Practice #3

Perry and Rosier got obliterated by the CIS masses during the first few spring practices last year because the early reports indicated they were still inaccurate, even though it was early in the spring.

Fast forward, we are hearing identical reports about Martell, but those very same N'kosi critics are giving Martell a pass, because they have already come to the conclusion, in their own head, that Martell is the second coming of Drew Brees. Unbelievable!

I like Martell a lot, as I do the other two QB's who are battling to be the starter. I just find it strangely ironic how the accuracy reports about 2019 Martell are almost identical to 2018 Perry/Rosier but the reception of the reports are completely different!

All 3 QB's are learning this new offense at the same time, but William's and Perry, according to almost every report that we've seen, are progressing much better in the system than Martell. Yet, the Martell apologists find ways to make up excuses. There is no doubt in my mind that Martell is going to thrive at Miami, but I can't help but laugh at the irony of it all!
1.Because a lot of us are cautious enough to not judge Tate from a few passes thrown in a meaningless 7v7, 1v1, with no real coverage or pressure, best believe that these reports have no real indication on who’s the more “accurate” on the field.
2.Its been stated multiple times by people like Ivins and Roman, that Tate has the less impressive arm amongst the 3, Tate strengths rely in running RPO, running zone read, throwing on the run, breaking from the pocket and extending plays, not standing around in the pocket all day, although he’s fairly accurate when he does that as well, so in actuality he’s more Russell Wilson than Drew Brees.
3. Those concerns about Perry and Rosier last spring were legitimate because unlike Tate, they weren’t learning a new offensive playbook or concepts, and both QBs dif not have ideal mechanics, and both weren’t progressively better than the previous year under Jon Richt.
Let the best man win, stop buying into these reports, real competition starts this fall anyways.
Perry and Rosier got obliterated by the CIS masses during the first few spring practices last year because the early reports indicated they were still inaccurate, even though it was early in the spring.

Fast forward, we are hearing identical reports about Martell, but those very same N'kosi critics are giving Martell a pass, because they have already come to the conclusion, in their own head, that Martell is the second coming of Drew Brees. Unbelievable!

I like Martell a lot, as I do the other two QB's who are battling to be the starter. I just find it strangely ironic how the accuracy reports about 2019 Martell are almost identical to 2018 Perry/Rosier but the reception of the reports are completely different!

All 3 QB's are learning this new offense at the same time, but William's and Perry, according to almost every report that we've seen, are progressing much better in the system than Martell. Yet, the Martell apologists find ways to make up excuses. There is no doubt in my mind that Martell is going to thrive at Miami, but I can't help but laugh at the irony of it all!
1.Because a lot of us are cautious enough to not judge Tate from a few passes thrown in a meaningless 7v7, 1v1, with no real coverage or pressure, best believe that these reports have no real indication on who’s the more “accurate” on the field.
2.Its been stated multiple times by people like Ivins and Roman, that Tate has the less impressive arm amongst the 3, Tate strengths rely in running RPO, running zone read, throwing on the run, breaking from the pocket and extending plays, not standing around in the pocket all day, although he’s fairly accurate when he does that as well, so in actuality he’s more Russell Wilson than Drew Brees.
3. Those concerns about Perry and Rosier last spring were legitimate because unlike Tate, they weren’t learning a new offensive playbook or concepts, and both QBs dif not have ideal mechanics, and both weren’t progressively better than the previous year under Jon Richt.
Let the best man win, stop buying into these reports, real competition starts this fall anyways.
Lol. All 3 QB's are currently learning the new system at the same time! I'll stop buying into reports as soon as you stop making excuses for Martell! Deal?

I've preached the "best man win" sermon all along!
So if Perry and Williams have all of a sudden elevated to Joe Montana and Dan Marino status this off season and we're seeing it in only 3-days, well dang, it was even a better looking move for El Jefe to bring in Martell.
Lol. All 3 QB's are currently learning the new system and the same time! I'll stop buying into reports as soon as you stop making excuses for Martell! Deal?

