Practise #4

He had a down year? Based on what?

*2014Miami (FL)ACCFRWR112123211.030002123211.03
*2015Miami (FL)ACCSOWR1112867.2047218.00161589.90
*2016Miami (FL)ACCJRWR111217814.820001217814.82
*2017Miami (FL)ACCSRWR135567912.390005567912.3

*2017Miami (FL)ACCFRWR799110.1000099110.10
*2018Miami (FL)ACCSOWR82124011.400002124011.40

Harley had a better year than he had last year. He just couldn't find the endzone. Their stats are actually similar

Your stats have nothing to do with my points - doesn't show anything about catches over the middle, drops, clutch catches, etc. If you don't agree, then I guess you didn't watch Harley closely enough last year. He had a subpar year last year.
Your stats have nothing to do with my points - doesn't show anything about catches over the middle, drops, clutch catches, etc. If you don't agree, then I guess you didn't watch Harley closely enough last year. He had a subpar year last year.

Harely didn't do chit his freshman year to even be considered having a down year. You're not making any sense
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Duke that's a very disappointing statement coming from you. Not only for the fact that you're such a fan of Tate's all of a sudden,who by your own assessment then would clearly have had to thrown in the towel and ran from Todd day instead of making him pay attention. But because if you were paying attention you also had to have realized the Richts didn't care about anybody's talent in comparison to their concerns of which kids would have blind faith in them. To let the fact that jarren didnt play last year be the ultimate indicator of his talent level would be very short sighted. Especially considering lil Johnny's inability to spot & develop talent. We literally had a qb room last year that period did not do quarterback drills or anything similar to it outside offal or spring & that was very limited as well

To add onto the blind faith point, I think that was somewhat evident in the interview Rosier did, I don't recall the actual quote but he mentioned something along the lines of other people would be open on a play but Richt wanted a certain progression so he had to do that. I can recall multiple screenshots of people calling out Rosier for missing wide open guys, but it seems evident that he played, despite his very well known deficiencies, because he blindly followed whats Lil Richt was having him do.
Agreed!!! That ball should've been caught. And, as you mentioned it's just March, there's a lot of time between now and August 24th.

Whether Tate is the starting QB or not, he's bringing up the level of competition at that position, which was sorely needed.

Hopefully, the 2 QB's that'll be on the bench are mature enough to realize that Anything can happen, and that they won't consider transfering and they'll ride out the process. Look at Okalhoma in 2017, you had Mayfield as the starter and Murray was his backup. Murray waited out the process and the rest is History.

Is there a video in this thread from practice #4 showing bad passes? I saw one throw that went off a receiver's hands. And that was off a three step drop with no pressure.

Seriously, some people are making this out to be a huge issue when it's not even an issue. He has no chemistry with WRs he's never thrown to before, why is this a big deal in March?

And again, WHY are we counting him (or anyone else for that matter) out of winning the job outright? No one is the favorite right now. People injecting their own personal preferences and interpreting tea leaves that aren't even there.

ANYTHING can happen. What if one of the QB's gets injured? Or suspended? Or absolutely stinks up the joint in the all of the scrimmages? Let. The. Boys. Compete. It's a new day.

If anything, Enos stretches this thing into the fall and fights to keep all 3.
Is there a video in this thread from practice #4 showing bad passes? I saw one throw that went off a receiver's hands. And that was off a three step drop with no pressure.

Seriously, some people are making this out to be a huge issue when it's not even an issue. He has no chemistry with WRs he's never thrown to before, why is this a big deal in March?
Hopefully, the 2 QB's that'll be on the bench are mature enough to realize that Anything can happen, and that they won't consider transfering and they'll ride out the process.

I hear ya', but I wouldn't label any of the QBs immature if they decided to transfer...especially since Perry & Martell only have 3 years of eligibility left, Williams has 4, and only 1 person can play the QB position most, to all of the time.
Ok so the real game sample size is bunk because its weak competition. But we're supposed to take a couple twitter videos of him sailing passes against no defense as gospel? People are already digging their heals in on this one
Games don’t count. Only reports from agenda-driven local bozos, who are still acting like whoever runs out of the locker room first is number one on the depth chart even though the coaches have stated on multiple occasions that there is no depth chart yet at QB.
Just to clarify, I'm not hating on Tate... I actually like the guy a lot. But from almost everyone who has watched him at these practices have reported that accuracy and mechanics are serious problems with him. Call me crazy but that's important to most people at the qb position. Swagger is good, I love swag but you also have to be able to pass the ball as well. Jarren has been consistent, and he put in the work during the off season refining his game. Let's not down play that. That said, I do believe Kosi will be the one to be asked to transfer before fall camp.

