Richt bringing helmet stickers?

Not a fan, never have been. Helmet stickers highlight individual performance in the ultimate team sport.
It's not gonna win us a championship but I like it. It's not demoralizing for kids like the whole black jersey thing that Al did where kids might feel like they're in the dog house or be unclear on what it takes to get that jersey. Stickers are good positive reinforcement that can be done daily for all the small positive things a player does.
Not a fan, never have been. Helmet stickers highlight individual performance in the ultimate team sport.

sounds like the "don't rise to the occasion" goldenism. you can harp about team play all you want, but brilliant individual performance can (and does) win games on the college level.
If we have to do stickers, how about just one sticker per game for the offensive and defensive MVP. It looks ridiculous to see helmets chock full of stickers.
**** no, **** no, **** no.

Do whatever the **** else you want, but do not touch the best helmet in college football.
Torn between the stickers and don't touch the ******* helmet because those stickers do look nice. Also agree that if they do decide to add the stickers, they should be little ibis stickers.
No thanks. The schools I associate helmet stickers with are all schools I hate, like OSU and FSU.

Also, I don't see why anyone would want to clutter up the cleanest looking helmet in CFB.
All this

And more. Those things are for candy *** losers and cheaters. Let's no forget those stupid stickers that ESPN show with Holtz. No clutter around
the [__]
th.jpg Idk if these would look better?