Richt > Smart

Keep spinning it.

Richt 2-5 vs Saban

Kirby 0-2 vs Saban

But Chris Petersen beat Richt head to head one time, so...

Yes Peterson has a better winning percentage than Richt and then beat Richt easily with Boise State. What do you think would happen if Georgia played Miami right now?
Yes Peterson has a better winning percentage than Richt and then beat Richt handily with Boise State. What do you think would happen if Georgia played Miami right now?

Is this a joke?

How would Miami do against just about any Top 25 team right now?
He made it to the NC. Richt never has done that.

He made it in a 4 team playoff. They would not have been in the national title game last year under the previous system as they ended the regular season at #3. Richt also fielded a top 4 team in his second year.
I believe it, *****.

I’d much rather be a ***** than a dumb *** homer that doesn’t know football. Anyone with a lick of sense sees the Uga teams under Smart are better coached , and are far and away more physical.

Smarts battling for nattys in the toughest conference , and the only team that can hang with bama. While Mork has four game losing streaks twice in three years. That’s playing in a crap conference , an even crappier division with far more talent than opponents.

Some of you homers are pathetic.
Kirby has yet to prove he is a great HC. Pass two seasons shows he can get his teams to the big game but then he chokes. I found this quote funny on the dawgs 247 board regarding the fake punt.

"It was so bad it made Richt’s squib kick against Tech in 2015 look BRILLIANT."
Lol dumbest thread I seen yet . Kirby is winning and recruiting at a high level . Richt cant see to do either . Kiffen is the one we need
Richt ran out of time because of **** poor clock management same sh*t we're seeing here. Go re-watch the ending of that game.. UGA would of had 15 seconds at the 10 yard line had they spiked it and they ran a play short of the endzone. LMAO.
Just about every great coach has had an instance of poor clock management. Even Bowden and Meyer have done that. It still doesn't change the fact that Richt didn't choke, while Smart has choked twice.
Lol dumbest thread I seen yet . Kirby is winning and recruiting at a high level . Richt cant see to do either . Kiffen is the one we need

You want to complain about Richt not winning and then say we need Kiffen? Please tell me that was a bad attempt at trolling by you.
He made it in a 4 team playoff. They would not have been in the national title game last year under the previous system as they ended the regular season at #3. Richt also fielded a top 4 team in his second year.

I understand that, but there was a serious drop off the following year. Kirby was able to maintain the momentum and has been recruiting at an insane rate. He then went in the next year and played Saban tight in the SECCG. That is going to continue to bring in the recruits.