Coaching Press Conference tomorrow 12/7 @10:00am

Man I just cried my eyes out on everything this is the fresh breath of air we been missing for 15 years thank you university of Miami for doing everything to get it right I applaud you 🙌🏾🔥💯💜💜💜💜
Baby Reaction GIF
That was me man, every time he teared up. This is our last shot, I thought Diaz was our last shot, but thank GOD it wasnt. This is our last shot at Greatness again. Every new coach I had, I felt good about in a way, new start, new hope. But THIS TIME ITS DIFFERENT. The $$ commitment is the different, and YES that does make a HYOOGE difference.

I thought it was cute when he embarassingly talked in spanish, lol. man love, yes, thats me.

One last thing to **** a few off. Non-Cuban Hispanics, is the Cuban Spanish accent an abomination or what? Its like, take a spaniard and cross him with a Vietnamese peasant, and thats what it sounds like.
Also, this press conference reinforces just how bad local media is when it comes to covering the program. There was just one question on his approach to football. nobody asked what will he do differently with South Florida athletes? Should we expect similar offensive and defensive schemes to what he ran at Oregon? Nothing. Most questions were about recruiting.

With that said, he nailed the press conference in terms of setting the tone and expectations for the program.