Rogers Is In The Portal

My only response is Mario sees and hears everything we never will which means there's a ton things we'll never know....
If he feels dudes like you described can bounce than obviously issues arose to have cause for such action...
After seeing what I've seen the last several years I'm wide open for change...Rip it all apart and rebuild...

Im with you. I posted when it all started that I suspect we'll see some collateral damage related to departures. Perhaps this is an example. That said, the approach of cut once, cut deep, then rally the troops who stay on-board by letting them know they have a future here is probably the best way to turn the cultural top soil (so to say).
You think one tweet was enough. 🤣
You think it was appropriate? And you don't think there was a possible undercurrent? Dads like these don't end well in many cases. I love how some of you defend bad behavior when it serves a certain narrative.
You think it was appropriate? And you don't think there was a possible undercurrent? Dads like these don't end well in many cases. I love how some of you defend bad behavior when it serves a certain narrative.
I rarely use social media platforms. I don't agree with it byt the Rogers may or may not have had anything to do with it. Do you know what the coach told him or his father? I love how some of you defend coaches with a piece of info.
I rarely use social media platforms. I don't agree with it byt the Rogers may or may not have had anything to do with it. Do you know what the coach told him or his father? I love how some of you defend coaches with a piece of info.
I'm criticizing a dad coach who felt compelled to go public. These rarely go well. His kid is here for a cup of coffee, and we stood by a kid who blew out his knee. You want to pull your kid then do it and keep your mouth shut and move on to a new opportunity. Not defending a coach just stating a few facts. Some of you love to criticize the program every chance you get so back at you.
At what point do we no longer believe that it was the players who were the primary problem?

Defending Mario is getting to be like defending Bill Cosby. I had his back until the 16th woman came forward, then even I began to wonder...
Hilarious… after year 1 and we have our best recruiting class since…. Ever?

It’s obvious Mario didn’t go the quick fix route and was wanting to “build it the right way” safe to say he didn’t envision gatt-*** performing like that as OC and having crippling injuries on the Oline, RBs and QBs
Im with you. I posted when it all started that I suspect we'll see some collateral damage related to departures. Perhaps this is an example. That said, the approach of cut once, cut deep, then rally the troops who stay on-board by letting them know they have a future here is probably the best way to turn the cultural top soil (so to say).
Absolutely agree...
Actually, tell me what I missed. How is his dad a pain in the ***? Other than a single tweet where he tagged the DB coach.
The tweet/statement was not well-made. It reflected a lack of awareness and judgment. We had just won a game and he deemed it appropriate to mouth off publicly against a coach who cannot defend himself. As a coach himself, he should know that there are far better methods of communicating frustration than to post stuff on social media which is going to invite an avalanche of attention and criticism. He should also know--firsthand--that you can't make every player and parent happy.

Is he a pain in the ***? A bad dude? Was this just a lapse in judgment? Who knows. But it was a ****** move.
You think it was appropriate? And you don't think there was a possible undercurrent? Dads like these don't end well in many cases. I love how some of you defend bad behavior when it serves a certain narrative.

It was still only a single tweet. You labelled the guy based off of that one social media post.

If we took that same approach here you'd have been labelled a pain in the *** by the morning of January 17th, 2012. :beedog2:
It was still only a single tweet. You labelled the guy based off of that one social media post.

If we took that same approach here you'd have been labelled a pain in the *** by the morning of January 17th, 2012. :beedog2:
Pot meet kettle.
The tweet/statement was not well-made. It reflected a lack of awareness and judgment. We had just won a game and he deemed it appropriate to mouth off publicly against a coach who cannot defend himself. As a coach himself, he should know that there are far better methods of communicating frustration than to post stuff on social media which is going to invite an avalanche of attention and criticism. He should also know--firsthand--that you can't make every player and parent happy.

Is he a pain in the ***? A bad dude? Was this just a lapse in judgment? Who knows. But it was a ****** move.
Many dad coaches are a pain in the ***. I'm willing to bet he will be heard from again and not in a flattering way either. Time will tell. But this nonsense about collateral damage. I was told almost 2 months ago to expect two dozen kids to be told to look elsewhere. Starting to look like it.
Many dad coaches are a pain in the ***. I'm willing to bet he will be heard from again and not in a flattering way either. Time will tell. But this nonsense about collateral damage. I was told almost 2 months ago to expect two dozen kids to be told to look elsewhere. Starting to look like it.

I just think it's weird that so many guys on the board think that the ONLY issues are the ones that get reported. As if the ONLY thing the dad said was the ONE TWEET. Or that all of these players are hard-working angels who the coaches "just can't inspire", because we haven't seen anything as serious as arrest reports.