I've preached the "best man win" sermon all along!
Keeping this as receipt if Martell balls out later, idgaf who wins the QB competition but the fact that some of you are discrediting the same guy that Meyers wanted to start after Haskins departure on his 3rd practice ever in a Canes uniform 5 months away from any real meaning reps, is funny as ****
Keeping this as receipt if Martell balls out later, idgaf who wins the QB competition but the fact that some of you are discrediting the same guy that Meyers wanted to start after Haskins departure on his 3rd practice ever in a Canes uniform 5 months away from any real meaning reps, is funny as ****
I haven't seen so many people discrediting Martell so much as not anointing him the starter and savior while dismissing Williams and Perry. I like Martell. I've excited he came to UM. I hope he's as good as the hype. But he hasn't done a single thing yet to elevate him above Williams, or even Perry. Clean slate, let them fight it out until there's one man standing.
Keeping this as receipt if Martell balls out later, idgaf who wins the QB competition but the fact that some of you are discrediting the same guy that Meyers wanted to start after Haskins departure on his 3rd practice ever in a Canes uniform 5 months away from any real meaning reps, is funny as ****
Reading is fundamental, my man! I have said in multiple post in several different threads, including my original post in this very thread, that I REALLY LIKE TATE MARTELL! In fact, I have been one of his biggest fans, simply for the fact that he is going to raise the level of play of all our QB's.

The problem is you can't get pass the fact that your golden child is not perfect, but you are quick to shine a light on the very same weaknesses of another QB on our team.
I haven't seen so many people discrediting Martell so much as not anointing him the starter and savior while dismissing Williams and Perry. I like Martell. I've excited he came to UM. I hope he's as good as the hype. But he hasn't done a single thing yet to elevate him above Williams, or even Perry. Clean slate, let them fight it out until there's one man standing.
Everyone keeps saying he hasn't done anything. Aside from high school, which was Far better, he absolutely balled for OSU playing in 3 or 4 games. IDGAF about who against, it was D1 comp as a redshirt freshman, he went 10-10 with a TD and around a hundred yards rushing with another TD in one game cold off the bench. He also balled against OSUs defense in the spring and on the scout team, dude is the goods mane.
Not counting Tate out AT ALL, but I will reiterate what I've been saying on the board to those crowning him as soon as he was he approved:

1. He has done nothing at the College level. Not really an indictment, just an an observation that any hype is based purely on what he did on a LOADED High School team.

2. He was not in contention for the Qb 2 role at OSU before Burrow transferred.

3. OSU gave zero fux that he left. As has been frequently reported, they didn't even fight his transfer. They were like "Bye, *****."

I have no horse in this race, and although I am a betting man, I would not put money on any one Qb right now. One thing I really like tho is that it seems as if neither Perry nor Jarren are going down without a fight.
Not counting Tate out AT ALL, but I will reiterate what I've been saying on the board to those crowning him as soon as he was he approved:

1. He has done nothing at the College level. Not really an indictment, just an an observation that any hype is based purely on what he did on a LOADED High School team.

2. He was not in contention for the Qb 2 role at OSU before Burrow transferred.

3. OSU gave zero fux that he left. As has been frequently reported, they didn't even fight his transfer. They were like "Bye, *."

I have no horse in this race, and although I am a betting man, I would not put money on any one Qb right now. One thing I really like tho is that it seems as if neither Perry nor Jarren are going down without a fight.
Read my reply above and Urban hand picked this kid. Day did not.
Perry and Rosier got obliterated by the CIS masses during the first few spring practices last year because the early reports indicated they were still inaccurate, even though it was early in the spring.

Fast forward, we are hearing identical reports about Martell, but those very same N'kosi critics are giving Martell a pass, because they have already come to the conclusion, in their own head, that Martell is the second coming of Drew Brees. Unbelievable!

I like Martell a lot, as I do the other two QB's who are battling to be the starter. I just find it strangely ironic how the accuracy reports about 2019 Martell are almost identical to 2018 Perry/Rosier but the reception of the reports are completely different!

All 3 QB's are learning this new offense at the same time, but William's and Perry, according to almost every report that we've seen, are progressing much better in the system than Martell. Yet, the Martell apologists find ways to make up excuses. There is no doubt in my mind that Martell is going to thrive at Miami, but I can't help but laugh at the irony of it all!
Yup. People need to throw out whatever happened under the previous staph. They all deserve a fresh start with a better system and real coaching.