starting job back in this scenario imo.

Also have to factor in DeeJay, Lingard and Davis.

Walton may be advised to declare by the staff.

Walton has to come back next year to show his legs okay...Hopefully Burns is healthy by next year as I thought he was every bit as good as Homer...
You can never have too many RB's...that's what Butch did, loaded us up with RB's and used all of them which helped late in games.