Post Game Recap: UVA

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We run a lot of zone beaters with deep and/or intermediate routes. We need to run more zone beaters with short to intermediate routes.

The issue is post snap coverage disguises. It isn't just that teams are sitting in zone.

Teams are giving 1 zone look presnap and rolling coverage post snap and TvD is getting lost.

Presnap processing should always be looked at in respect to spacing and alignment.

If a safety is in a cover 2 look but in position to play a 3 or 4 post snap you gotta factor that in and mitigate risk.

If Tyler see a cover 2 look. He doesn't even fathom that it could change. He's determined where to go with the ball.
They weren't high pressure moments though. They were just regular *** plays. Like 2 of them were against one of the bum teams on our schedule I'm pretty sure. That's him being in whole drive. It wasn't him just coming in for 1 play either. It was him going in and then when they actually passed to his guy he committed the penalties. That's specifically for Devante Brown. For Damari, I don't got any plausible answers. Like I said I'd Be getting them reps. But it's also been nothing but close games the past 3 weeks - in what you'd deem high pressure moments, you think the Coaches are going to want to put stickum in? No. I hope against NCSt we seriously get either/both Brown brothers a lot of reps, cause I know for a fact it isn't going to be a good situation with Jaden Davis against FSU's tall *** WRs.

I'm going mainly off recent memory.

That one against Clemson was **** near expected.

I'm not worried about FSU height. Jaden size isn't the issue. His footwork and lack of flexibility is.

The guys giving him problems are cooking him with their feet and routes not really their size.

We run a lot of zone beaters with deep and/or intermediate routes. We need to run more zone beaters with short to intermediate routes.

The issue is post snap coverage disguises. It isn't just that teams are sitting in zone.

Teams are giving 1 zone look presnap and rolling coverage post snap and TvD is getting lost.

Presnap processing should always be looked at in respect to spacing and alignment.

If a safety is in a cover 2 look but in position to play a 3 or 4 post snap you gotta factor that in and mitigate risk.

If Tyler see a cover 2 look. He doesn't even fathom that it could change. He's determined where to go with the ball.
Mf thinks he got a josh allen arm with the windows he trys to throw in
Mario better take all the alleged money we’re not over spending on HS recruits & absolutely invest every **** penny of Ruiz’s rainy day fund on a surefire Portal QB who can lead this Offense
Star Wars Doom GIF
In the 2nd half, the field was completely cut in half for him.

It was just check downs to the flats & one 5 route to Restrepo.

But it was clear TVD’s confidence was shot & he couldn't throw down the field for the rest of the game.

Idk if he’s just hurt or if there’s something mentally wrong with him, but he cannot read the field right now & it’s getting scary out there. Dude literally doesn’t see players on the opposing team.
Agreed. We took the flats. Honestly, he’s been seeing monsters before the bye week. He’s getting stuck when teams change coverage post snap.
We should all be rooting for UVA and Clemson the rest of the season btw.
UVA already beat UNC. They play GTech, Louisville, and Duke next. All teams with 2 conference losses.
Clemson plays GTech and UNC to finish the season, So if they finish strong, it could Eliminate the only 2 teams that have ACC wins against us.

If they win those games, we could actually play in ACCCG even with a FSU loss...

The snag n Go slot fade is a cover 2 killer but we've used that **** too much. Teams are now alternating and disguising cover 2 and quarters coverages and killing TvD post snap.

The post snap coverage rolls are why he keeps throwing these dumb *** pics. Dude gets what he thinks is a cover 2 look and figures the seam should be open... but didn't recognize the safety getting depth post snap and rolled into 4 or quarters. Then what do you get? Pick?

Once he gets tricked into that 1st pick he now overthinks and is mentally taken out of his game.

Dawson and Mario should have long since realized this and adjusted. Maybe switching to more bro style **** was the adjustment. I sure hope not.

The passing offense would be much more efficient if we took the **** TE off the field. He's a liability and a waste of personnel. We should be strictly 01 personnel and nothing else.

We do not need Cam McCormick for any reason. No way we can't get Ray Ray or Harrell in the field in place of him.

