Regret setting in for Francois?

never go full ******. how many kids are leaving south Florida for uf, fsu, etc and getting distracted? or your claim is they aren't working and pushing AS hard to be good football players and make it in the league as players in small towns? is this your retarded thinking?

and education? unless he stays and spends his life in Nebraska, no one will care about a Nebraska degree. play football at UM and make south Florida home and you'll probably do well. lets face it, he's more likely to make south Florida home than NU.
1. The love Nebraska showed him (they had like 6-7 different coaches calling & texting him every day seeing how his day was going. When he landed for his OV fans were in the airport asking for pics begging him to come. Random people in Lincoln knew who he was)

2. Academics (Nebraska has the largest academic support staff in the country & has produced the most Academic All-Americans, #2 isn't close)

3. Travis Fisher's coaching prowess (in 2 years at UCF he turned Mike Hughes & Shaquill Griffin into draft picks; in 2 years at Nebraska he's turned Lamar Jackson from an overrated Cali DB into an NFL draft pick next month & has turned Marquel Dismuke, Southridge kid Dicaprio Bootle & Cam Taylor into NFL prospects. Also, Nebraska allowed the fewest passing yards per game in the Big Ten this year)

4. The fan support (90,000 fans show up cheering every Saturday no matter how bad they are)

Your #1.... ill tell you if you cant see Nebraska set all that up then i dunno what to tell you. People meeting him at the airport lol yeah that wasnt preplanned at all.
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Now that's playing to his diva side. Frost has SOFLO divas down pat.
Since he didn’t even get paid to go there - Hook, line and sinker move and the dude swallowed the hook. The airport thing was a total set-up. Random people in Nebraska didn’t know who Jaiden Francois was. Lol.

He went to an inferior school, with inferior women, in an inferior location - because he got some fake airport and Coach love. And I have no doubt that the coach would’ve left had his contract not been upped to meet market demands.
How could he not... I thought it was
Crazy him and Fleming went to Nebraska to begin with. 2 kids born and raised in South Florida suddenly decide to drive 1800 miles to spend the next 5 years in the Nebraska.
Lots of kids at Virginia Tech have gotten in trouble with the law over the years.
Blacksburg, also known as Bleaksburg, makes Durham/Chapel Hill look like Paris...not buying your theory.

Agree. Generally when you're bored is when you get in the most trouble.
Ignore it if you want, but it’s a thing.

Also, our 3 stars go to the league as 5 or 6th rounders. Our 4-5 stars go undrafted or go late. Guys at those others schools go rounds 1 or 2.

How many first rounders has Miami produced in the last 8 - 10 years? A fraction. How many second rounders? Minuscule.

SEC has been paying players forever...that’s nothing new.

The difference for USC and Miami, I believe, are location (far more distractions) coupled with the proliferation of social media. For example, snaps at glam clubs with celebs, buying bottles, way more hanger on’s by virtue of location, far for nevin’s. You find that stuff far more frequent in major cities and not college towns, and social media amplify that lifestyle (i.e., kids what to show off).
Again here we go with the double standard.
How many elite blue chip players has the sec not put in the league.
Go to the last 10 years of recruiting and see a bunch of elite kids got to the front runners and never see even a practice roster. For every draft pick everyone drools over they forget about the rest of the dudes that never even got called to the combine. But all is forgiven. A 3 star that goes in the 3rd day is actually about right. But we get called out for it. Only in Miami does every player regardless of ranking have to go on the first day or mfers like you start poppin off. . Only in Miami do we pay for not getting a blue chip in the high rounds while a bunch of the front runner programs have entire teams of 4 star bench players. You want um who has been outside the top 15 in recruiting for over 10 years to put 1st rounders at the same pace as the schools in the top 5 in recruiting rankings while ignoring and bashing how good we do in putting dudes in the league compared to the other schools with our recruiting ranking. Bama and LSU can miss on multiple elite kids not going to the league but we get one 4 star and he has to be a top 10 pick or again the fake fans come out with the comparisons and act like only Miami fails at putting 4 and 5 stars in the league.
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Cut the crap.

