RIP Turnover Chain?

Should sell as NFT with proceeds going towards...who cares just get rid of it
They should keep the chain. The kids love it, and when we incorporated it, we actually started creating more turnovers. I think they need to have stipulations on when it's handed out though.

The chain FAR from corny. It started a whole trend, nationwide.

Keep it please, winning makes it look better!!!
One thing is the Turnover Chain .. not a fan really .. but if they keep it .. GET RID OF THE TOUCHDOWN RINGS ... have some class. Score a TD hand the ball to the ref and jog to your sideline like a football player .. not a 3 year old kid.
Next...on Pawn Stars....

Bald Dude: What have you got there?
Manny Diaz: Turnover Chains and Touchdown Rings...
Bald Dude: Laughs wheezingly...proceeds to tell Manny the history of the chain....
Manny Diaz: Silent, not smiling
Bald Dude: How much do you want?
Manny Diaz: $500K for the full set
Bald Dude: Let me call my guy...
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Literally every team has some kind of turnover trinket today. It’s not going anywhere.
THIS. To copy something or someone is the most sincere form of flattery. This has become a tradition with the Canes so why would you get rid of something that motivates the players? The players love it and most of the fans love it (except for a few trolls on this board who bash everything like 12 year olds)... why stop there; get rid of Sebastian, the Ring of Honor, the Sunsations, UM cheerleaders.
It was fun for the first year or two. I wanted to get one and hang it from the mirror of my patrol car.

Nonetheless, it’s time to kill it along with the TD rings. Time for a new era, new traditions.
(Maybe) Dumb question:

But where are the chains themselves? Are they somewhere at Hecht or somewhere else on campus?
As awesome as the turnover chain was, Manny poisoned it by introducing those ridiculous touchdown rings. He turned the whole process into a joke. Now that the turnover chain has a life of its own, its now a thing that Mario will have to deal with. He'll have to make a decision on keeping it or not and that will be a media story either way. Sad.
One thing is the Turnover Chain .. not a fan really .. but if they keep it .. GET RID OF THE TOUCHDOWN RINGS ... have some class. Score a TD hand the ball to the ref and jog to your sideline like a football player .. not a 3 year old kid.
It blows my mind that there are Miami Hurricane fans that think like this. Not necessarily the rings, they’re pretty dumb but the whole “hand the ball to the referee” line is straight from the Penn State book of lame.