QB Decision

TVD for three series and Garcia for 3 series. That’s how it has to be since the narrative has been “neither Garcia or TVD have separated themselves” (which is garbage IMO).
Whoever they decide to roll with, and my guess is TVD, they can't pull him at the first sign of trouble. Quickest way to ruin a young QB is to bench him after making a mistake or two. They'll be operating behind a really bad OL and probably won't be able to lean on the run game.

I'm not suggesting it's ride or die with one or the other, but we're going to take some lumps with a freshman QB one way or another. Unless the chosen starter completely ***** the bed, you roll with him and let him develop and build confidence.
I think Franklin can pick up 3/4 a pop.
Whoever they decide to roll with, and my guess is TVD, they can't pull him at the first sign of trouble. Quickest way to ruin a young QB is to bench him after making a mistake or two. They'll be operating behind a really bad OL and probably won't be able to lean on the run game.

I'm not suggesting it's ride or die with one or the other, but we're going to take some lumps with a freshman QB one way or another. Unless the chosen starter completely ***** the bed, you roll with him and let him develop and build confidence.
Never could understand why pulling a QB is devastating. But professional pitchers are pulled the time.
TVD is more polished from being in Lashlee’s system an extra year. He also has the stronger arm as of now and can make all the throws. Garcia is better at reading the defense but takes chances he could get away with in HS and against CCSU but not so much against the rest of our schedule. UVA has a terrible defense much like our own, so either should have a successful night and it’s going to have to be because their QB is legit. **** that guy is accurate and good at finding the open man under pressure.
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King until a limb falls off on the field, please. We can evaluate his status at half time if that happens - list him as questionable.
Some stats from this past weekend. Keep in mind it is a tiny sample size, and PFF is not always the best:

Adjusted depth of target (ADOT) (the higher the better... otherwise, it shows a tendency to check down):

Garcia - 9.6
TVD - 6.0

Turnover-worthy throws:

Garcia - 1
TVD - 0

Big Time Throws:

Garcia - 1
TVD - 1

(I typed these as I researched them. The most telling stat I've seen so far is this one, below:)

GARCIA (notice the down field throws):



I think picking one and going based off of a single game against completely and totally inferior competition would qualify as messing up the decision. I seem to remember due diligence being called for in hiring a coach. Can the same not apply to finding a QB of the future?
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Qb is a rhythm position. Who ever you start needs a chance to get into a rhythm and then to play until he falls out. Swapping every 2 series is going to go badly.

Manny needs to make the call. The other is the backup.
OP - Vs Michigan State, their DBs were playing 10 yards off & Lashlee had the 5 yard game all day. Did you see him adjust & take what the defense gave him? No!!!!

So what makes you think they will adjust this game? They haven’t adjusted in 2 years.
He did take the short game. King had 388 yards passing and we had more first downs than they did. We gave up 4 turnovers and only had 1:30 less of TOP. We gave the ball away and didn’t score TDs.
I think they will do similar to last week and rotate every 2 series or so.

I hope so.

The one thing I think Garcia will do better is process what's going on faster around him.

Anyone can get rid of the ball quick, but if it's covered, how fast do you process the rush coming at you while checking down on the next option?

Whoever can do that will be our QB. Garcia has faced much better competition than TVD, which gives him the advantage in my eyes.