Practice #3

I want whoever Enos wants . . . As impressive as Martell is, and he's very impressive, Enos said there were going to be a lot of snaps under center. That's fine until the QB starts going down. We saw that from N'kosi last year. That's when Martell can shine . . . breaking out of the pocket and gun-slinging it downfield. If Martell ends up No. 3, I would still go to sleep at night with a smile on my face . . .
If the ncaa really wanted to mess with miami.they could've granted another year of eligibility to rosier while denying tates waiver and suspending our other qbs for a few'd you sleep then.
WTF are you talking about? Lol.

Dude, you are so caught up on trying to prove your point until you have completely gone off the deep end, in which my original point is completely lost. The school for the blind could see that Kosi and Rosier are both seriously flawed. The point is, they could also see that Martell is in the same boat! Geez!

We've hijacked this thread enough. Agree to disagree? Deal?!
Martell on the same boat as Malik Rosier and RS Freshman N’kosi? Ok I’m done, I’ve heard it all
If the ncaa really wanted to mess with miami.they could've granted another year of eligibility to rosier while denying tates waiver and suspending our other qbs for a few'd you sleep then.
Matocha comes out slingin' . . . ****, Enos could make Rosier a star with a Spread Coast and a return to the RPO's he was throwing in 2017 . . . anyway, I'll sleep better than last year no matter what.
Martell on the same boat as Malik Rosier and RS Freshman N’kosi? Ok I’m done, I’ve heard it all

Reading comprehension is a lost art! It's not your fault. I blame the pesticides in food!
It's all physical at this point. Let's see who mentally grasps the offense going forward. I think Tate has enough arm talent to iron it out.

LMAO....wishful thinking. The battle is between Williams and Perry. Williams will be the starter. I hope Martell doesn't transfer again.
“The school for the blind could see that Kosi and Rosier are both seriously flawed. The point is, they could also see that Martell is in the same boat! Geez!
Apparently accountability is yours
Hold on. I will go grab my son so he can continue this convo for me because I just realized that I've been arguing with a kindergartner. I'll admit, you know how to use a lot of big words to be so young.
LMAO....wishful thinking. The battle is between Williams and Perry. Williams will be the starter. I hope Martell doesn't transfer again.
It will be either Williams or Martell. Perry sucks under pressure and is terrible running the ball. Lastly, I don't think he can make it to Fall without Fing up again...
Not a dumb question at all. Since the IPF was only recently completed, the portion of the field that was being used as a thoroughfare for moving materials, equipment, and heavy machinery was only recently cleared. The final phase of the project is the installment of a new sprinkler system, followed by the construction of a new practice field complete with prescribed athletic turf imported from my farm.

For eight years I have been the leading supplier of hybrid seed grass in Miami-Dade County, and the reason is clear: My seed is pure!

I have come to assume my dominant position in this farm community due to the high quality and timely delivery of my seed. Come to my farm, conveniently located in Kendall, just over the bridge, and you will leave smiling and satisfied in every way, if not utterly amazed at the performance. You must have my seed!

My oldest children rush about the store to fulfill my orders while I take customers to the back storeroom one by one. There I show them my burlap sacks, heavy and bulging with premium seed renowned for its fertility. Even if you've heard the stories, you'll still be astounded when I pour my seed out into your hands. My sod is guaranteed to be free of insects and rodents and is carefully tested for bacteria, fungus and spore growth. Bill Edwards of Cloverleaf Hy-Bred Seed often comes to scout out my store. He walks by silently, with his hands in his overall pockets, sucking on a stalk of wheat. I lock eyes with him, and the hair under his John Deere cap bristles, but I do not even flinch because I know I'm the best.

We're open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

We also carry heavy equipment, livestock, medicinal supplies and much, much more, so come on down and check out the store! You'll be glad you did.

@rokulika this is no hyperbole, you sir are a national treasure, may your seed shine brightly for generations to come