At the very least, our plays won't be tipped off and you absolutely have to respect every receiving option we present.
I wish football had a plus minus stat like the nba. I’m sure 84 would be a -77. They’ve prioritized blocking te but having him out there on passing downs is malpractice. Sometimes coaches ego get in the way. Mario will have to accept that getting gimmicky is apart of modern offenses.
He’s 100 percent still hurt but the decisions he’s making are that of a 18 year old freshmen. You can’t have your fourth year starting qb doing this and keep putting him out there. Like I said my only hope is he hit rock bottom today but you can’t have performances today and plan on not losing your team / fans. Today and GT was two god awful performance when you look at the talent discrepancy.
I think he's been broken mentally.
Imo next week TVD should be playing for his college career. I’d give him the first half and if it looks anything like today it’s over. It’s played its course.

I understand he has three injuries that causes an issue with mechanics and throwing the ball but the decisions today are just unacceptable. GT too. Regardless if it’s the injuries affecting his throwing , thinking about getting hit or he’s just shot out something has to change fast.

The only hope is he hit rock bottom today and he bounces back. Regardless this marriage is at a crossroad and something has to give.
Someone get TVD in an ice bath. And ICE UP SON
I wish football had a plus minus stat like the nba. I’m sure 84 would be a -77. They’ve prioritized blocking te but having him out there on passing downs is malpractice. Sometimes coaches ego get in the way. Mario will have to accept that getting gimmicky is apart of modern offenses.
Right. You could legit watch our film and basically know our entire offense based upon what he does and where he lines up. When you have a TE that lacks versatility in his game you can only use them in packages.

Using them as a core part of the offense, but Never actually using them for yards or TDs, is basically giving away your playbook and making it THAT much harder for your offense because teams have an idea of what's coming.

Dawson's got some decent wrinkles for teams keying on Cam but it's NOT enough and if it doesn't work then we wasted a good play that will now be better prepared for. I'm telling you man. That **** stifles the O
Mf thinks he got a josh allen arm with the windows he trys to throw in
I was on Xbox live with some UVA fans during the game and one of them said this exact thing. Lmao.

I wouldn't even care about the ints if he could run like Josh. I am not a big fan of running QBs at ALL. BUT DUDE has no peripheral awareness. If you're going to be a statue please understand physics, leverage, and how to move around your blocks.

Like bruh step up in the **** pocket and stop thinking the only route to escape pressure is around the **** tackle.

Dude ain't never ran up the middle for a quick 4 n slide.
I don't hate Dude Tho. I'm still a fan and root for him while he wear that U.

Coaches could do a better job of putting him in position to succeed. Im always going to say that at the end of the day
QB's can make or break the morale of an entire team. If the morale on the offense wasn't already broken, I bet it's currently on thin ice. I can almost guarantee that a large majority of this team doesn't fvck with TVD.
His body language fvckin' sucks, he has zero moxy or leadership ability and he's costing us games. That's the type of **** that will not only lose your offense but have the defense ****ed at you as well. (been apart of this dynamic plenty times)

Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure he was the only offensive player that didn't run to the endzone to celebrate after Fletcher's winning touchdown.
The kid is just going through the motions and he's checked out.

Look at the way the whole team celebrated with Emory after the Clemson game.
QB's can make or break the morale of an entire team. If the morale on the offense wasn't already broken, I bet it's currently on thin ice. I can almost guarantee that a large majority of this team doesn't fvck with TVD.
His body language fvckin' sucks, he has zero moxy or leadership ability and he's costing us games. That's the type of **** that will not only lose your offense but have the defense ****ed at you as well. (been apart of this dynamic plenty times)

Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure he was the only offensive player that didn't run to the endzone to celebrate after Fletcher's winning touchdown.
The kid is just going through the motions and he's checked out.

