Ronald Delancey got his offer

Do you think we waited because he’s ranked as the 129th best corner in the nation and we had others rated ahead?

Yea they had others rated ahead like Hodges who they dropped....and Frncois who dropped us twice. Just listen up...the cb coach isnt that good of an evaluator.

I mean every year its the same sh*t really...last class it was the kid from Orlando that obviously wasnt a real Miami Level cb prospect.
Then they think UM is a bigger program than the Nebraska's of the world....newsflash...u lost to FIU a week ago and lost to GT this week. We are a middling program as well...Pipe down.

Exactly, we can’t sell them on being developed because we have failed our top ranked recruits, we can’t sell them on winning championships because we don’t, we sure as sh*t aren’t selling them on THE NEW MIAMI.

It’s to the point were our only selling point is proximity to home and still people on here believe that should trump everything else, even if it’s a late/desperation offer.
Justin Hodges is ranked 141st & Davonte Brown is ranked 193rd, both were offered before Delancy, if they cared how low he's ranked they wouldn't have offered in the first place.

They didn't wait, they simply weren't going to offer because he wasn't a take for them until as recent as this week.

I have no problem with that if that's how their evals shaked out, but they made sure they let him they were sorry for waiting so long to offer him, which means they clearly feel it was necessary to let him know they should have earlier in the year. Why exactly? Either because they really want him or because they don't have many other options available are the only two scenarios that make sense, because if they didn't like his film & didn't feel he was a take for 9 months they would have nothing to apologize for.
If all things are equal. You take the kid from the feeder school, who is apparently the local leader.
I gained 42 pounds my freshman and sophomore years in college lifting weights and eating in a college dining hall vs HS cafeteria food and 1 home cooked meal a day. I played football and worked out in HS but our weight program was ****.

It can be done for kids who really didn’t eat right or lift seriously in HS.....or those who are late bloomers physically, which many are. For the kids who did max out in HS either physically or through weight training, or those kids already in a college program for a few years? It’s hard to gain anything more than 5-10 pounds of lean muscle weight a year. Eventually the body plateaus.
Yea you’re right but we don’t know if that’s the case with Delancy. However, you’re right because I didn’t lift at all until my HS coaches introduced me to a weight program plus I grew. So you’re right.
The staff seems to value tall rangy corners so they completely overlooked this kid. How do you find yourself doing all this last minute scrambling offering a kid from MNW this late in the game? You should know kids from a feeder school in your backyard inside and out. Did they really need to see the entire senior season to know the kid can play?
I gained 42 pounds my freshman and sophomore years in college lifting weights and eating in a college dining hall vs HS cafeteria food and 1 home cooked meal a day. I played football and worked out in HS but our weight program was ****.

It can be done for kids who really didn’t eat right or lift seriously in HS.....or those who are late bloomers physically, which many are. For the kids who did max out in HS either physically or through weight training, or those kids already in a college program for a few years? It’s hard to gain anything more than 5-10 pounds of lean muscle weight a year. Eventually the body plateaus.
yeah true. Couch said he went from 140 to 175 this year
I like the kid's hudl. Hopefully he comes but I understand if he doesn't. He's currently committed to a
It’s a slap in the face from Miami being offered late but boy what an honor if it was Georgia. Can’t make this **** up.
This right here is why it's hard to understand these kids but if I look at it through his lenses he feels like Miami should already know what he's about on the field and should have offered because he is as others have kinda hinted at a well respected kid in our backyard. UGA offering is a perceived big dawg that he'd commit to sight unseen if he could probably.

If we as fans are real about it there's no difference between us and Nebraska because we both trash.
Right so for a kid like this, Miami is pretty much the same level as Nebraska or Louisville, but an offer from someone like Georgia is actually a big deal.
I should have kept reading the board. I basically posted the same thing u did lol
Ivins said the offer to Delancey is basically to send a message to Brown from AH to commit or we have someone else we're willing to take.

For you guys that know about these 2 @Liberty City El ,@gogeta4 , and anyone else. Forget the "late and later" offer to both of thes kids for a minute. If we can only take one and both are ready to jump on board who do you take, Brown or Delancey and why?
It’s a slap in the face from Miami being offered late but boy what an honor if it was Georgia. Can’t make this **** up.
I was thinking the same thing... we have work to do but if UGA offer him a day before signing day he would be honored to go there. Damm MIAMI is like the bata male of college football.
Every time I see a kid place the hearts with the green leading the orange, I feel they’re not coming.
When he was on campus he was visiting with his teammates, the staff wasn't focused on him, more so other players that were there. they didn't establish a relationship with him he was just there with about 8-9 other kids. In order to establish a relationship you have to continue to have contact, if you visit in Feb/March & then you don't get a call or a text or any form of communication for 9 months straight how strong is that bond gonna be versus other coaches who call you everyday? And what does Redwine have to do with Delancy? Are all kids supposed to react like Redwine?

And the CB's that we missed on, Daran Branch (who decommitted), Keshawn Lawrence (who they recruited as a CB even though he's a Safety), Brian George, Jahquez Robinson, Fred Davis, Justin Hodges & they also lost Francois twice even thou they want him at FS but he's a CB.

The only point I'm making is, why do people have such a problem with him saying what he feels about his recruitment if the staff had no intention of offering him until now? All he's doing is handling his recruitment the way he's sees best, he hasn't played any games or said anything bad about Miami because he wasn't even on our radar until yesterday & people are acting like he needs to commit now or else lol
I can understand what you’re saying and I see your point but I suppose my point is that why does the hometown team always get held to some kind of unreasonable double standard by the local community? This kid being upset about when he got offered but if other schools did the same thing it would be all love and the kid grateful. Home town teams normally get the benefit of the doubt except in S Fl with Miami. Why is that? What did Miami do to the community to make them treat the home team like ****?

Again I could care less what the kid does, his life. However to give an interview after getting get an offer, with it being your best offer, and airing the displeasure with the timing of the offer but in the next breathe begging for another offer from an out of state school is having double standards and a bias against the home town team. I’m curious why that is permeated thru S Fl and very few other places.
The staff seems to value tall rangy corners so they completely overlooked this kid. How do you find yourself doing all this last minute scrambling offering a kid from MNW this late in the game? You should know kids from a feeder school in your backyard inside and out. Did they really need to see the entire senior season to know the kid can play?


You wait and see Davonte Brown or Hodges.

This kid played at MNW...he was already battle tested. Not much changed his sr film is just like his jr film he has been putting in work