Please list all the QB gurus who have studied Tate and said his mechanics and accuracy are “serious problems.” Show me this important info.
i think we're good with either williams or martell as qb1, but holy **** it's amazing to see how a bunch of y'all just started jockriding a kid that got here in january.
All I see is dolts going in on Tate, and the reasonable people asking them to hold off on burning him at the stake, as he is part of the team they allegedly root for.

If asking for fair treatment and a modicum of positivity toward our players is jockriding, then fit me up for some spurs.
All I see is dolts going in on Tate, and the reasonable people asking them to hold off on burning him at the stake, as he is part of the team they allegedly root for.

If asking for fair treatment and a modicum of positivity toward our players is jockriding, then fit me up for some spurs.

i'm also in the camp that anyone trashing him right now is stupid as ****. what's bothersome is putting any quarterback above the others at this point since there's no objective measure with williams or martell because the sample size is way too small for both of them. the only known quantity is perry, and he'll have to show if richt's offense and the lack of a qb coach were the biggest factors in his struggles, or if his off-field issues affected his play (or, worst case, he's just a bust).

there's a massive middle ground between optimism and jockriding.
Wow, thanks for the reply. I actually mentioned towards the end of the year that he definitely didn't look the same as just a couple years before when he arrived. I really wonder about his health, him retiring adds to it. Either way, glad that's behind us and we finally have the coaching and talent we haven't had in a long time. In response to your reply a few posts up
@The Franchise said this numerous times (health)
Obviously he wasn't trying to sabotage the program. If he was he certainly wouldnt have left all that money on the table. Sometimes people just have to use context. Not that dramatic. You have your son as a qb coach who you say yourself has no clue what hes doing. Who goes through an entire regular season without once running any drills unique to a qb. You have an a & c coach fighting kids throughout the season. He also had every single player regardless of body type desired results or positions all running the exact same workouts. You assign coaches and assistants to the same position who cant stand each other and bring their agendas out publicly... say what you want but mark richt knew how to run a program **** well. Yet the last two years he coached and allowed things to occur that no veteran coach would allow let alone one widely considered elite. Maybe not sabotage. But if you know what he should have brought to the table,yet all of that & much more occurred under his watch. Than is there really much of a difference between sabotage & incompetence?
I was saying it all season, and I’ll say it again. Rickety had all the signs of a guy suffering from some sort of cognitive disorder. I won’t at all be surprised if we hear about him having Alzheimer’s or dementia or something like that.

It’s literally the only reason I can think of for the way he bottomed out. Some of the imbeciles on here could have run the program ether than he was running it.
All I'm gonna say is hindsight being what it is,reflecting on some prior conversations with him and seeing how he ran a program before. The only 2 intelligent assessments I can make is he either was sabotaging our program or he has alzheimer's... it is one of the two though. Seeing firsthand some of the stuff and hearing more makes me just sit back and shake my head.

Bruh I was saying this all last year. My wife is in the medical field and she sincerely thinks he displayed symptoms is early dementia. His speech, repetitive forgetfulness, cognitive memory loss. It’s very plausible.
Kennedy is starting to remind me of one of the civilians who volunteers to go to jail on A&E’s “60 Days In” and starts wrapping the towel around his neck pacing around looking at the camera about 3 hours in.

Nah, Kennedy is playing out of position, taking one for the team, since we need a second center and the coaches realize he's their best option. We recruited him for his feet, to take on 250-pound rush ends, not his muscle to handle 310-pound Silvera or 330-pound Miller. I'm sure our DEs will put him on his ***, too, in the beginning. But he's much more likely to be effective there. Can't judge him until they move him back to his natural position when Clark makes it to campus.
Urban brought Ryan Day in specifically to revamp the offense bc he was tired of JT Barret types limiting his squad. They started Haskins -- who is nothing like the typical Urban qb -- for this very reason.

Urban absolutely would've also gone after Fields and let Tate walk.
**** yeah tell me what I'm thinking. Better yet what's the numbers going to be since you read minds.