I will say this, one of the eye-opening things for me over the last 6 months is all the info I have heard about what certain players have been doing (or not doing). I'll be the first to admit, my rosy "10-2 expectations" were based on what I saw from those players in the last half of 2021. Once I started getting the reports on what a bunch of fvck-ups they actually were behind the scenes, I dropped my expectations on wins.

I'm also honest about being a UM alum and being grateful for the education and what it has given me in life opportunities. I am absolutely gobsmacked by how badly many of the 2022 players sabotaged their own futures over pettiness and an inability to swallow pride for a few months, even if they were ultimately going to leave the program. Good luck to Blades and a couple of others, but I guaran-*******-tee you that 80% of our Portal exits (or more) will continue to fail unless they make substantial changes in their lives and work habits.
It was still only a single tweet. You labelled the guy based off of that one social media post.

If we took that same approach here you'd have been labelled a pain in the *** by the morning of January 17th, 2012. :beedog2:

While not a good look, the irony of people *****ing day and night on a message board but pops is tar and feathered for one, well it's CIS I guess.

The saddest part is that Mario wasn't tough enough to ignore what some parents said, he had to address it publicly.
Finally per Gaby
mister rogers middle finger GIF
Was looking at Miss St hard out of school. Not sure about now w Leach's news.
He ain't going to no SEC school. Major injury and no game film at miami. He should of stayed cause he would of played this year.. then if you still don't like miami then portal out
I just think it's weird that so many guys on the board think that the ONLY issues are the ones that get reported. As if the ONLY thing the dad said was the ONE TWEET. Or that all of these players are hard-working angels who the coaches "just can't inspire", because we haven't seen anything as serious as arrest reports.

I will say this, one of the eye-opening things for me over the last 6 months is all the info I have heard about what certain players have been doing (or not doing). I'll be the first to admit, my rosy "10-2 expectations" were based on what I saw from those players in the last half of 2021. Once I started getting the reports on what a bunch of fvck-ups they actually were behind the scenes, I dropped my expectations on wins.

I'm also honest about being a UM alum and being grateful for the education and what it has given me in life opportunities. I am absolutely gobsmacked by how badly many of the 2022 players sabotaged their own futures over pettiness and an inability to swallow pride for a few months, even if they were ultimately going to leave the program. Good luck to Blades and a couple of others, but I guaran-*******-tee you that 80% of our Portal exits (or more) will continue to fail unless they make substantial changes in their lives and work habits.
One of my son's good buddies was a team manager. That's 100% accurate although he graduated spring 2022 with my son.

BTW, to your first point. Look at the post right after yours to validate your point.
While not a good look, the irony of people *****ing day and night on a message board but pops is tar and feathered for one, well it's CIS I guess.

The saddest part is that Mario wasn't tough enough to ignore what some parents said, he had to address it publicly.

Nope. Wrong. Completely wrong.

Lots of people (like you) setting up false standards because you have already formed opinions on Mario ("wasn't tough enough") is just ridiculous.

You need to take off your Mario-hate-tinted glasses and acknowledge that whiny parents would pose a distraction at ANY program. And admit that Mario learned his craft at a program (Alabama) and that we aspire to be like other programs (Alabama) that would not tolerate that kind of parental whininess. It doesn't suddenly become a valid form of parental participation simply because your university loses 7 games in a season.

As for "not tough enough", that's just nonsense. Look at the things that Saban (or even People's Hero Leach) commented on when the press asked them about it. Remember Saban commenting on "rat poison". Doesn't mean that Saban wasn't "tough enough". Coaches can choose to comment on things and send messages on things whenever they believe that something is getting out of hand. Doesn't mean that they have to be "tough enough" to remain quiet while parents start to act like this is Pop Warner all over again.

There were a LOT of problems with players, and parents, and habits, and actions this past year. People like you only see the tip of the iceberg. What a joke, to compare parents PUBLICLY complaining about playing time to a bunch of anonymous internet posters complaining about uniform colors. Ridiculous.
One of my son's good buddies was a team manager. That's 100% accurate although he graduated spring 2022 with my son.

BTW, to your first point. Look at the post right after yours to validate your point.

Yeah, @SayWhat should SayNothing.

EDIT: I will also say, it breaks my heart. I want every UM student (and eventual alum) to succeed in life, including the football players who may not stay a full 4 or 5 years. But whether a bright student burns out from drinking too much every single night, or a talented football player derails himself with terrible behavior and work habits, not everyone will reach the finish line. Imagine if we blamed all the professors for "failing to reach all their students", just because a fraction of the student body at EVERY UNIVERSITY fails to grow up and become responsible adults. Ridiculous.