Ridley names Alabama his leader

Easy solution to fix UM's recruiting woes and keep trolls out from the State of Miami: 1) Recruit one leader in the So. Fla area who other players completely respect and has a mouthpiece on him (Highsmith, Irvin, Lewis, Sapp, Blades, McGahee, etc). 2) Recruit a leader from a power out of state school (LB Poly, Mater Dei, Jon Bosco Prep, Norcross, Dorsey, etc) who has a mouth piece who others respect. 3) Bridge the gap of in-area coaches and finally (probably thee most important way to stop this bleeding is 4) WIN GAMES, STOP MAKING AN @$& of yourself on PRIME TIME TELEVISION, and WIN BOWL GAMES....

If No. 2 and 4 are handled this year, we won't have to worry about this anymore.
Sapp and Lewis are not from "The state of Miami".
In 83 there were 3 elite recruits from Miami and we got 2, not to mention 2 from Palm Beach County and we got neither of the 2.
We never have and never get all the elite athletes from the tri county area.

True Sapp and Ray Ray were not from the tri-county areas, but they were leaders in So Fla when they got here and they had mouthpieces on them.
You said we never got ALL the elite athletes from the tri-county areas....well I think it's safe to say that NO SCHOOL gets all the surrounding elite athletes. USC doesn't get every elite kid from LA, Orange County, or the Valley Areas. LSU doesn't get every kid from Baton Rouge, NO, or Kingston. Bama doesn't get every kid from Tuscaloosa, Eufala, or Montgomery....I think you get the point. We got a great share of tri-county kids in our hey day. From Brett Perriman, the Moss Brothers, Sean Taylor, Blade brothers, Mel Bratton, Mike Irvin, Randy Shannon, Willis McGahee, Frank Gore, Brandon Harris, Phillip Buchannon, Mike Rumph, J Vilma, Andre Johnson....I mean dude, I literally can go on and on on who from the State of Miami (which extended to the Tampa Area) made up our program. Yeah we're going to lose some elite talent to other schools; that's inevitable, like the Derrick Thomas' of the world, ESPECIALLY since we were stacked at his postion when he graduated. However, we're losing our boys to schools b/c of the state of our program today. We should lose out on the Valentines and Petersons and Bowes of the world year in and year out. The Dalvin Cooks, and E Lanes, or A Cooper, S Watkins...we're losing these boys at an alarming rate bruh....and that needs to change by the 4 point formula I provided earlier.
quite the contrary. can't stand them. been to tuscaloosa several times and was very unimpressed. campus is pretty yada yada but is literally in the middle of nowhere without much to do. the bar scene isn't even anything to write home about. annoys the **** outta me when kids say they want out of sofl when you know it's about compensation.
yeah but this is bama we're talking about. they have the funds to do whatever they want. just look at their ridiculous recruiting class last year. even kids with no business committing to them with little opportunity to play did (Bo Scarbough)
I refuse to get my jimmies rustled over what someone is saying 10 months from NSD. Besides, I've heard us being a leader for some kids only to see them go elsewhere.

Sounds like you have a new favorite team

All Around Bleakness

Nothing to worry about...we've got 4,375 three stars. Who needs elite talent anyways.

Worse comes to worse...there's always Jersey.
This is standard operating procedure. Wake me up in January/February. These kids are boring.
A lot of people were in disbelief when rumors came out that UF led for Ermon Lane. He didn't end up there, but he still left S FL.
Major problem is the different standards for schools. These kids are starting to realize they can be as dumb as they want and still get into a major university. Standards need to change at the high school level. 2.0 just to play any sport is what hurts us and this country.
Colleges should have prerequisite classes for kids to play a sport at the next level. A 2.0 in remedial math, English and reading at the high school level can be done by some 6th graders.
Seriously have we not learned in recruiting that these kids will say many different things throughout the months before they sign? Its far from over and I mean far
My ***** Vern predicted this **** exactly.

yall boys dont wanna know.. I got 2 boys that teach at Monarch..That use to teach with me at Plantation Middle .Them boys gettin too much attention... Yall better hope and prey We have a great season...
man this thing is already a rap ridley don't have the grades for Miami and that's why bama is in the lead.... i wish them boy the best of luck... mario lost his cane pass for life that guy sold out to nick Satan i cant believe we let him infentrate our staff... next time golden need to watch out for them snakes.... ice harris
The person that first asked a recruit for a "leader" really should receive no better a fate than death via a grease fire.