Rosier best of the QB's today, according to...


All-ACC (#1 most reproted porster on CIS)
Feb 7, 2013
...Barry Jackson


Most have him and Shirreffs in a dead heat at the end of the spring.

It's going to be a heated competition come summer/fall, but right now I would give Perry a better chance than I thought he would have just a few weeks ago.

I still think it's more probable that either Shirreffs or Rosier (or Allison) win the competition, but that door's looking wide open for Perry if he can come in and be outstanding, and avoid being a mistake prone wide-eyed rook freshmans
Just reading the twitter updates it seemed as if Allison was the best of the bunch. Would be nice to see him get some momentum going.
Perry should snatch this up before the season comes IMO

That's it, though

He's got to take it and take it hard.

If he's tied or close with the other guys, most coaches would go with experience, or at least guys that have been in the system longer

Bottom line, I'm with the guy in that gives us the best chance of winning the most games. None of this let's get him in there so he can be ready for next year. I want the guy to win us some games this year.
Perry should snatch this up before the season comes IMO

That's it, though

He's got to take it and take it hard.

If he's tied or close with the other guys, most coaches would go with experience, or at least guys that have been in the system longer

Bottom line, I'm with the guy in that gives us the best chance of winning the most games. None of this let's get him in there so he can be ready for next year. I want the guy to win us some games this year.

that kid is being slept on even im guilty of it..............he pledged early so we tend to sleep. He was there number 1 guy over anyone and he has it all
Perry should snatch this up before the season comes IMO

That's it, though

He's got to take it and take it hard.

If he's tied or close with the other guys, most coaches would go with experience, or at least guys that have been in the system longer

Bottom line, I'm with the guy in that gives us the best chance of winning the most games. None of this let's get him in there so he can be ready for next year. I want the guy to win us some games this year.

Yep, and there's a good chance we don't know who the real #1 is until well into the season. There's a really good chance whoever wins the starting job won't stay there. They could name Perry the starter for game one, and he might not be effective. They could name Shirreffs the starter and he could tear it up the first two games, then stink up the join at FSU. We just need to let it play out, and pull for whoever the QB is to have success.
Basically the QB battle is....

A play maker with turnover issues.
A game manager that isn't even effective.

Difficult situation..

I'm not a fan of 1) crowning a freshman QB as a savior before he even steps on campus. 2) Starting a true freshman QB

but these guys seem to be proving every practice their not the guy. So perry might just back pedal into the starting job

Rosier seems to be the high risk high reward candidate because of his big play ability with arm and legs.
Rosier had the best day,

I would agree with this. Based on what I saw, if any QB other than 12 or 16 takes a snap this season, we're in BIG trouble. It's also clear that Weldon is still struggling. Unless he's a bonafide superstar, it's a HUGE ask to have Perry step on campus in May and win the job in August.
Allison stat line looks marginally better than Rosier.

Rick still has him behind Rosier/Shirreffs, so.....

Lmao ok

Laugh all you want, chief.

It wasn't enough to get him even at the same level as the other two guys. Don't believe me? Listen to Rick's interview from today.

I'm not making this up. It's what the coach says.
Allison stat line looks marginally better than Rosier.

Rick still has him behind Rosier/Shirreffs, so.....

Lmao ok

Laugh all you want, chief.

It wasn't enough to get him even at the same level as the other two guys. Don't believe me? Listen to Rick's interview from today.

I'm not making this up. It's what the coach says.
Just looking at stats man. If you got a dog in the fight than good for you. I just want to win games and what I've seen in the updates and videos posted Rosier looked like *** outside of two throws.