Recruiting Budgets: UM 57th our 124

That Kansas figure is actually very misleading. They submitted a dollar amount for the total cost of Charlie Weis' recruitment of doughnuts and cheeseburgers. Their football recruitment budget was actually $48.24.
Were are the one off items like bagmen, cars, gold jewelry, crab legs, legal fees, ......
FSU spends only 150k more than we do. UF spends ~700k more, and gets worse results.

Sonm thing to keep in mind is that since we're located in the national hotbed of talent, we don't need to travel as far or as expensively to keep up with top-rated recruits.

I was going to mention this. The teams who spend big money (Tennessee, Michigan, Oklahoma, Notre Dame, etc.) are those who aren't in a state with a large natural talent base. They have to spend tons of money to recruit talent. UF is only 14th, UGA is 16th, Texas is 23rd, etc. which supports the point.