You said Banda was "lying" about Travis Fisher leaving Nebraska.

But then you admit that "it did come out later" that Fisher had to "turn down" job offers at F$U and Ole Miss. And that he needed a raise to do so.


I'm sure that Banda didn't say "hey, Jaiden, I have seen Travis Fisher's signed contract with F$U, as well as his new apartment lease and the paperwork with the moving company." I'm sure that Banda told Jaiden what he had heard about Fisher going elsewhere. Not to mention, he's not going to get MULTIPLE job offers without putting himself on the market and at least having a phone conversation with the head coaches at those schools.

So, uh, maybe Jaiden can just admit that Banda DID NOT LIE to him, but merely told him what he had heard.

Would Jaiden have preferred it if NOBODY told him that Fisher interviewed at multiple other schools, and then when Jaiden got off the plane in Lincoln, and was standing in freezing slush, he was greeted not by Travis Fisher (who was now living in Tallahassee), but by the newly hired DB coach?

Tell Jaiden to go cry some more. Avantae chose Miami because Banda was honest with him for 3 years. Sorry that Jaiden was so butt-hurt that Banda tried to tell him his position coach was interviewing all over the southeast.
Lol wait til he leaves after this season or next
Kids in the 80s were wired differently and were tougher mentally than kids are now. And what you’re describing is just how it was in many places in America, sir and not just major cities. That’s just coke and crack era rules and behaviors you’re describing. I’m in my late 40s...I was there.

I think you’re underestimating the power social media has on kids and young adults. Addictive properties like as narcotics, but distracting with impacts to personality traits. All kinds of interesting research is starting to come out. And it’s exacerbated by playing in a major city.

You don’t think it’s interesting that Miami, USC and schools in major cities produce far less pros and aren’t as competitive during the social media era. Sure, bad coaching has a lot to do with it, but I think there is some correlation with social media and the trappings of playing in a major city too.

I just think if your goal is to play professional sports I would be smarter to avoid playing in a major city. If you’re getting great coaching and can play with great talent, the best shot at a pro career would be to go to a to a small college town with far less distractions so you can focus.
Only point I agree with is that social media is addictive and peer pressures folks to want to impress others on their platform to “look at me!”

But that’s stupid about major markets not sending players to the league...we’ve been down the past decade plus yet we’re still top 5/10 in players in the league currently

USCw was the same way sending kids until guess what Terrible coaching struck and their player development went down

TCU in a major market is sending kids regularly..

College sports in any sport solely lives and dies on coaching. Yes players matter and can over come it if you have an absolute tremendous recruiter and stockpile of talent (Coker) but you look around and every successful program has coaches that have gotten them there
Cut the crap.

You said Banda was "lying" about Travis Fisher leaving Nebraska.

But then you admit that "it did come out later" that Fisher had to "turn down" job offers at F$U and Ole Miss. And that he needed a raise to do so.


I'm sure that Banda didn't say "hey, Jaiden, I have seen Travis Fisher's signed contract with F$U, as well as his new apartment lease and the paperwork with the moving company." I'm sure that Banda told Jaiden what he had heard about Fisher going elsewhere. Not to mention, he's not going to get MULTIPLE job offers without putting himself on the market and at least having a phone conversation with the head coaches at those schools.

So, uh, maybe Jaiden can just admit that Banda DID NOT LIE to him, but merely told him what he had heard.

Would Jaiden have preferred it if NOBODY told him that Fisher interviewed at multiple other schools, and then when Jaiden got off the plane in Lincoln, and was standing in freezing slush, he was greeted not by Travis Fisher (who was now living in Tallahassee), but by the newly hired DB coach?

Tell Jaiden to go cry some more. Avantae chose Miami because Banda was honest with him for 3 years. Sorry that Jaiden was so butt-hurt that Banda tried to tell him his position coach was interviewing all over the southeast.
Lol at a little bytch who decommitted 3 times and repeatedly lied and broke his word to our coaches crying about Banda “lying” to him. Fck him.