Look at the way the whole team celebrated with Emory after the Clemson game.
dude shows zero emotions good or bad and thats always been my personal biggest complaint with him, at least Emory shows emotions. We need more of that and the guys seemed to play for him last week. Guys like Ray Ray seem to love him. That's why James Williams is my fav player, good or bad he plays with passion. we need that man. TVD just doesn't have the mental toughness
QB's can make or break the morale of an entire team. If the morale on the offense wasn't already broken, I bet it's currently on thin ice. I can almost guarantee that a large majority of this team doesn't fvck with TVD.
His body language fvckin' sucks, he has zero moxy or leadership ability and he's costing us games. That's the type of **** that will not only lose your offense but have the defense ****ed at you as well. (been apart of this dynamic plenty times)

Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure he was the only offensive player that didn't run to the endzone to celebrate after Fletcher's winning touchdown.
The kid is just going through the motions and he's checked out.

Look at the way the whole team celebrated with Emory after the Clemson game.
Crazy how hard the team went for Emory last week (pause).
I was on Xbox live with some UVA fans during the game and one of them said this exact thing. Lmao.

I wouldn't even care about the ints if he could run like Josh. I am not a big fan of running QBs at ALL. BUT DUDE has no peripheral awareness. If you're going to be a statue please understand physics, leverage, and how to move around your blocks.

Like bruh step up in the **** pocket and stop thinking the only route to escape pressure is around the **** tackle.

Dude ain't never ran up the middle for a quick 4 n slide.
I don't hate Dude Tho. I'm still a fan and root for him while he wear that U.

Coaches could do a better job of putting him in position to succeed. Im always going to say that at the end of the day
Yep he has alot to learn, he has got to a high status just off his arm talent being paired with wide open college offenses

He has not developed the nuances of playing qb enough, and when u do so many small things wrong u get super low performances when things go bad

When things go well everything looks like a level that fools people into thinking it’s something its not. Like a bunch of people including me thought he could get in the first round in 2021 but..

Its like a double edge sword lol the same reasons he’s been good enough to be a starter here and have some elite games is the same reasons now him being benched should at least be a conversation.
If TVD continues to start, which I presume he will, I'd do as much cotton candy on offense as possible. RPOs, PA, moving bubble screens, etc.

Everything that manipulates and freezes the positioning of DBs and LBs. First drive of the second half was just that and we stopped doing it for some reason.

Outside of that, as others have stated, the dude is mentally broken. He isn't the type to loudly voice frustration, but that dropped 3rd INT, he put his hands on his helmet before the ball even arrived. There's no bigger "wtf am i doing"- moment than this. His eyes are locked on a target. His feet are all over the place. His finger is hurt. He can't trust his arm physically because its hurt and he can't trust anything else because there is zero confidence.

Defenses are now forcing us to play nickel and dime football. The deep ball is covered and the QB needs to consistenly execute checkdowns and read underneath patterns. Thats not TVDs game, never has been, never will be. Your typical Air Raid QB, who lacks some arm but makes up for it with anticipation and vision, would love this, but TVD isn't that.

You gotta start thinking about starting Emory. If any sort of "We value competition" would be true, it would ring for all positions, including the QB position. Because it's not that "Emory would do far better overall and we'd explode on offense", Emory would minimize the mistakes and turnovers that we would produce with TVD.

But thats the question, how much does Dawson trust Emory to run his offense the way an Air Raid needs to be run? Its a tough task for a Freshman QB. And don't start with Clemson...
I would be up for it, especially in a Red Zone package with Jacurri working the Mesh-Option.

But I’d be shocked if he actually takes a snap this season, I think they’re sticking with the plan of redshirting him this season & I then guess seeing what happens next year in the Spring.

One of the things I would love to see is us work with more personnel groupings particularly with the youngsters like Nathaniel, Robby & CJ JR. We need more speed on the field, but it’s obvious they plan on shirting Robby & CJ.
Yes but don't you get 4 games without it affecting your redshirt status? The staff can stick to their plan of redshirting JB all they want. Playing him vs any of the next four opponents won't change that. Plus by playing him gives him the opportunity to put what he has been working on into practice in a live setting in real games. You have to shoot the bullets you have in the chamber! It's a win win scenario but you're right. My idea is way too outside the box for this rigid staff