RIP Turnover Chain?

We don't need a gimmick.

We got a U on our **** helmet.

But, if Mario does decide to keep it (Bama has a championship belt), that's in him.

Only bring that **** out in close games if they decide to keep it, but IMO it has ran its course.

But I'll never forget seeing Malek Young on that sideline in the FAMU game being the first to don it.
I don’t get the stoic, hand the ball to the ref thing.

They invented the celebration rules because of us. It’s as big a part of our identity as the U, the colors, Sebastian, everything.

People keep looking for goofy reasons why we suck and want the players to act like we Norte dame or some bullshyt.

We don’t suck because of swag. We don’t suck because of celebrations or jewelry. We don’t suck because of south Florida players .

We suck because we have hired a long sad string of bad coaches. We have a competent coach. We will win a lot more. No need to trash our identity because of insecurity induced by trash coaching.
The only reason I'd want to keep it would be cause recruits seem to love it and posing with it but with Mario on board I don't think we'll need all those gimmicky bells and whistles anymore to lure blue chips

Well they got their version of the TD rings, so why not the chain?
Sauces tell me
They are going to be used as part of manny’s buy out along with the rings
I think it should be gone this year but once Mario had Miami rolling consider bringing it back
Bc it was fun in 2017 when we were winning
I have no problem with the turnover chain if we're winning. Really don't like it when we've got a mediocre record or playing a weak opponent or are losing badly in a game.

It was fun back in 2016 or 2017 when they rolled it out. But I wouldn't complain if they retire it either now.1
Dump it in the bermuda triangle
With Barry Jackson wearing it? J/k. Mixed feelings about it myself. Great PR move and fun originally. But as the loses mounted and subpar play continued, it became a parody of itself. Like Manny, smoke and mirrors. On the other hand, their college kids and football should be fun, they like it. Idk what Mario’s going to do with that thing to be honest, but it’s the least of his worries. The rings can go, it’s overkill, and reeks of Manny’s desperation.