QB decision

Somebody put bs on the board saying Garcia was better and should be starting so people ran with it. Even though it had never been shown on the practice field. It was decisively TVD and never was a debate. I posted in spring Garcia was struggling. He makes bad decisions , forces balls and can get real shaky with his accuracy. As you saw today on the horrible throw on his last int. On top of that he’s careless with the ball in the pocket. He’s still young and lacking real game snaps so he can improve.

I’d definitely give JB more snaps and judge the two going forward. Give Jake competition and maybe it forces one to step it up.

If TVD is out for the remainder of the season, would you recommend burning Jacurri Brown's redshirt to split reps with Garcia?
Not Cribby, but I would.

I dont think there will be much of a choice. Lots of football left.


It is hard to imagine Garcia getting through the rest of the season without having to use Brown at some point. Well, i suppose you could always go with Matocha
A handful of posters tried to tell CIS that Garcia was never the answer because TVD doesn’t suck. You saw the proof today. It’s the system plain and simple. “He can’t be worse than…” stop it. Stop with this nonsense. TVD and Garcia have talent and likely Brown does too. But don’t call to pull Brown after he stares down his WR and gets picked off too. The QBs are being messed up right now.
TVD is hurt? I didn’t watch the game.
Napoleon Dynamite GIF by Ben L
It’s that bad? I saw the score (bleacher report notification) after waking up and was like oh well. Then I come on here and whew. I ignore most stuff on here because folks are just miserable and misery loves company but it’s almost consensus that things are just bad all around. Lol
Is it just me or does anyone else hold their breath when Garcia throws to the boundary? I never thought of him to lack arm zip but a couple of times today he looked like he was shot putting those deep curls.

Could be wrong as I haven’t seen TV tape, but it seemed 13 wacked his hand on a Duke DLs helmet his second throw or so.

Looked like it really bothered him, but couldn’t show it as he’d just checked in.

Didn’t look to have his usual velocity & follow through may have been compromised.

Happens when facing live bullets.

Whatever happened it just wasn’t good enough.

Also as expected, our playbook shrank substantially with 13 in.

Telling me for all the lip service, he wasn’t ready to be the man, and hadn’t been prepping like he could be honestly.
I think it’s pretty clear, Fake Barfcia is not the answer at QB. Limited arm talent, mediocre work ethic, and 10 cent head. Nice kid, but the stories of him being a shortcutter are valid, and he’s not the answer. Never was. Never will be. Ray Charles could see that.

Since the season is now officially floating in the bowl like last night’s 2 am Taco Bell, my suggestion if TVD really is out for the duration, is to play Jacurri. He’s exhibited to the coaches he’s mentally tough, has physical skills, and fvck it …. He couldn’t be worse than Barfcia. He’s got upside, might as well get him the action and let him play like the starter.

At this point, there’s nothing to lose.
the way this OL is playing you'll get your wish.
here's my prediction - TVD transfers, JG transfers to Ark (to go w Jesse Stone and Briles), and were left w Brown and Rashada

Yep, this is a very real scenario which is why next year will be tougher than this year. We’ll swap OCs this year and Mario will hire some lame *** “power spread” guy bc no OC with his salt will want to come here. We are doomed
I think it’s pretty clear, Fake Barfcia is not the answer at QB. Limited arm talent, mediocre work ethic, and 10 cent head. Nice kid, but the stories of him being a shortcutter are valid, and he’s not the answer. Never was. Never will be. Ray Charles could see that.

Since the season is now officially floating in the bowl like last night’s 2 am Taco Bell, my suggestion if TVD really is out for the duration, is to play Jacurri. He’s exhibited to the coaches he’s mentally tough, has physical skills, and fvck it …. He couldn’t be worse than Barfcia. He’s got upside, might as well get him the action and let him play like the starter.

At this point, there’s nothing to lose.
Billy Madison Shut Up GIF