Richt AM presser

After qatching that press conference UM should actually check out the mental health of Richt. He doesn't seem right with his words, thinking, and seems sluggish. Not a joke either.
Going be Stevenson, pretty sure Haselwood wasn't going to do the NLI and just enroll after the all Star game
Can someone confirm the big NYC OL wasn’t planning to announce at some all star game? Because that’s kind of what it sounded like
I wouldn't believe nothing he says. He is losing his marbles
Has the person that is supposed commit happened are we still waiting/wondering who it is??
He’s done this every year if you haven’t noticed. Every year we hear about silent commits from mork. It almost always never works in our favor.
He's the only ******* on the planet that still talks about silent commits

It's the type of **** fake insiders used to say because they had no ******* clue what was really going on
I'm convinced Mork Prick has either suffered a minor stroke or a major concussion

You can't level with this kind of stupidity
But why would the SFE coach care about a lineman from NYC? I’m lost on this

I think they thought Richt was referring to Rique and spilled the beans a bit early congratulating Cooney. Seems like Feinberg confirmed it.
He talks about all these highly ranked silents every year.Problem is they STAY silent cause they are NEVER heard from.
only richt could eff up the only true silent by ruining his moment and losing him anyways. guy needs to be put in a nursing home.
Let me guess..........'We didn't execute......'..............lolloll SMDH