Puke Campbell at it again

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Fat Boys?

You Sir are a Connoisseur of early 80s Hip Hop.


I did speak with them, and here is their take,

The fat boys are back
And you know they can never be whack
The fat boys are back
fat boys are back
And you know they can never be whack

Look man nobody is denying the history but your posts can, whether you like it or
Not, be seen as anti-Cuban.

Nah Bro, I'm anti- anybody that makes negative, broad generalizations about any group of people...Luke's comments were outta line.

Like I said, I wasn't thrilled with the Diaz hire, but not because He is Cuban.

I hope Diaz's hiring has the same positive impact on the Cuban community, that Shannon's hiring had on the AA community.
Nah Bro, I'm anti- anybody that makes negative, broad generalizations about any group of people...Luke's comments were outta line.

Like I said, I wasn't thrilled with the Diaz hire, but not because He is Cuban.

I hope Diaz's hiring has the same positive impact on the Cuban community, that Shannon's hiring had on the AA community.

Manny just needs to win. Then everyone will love him. That’s all that matters.
I see this thread got way off topic but Miami should hire the best coaches possible. Saban hires good in-state high school coaches to be an analyst on his staff or position coaches if they are ready. You tell me who is the best coach between whatever streets Luke was talking about.
I see this thread got way off topic but Miami should hire the best coaches possible. Saban hires good in-state high school coaches to be an analyst on his staff or position coaches if they are ready. You tell me who is the best coach between whatever streets Luke was talking about.

Luke probably wants a job like that. But no HC in his right mind would put Luke on staff.
I see this thread got way off topic but Miami should hire the best coaches possible. Saban hires good in-state high school coaches to be an analyst on his staff or position coaches if they are ready. You tell me who is the best coach between whatever streets Luke was talking about.

Georgia Mod ignores the Trump threads but now this is one is getting off topic
Dude, you must not be from MIAMI. Manny Diaz Senior was the Mayor from 2000-2008 or so. Way after any riots occurred. Stop with the reverse racist bs!

My bad, thanks for the correction, it was suarez, rhymes with diaz, that's what got me. But i remember when he tried to fly over the City in a helicopter to try and calm the crowd down with a bullhorn, and the helicopter got shot they had to dip out. But i remember somebody had a bazooka and was going to try and blow the helicopter out the air!
My bad, thanks for the correction, it was suarez, rhymes with diaz, that's what got me. But i remember when he tried to fly over the City in a helicopter to try and calm the crowd down with a bullhorn, and the helicopter got shot they had to dip out. But i remember somebody had a bazooka and was going to try and blow the helicopter out the air!

Bruh...Suarez rhymes with Diaz?

I’m dying....
Over 24,000 Cubans died at the hands of Casto’s jails or firing squads. They were fighting the Soviets also. So the statements by that clown are imbecilic at best. The fact Cubans have done well in this Country is a testament to hard work, family focus etc... by the way, the leader of Brigade 2506 was a Black Cuban who later served in the US Army. These three posting clowns are just reverse racists.

Uh Oh, "reverse racism" is a game and a lie. As one of our Great BROTHA's said, "if somebody broke into your home, and pointed a gun at your head, but you become Blessed enuff to take the gun from that person who broke into your home and you point the gun now to their head, are they gone call you now a "reverse robber". Our man Fidel Castro lived amongst the Black Cubans, he ran out alot of the Cubans who were sucking the Blood out of the country for themselves and not for the whole of Cuba. They were not going to leave peacefully, in most revolutions Blood will be shed, i cant fault a Man who wants all of the citzens to have jobs, a place to live and food to eat and made sure the population was educated to the point that and to this day, Cuba has some of the best doctors in the world. That's one the services they export to various countries.

That country is only struggling because of the sanctions by the hypocrites, who deal with China but not Cuba!
Uh Oh, "reverse racism" is a game and a lie. As one of our Great BROTHA's said, "if somebody broke into your home, and pointed a gun at your head, but you become Blessed enuff to take the gun from that person who broke into your home and you point the gun now to their head, are they gone call you now a "reverse robber". Our man Fidel Castro lived amongst the Black Cubans, he ran out alot of the Cubans who were sucking the Blood out of the country for themselves and not for the whole of Cuba. They were not going to leave peacefully, in most revolutions Blood will be shed, i cant fault a Man who wants all of the citzens to have jobs, a place to live and food to eat and made sure the population was educated to the point that and to this day, Cuba has some of the best doctors in the world. That's one the services they export to various countries.

That country is only struggling because of the sanctions by the hypocrites, who deal with China but not Cuba!
I see this thread got way off topic but Miami should hire the best coaches possible. Saban hires good in-state high school coaches to be an analyst on his staff or position coaches if they are ready. You tell me who is the best coach between whatever streets Luke was talking about.

$$$$ Nothing like having an endless supply. $$$$
We've gone from racist BS to now Cuban Politics. Either lock this thread or stop the racist and political BS.
Uh Oh, "reverse racism" is a game and a lie. As one of our Great BROTHA's said, "if somebody broke into your home, and pointed a gun at your head, but you become Blessed enuff to take the gun from that person who broke into your home and you point the gun now to their head, are they gone call you now a "reverse robber". Our man Fidel Castro lived amongst the Black Cubans, he ran out alot of the Cubans who were sucking the Blood out of the country for themselves and not for the whole of Cuba. They were not going to leave peacefully, in most revolutions Blood will be shed, i cant fault a Man who wants all of the citzens to have jobs, a place to live and food to eat and made sure the population was educated to the point that and to this day, Cuba has some of the best doctors in the world. That's one the services they export to various countries.

That country is only struggling because of the sanctions by the hypocrites, who deal with China but not Cuba!

Now you’re just trolling. An expert on geopolitics you are not. You probably vote Democrat because the one percent is creating income inequality. Yet you support the Castro regime which is the 1% of Cuba. GTFOH.

If you want to make a point make it. But don’t spew nonesense. By the way Castro never cared about blacks. He cared about lining his own pockets which is why his estimated wealth was in the billions
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